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Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:25 am
by tinpony
cerest wrote:Please keep it constructive and do not list any bugs. This is meant for goodies you'd like added to the game. Thank you.
This may have been mentioned/dismissed otherwise, but how about a pawnshop for the less than perfect items? Have a set price (for example, the vendor gives you 3000 dappers, no changing the price) which decreases dependent on the wear of the item (the same way that the resell price of tools goes down as they are used). I trained my first few levels in magic on a supreme q20 amp yesterday. By the end of the levels, the amp was down to 130/135 HP which automatically makes it junk. Since I get the same money either way, why not a pawnshop for those kinds of things? One for all weapons, sortable by type and one for all armour, sortable by type.
Also, I would like an option to 'ignore' certain people whose items are on vendor. Speaking specifically of the three or four people who store their mats on the vendor for 10 mill daps a piece. Since they are simply using the vendors as another form of storage, I'd like an option to put anything they have up for sale on permanent ignore.
Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:06 pm
by thexdane
ok since it wasn't in the list here's my two suggestions
the ability to choose what's on your radar, ie you can only show npc or aggro or players or a combination of any of them, helps for when running around. if this can't be done could the aggro at least be a different colour? it helps when you're in a patch of plants and can't figure out which one is the aggro
my other suggestion is one i know every player will like and has had to deal with
a sloppy window focus for chat windows. when you put a the cursor over top a chat window it will allow you to type. stops you for doing a hotkey and just standing there looking dumb and a string of 11111111111 in your chat window
Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:13 am
by josephm
tinpony wrote:Also, I would like an option to 'ignore' certain people whose items are on vendor. Speaking specifically of the three or four people who store their mats on the vendor for 10 mill daps a piece. Since they are simply using the vendors as another form of storage, I'd like an option to put anything they have up for sale on permanent ignore.
Wow I never thought of that! I promise not to abuse it though. The spam you see in shops that has my name all over it are on the chance someone might need it.
As for the pawnshop, it's a great idea. I made a new char to mess around with that used Q10-Q50 max damage swords and literally burned my way up to Q50 in an hour. All of these were missing about 3 hp and it'd be nice if someone else could mess around with them.
Some other wishes:
Varying grades of packers/mounts, 100k dapper for crappy animals is fine. Instead of 'fixing or replacing' them, ADD some that run up to 3 mil in special areas...and not just mektoubs. Capryni, Messabs, Bodocs etc. All with different hp, inventory, assisting capabilites...Pet yubos that increase regen by licking your wounds or disinfecting them with acidic urine while you rest lol.
icons on guild list that show who is online. This'll keep my friend's list a bit more manageable. Guilds are like family, they don't have to be your friends but you gotta love em.
Enchantable Ammo WITH cool effects when fired and when hitting.
More H2H weapons.
the Barman at Zora trainers to tell me what the heck a barman is
Personalized 'chat channels' that you can invite people to. It was great for organizing groups and battles in another game I won't mention...but it was absolutely fab.
Harvester ability to lay traps, disarm traps, and detect traps...sorta like prospect, but on a large trackign scale. level 50 works like standing prospect, 100 works at a walk 150-200 works at a run.
Prospection while moving stanzas.
Reduce gas by 5% stanza...unless explosion works for this, I haven't got it yet.
Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:05 am
by sk8rss
How about an equalizer for the mp3 player?
Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:15 am
by tinpony
josephm wrote:Wow I never thought of that! I promise not to abuse it though. The spam you see in shops that has my name all over it are on the chance someone might need it.
I love
that kind of stuff. I like to pick up cheap armour just to see how it looks.

What I don't like are the piles of mats we're not meant to buy. For some reason, when I was able to play the game, these annoyed me no end. I can filter them out with the price filter, but then I have to keep resetting it for armour and the like.
Actually, that's an idea. Would everyone who uses the vendors as storage please price their stuff well over 10 mill daps so I can price filter it out? That would be great, thanks.
Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:02 am
by bodywand
I'd like to see a focus heal and focus regen aura like there are for all 3 other stats. It only make sense. ;D
Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:41 am
by botello
josephm wrote:the Barman at Zora trainers to tell me what the heck a barman is.
They give you missions in patch 2, the one in Zora has you talk to an adventurer that teaches you the history of the city or something, I didn't complete the mission.
Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 3:30 pm
by Lukati
thexdane wrote:the ability to choose what's on your radar, ie you can only show npc or aggro or players or a combination of any of them, helps for when running around. if this can't be done could the aggro at least be a different colour? it helps when you're in a patch of plants and can't figure out which one is the aggro
I'm all for enhancing the usefulness of the radar. Just like with the text colors in the chat windows and whatnot, it would be nice to be able to specify different colors for different species of monsters. Maybe as general as herbivores and carnivores, or even more specific, such as Ragus, Yubos, Mektoubs, etc.
Also, it would be nice to be able to select things on the radar by clicking on them. This was a feature in Asheron's Call and I am missing it dearly.
Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:08 pm
by bcrowl
k, this post might b a little heavy.
it is only my 6th day here (but on the 3-4th day i became a 'novice advisor' on noobis, including all mats locations, uses etc) so this post is mainly to help the noobis island ppl, so they can reach ml safely and as good they can be.
the heavy stuff:
- pre: the skill/stanza structure in this game is a little diff from what i'm used to, which has some pros 'n cons..its good to have someth diff than the generic style, but it can b a little more hard to get at
* more help should b added to the welcomers, like how 'n why u must learn to edit u'r actions (i learned it late after some time that i had skills which i didnt use :-/ ), help about the 20 window boxes that cover the screen.., which r the main windows and their hotkeys ('a','p','i'), how to use the camera (these r things i helped new pl with, and i think that most of them, including me found it very confusing until lvl 10-20).
* well, the skill system: mayb u didnt planned it this way, but the way this system works is that the best char that can b made has to have all 4 prof. the reason for this is that u used diff xp/sp for every prof, unlike the sub-prof that u should specialize in, to not become a 20ql all maker (so actually there is no waste but time to have all 4 of them, and this is what many wise man told me too), u can only gain by havin em all, if only to a low level, just to gain more hp, focus, regen rates, even if u not gonna use them later. so there is no reason (when ppl create their char) to let them think they should choose only 3, and in the worse situation 1 (which in other games can b just fine). not to mention the trick i'v been told about, that fight skill can b started w/o the kit. so either change the xp/sp system or let them start even..(or at least an help screen that will explain the loss of not taking a prof, and that they can buy a kit at game at the cost of other prof sp's). * i know that many if not most ppl recreate their char at least 1 time bcoz of that, in addition, after explaining this to new pl (by others 'n me) they killed their char and started over).
* the skills: again, its nice that its not a generic type, but, the way that it showed to the pl (10-15lvl :..) is very confusing. its really hard to know what lesser skill u should get so that u'll have to get a spec skill u interested in. for example, i trained aggr rate / speed 2 so that i can get gentle 2, only then to find out that i will only get it at lvl 50...and after that to learn another bad news that i cant untrain it..:-/. i can find no good reason for showing is that way. i really much suggest that u change it to the tree style. and also let the abilty to untrain it, if its limited by timer, or triggered by xp, or any good way u can think of..(and there is actually no reason to deny that, if its done in a good way. many times i asked ppl told me its their '50th' char. so why not save us all the time, pain and trouble..
* the noobis island: im kinda positive u'v many thoughts about how to do it right..well i think it takes more..(i just arrived last day to ml, i'll tell ya, its quite a shock, and the fact that the city is crowded, and that it's surrounded by really bad dogs, doesn't really help. i got killed 3 times in 10 mins by a pack of 5 just outside town, and i just wanted to gather mats quietly, like in noobis, whats more funny is that after i made it far from yrk, things started to b alot nicer). my idea is to add a place on ml, that ppl lvl 30+ can arrive safely and start to have the feel, this place has to b suited for those lvls, with a little harder mobs, with sources around the area, so we can go 'outside' to the more dangerous areas if we like, but we wont 'have' to do it. and mayb even allow only player under certain lvl to enter town. *for a lvl35+ fighter there is not much to do on noobis, and still is very far from managing on ml. *also for crafters like me, that had a name on noobis, suddenly has nothin to do when you have lvl100 ppl all over..
to make it short:
*more help for new comers. mayb even some tips every 10lvls or so..
*change the xp/sp to a global setting to get more prof dependant players or let ppl start with all kits, and mayb only in addition allow them to add 1-2 kits more for their 'main' prof.
*change the skill screens (act. prog/trainers) to a tree style.
*soften the transition from noobis to ml.
now for some medium stuff:
*i read a post about ignorin ppl on merch/stor. well its not the right way to handle this prob. im tired of enter a shop and c so much crappy stuff like 3ql swords and jewels with no bonus. i suggest adding another 2 merch, 1 for degraded / damaged / lesser quality stuff (or just dont let ppl resale it) and another 1 for storage, like in many games. mayb even charge for amount/bulk.
*adding levels (req. levels) for weapons/armor. no sense let a 10lvl guy use a pike 92/22 that can kill kipee, when a lvl40 still using the same weapon. that way it also b more enjoying so u feel that u lvling, and the fun for having a better equipment.
*where is the background music??, its really a must, changed by area,weather,mobs attack, morning/evening, etc..(instead of having this mp3 player).
*add mumbling voices to ppl when they talk, accoding to lvl, prof, race, etc.
and last the light ones:
*changing the mouseover tip on the dodge/parry icon to 'press to dodge mode'. we had a 10min discusion on whether it shows ur mode or not. also the text mode button shows exactly the opposite..kinda confusing.
*put a permanent north arrow on the compass. so even when u running to some loc, u will still have the feel where the north is w/o open the map.
*allow to choose dots on the compass, so we can c information about that mob/person, even if its not in your 15m sight, like in forest or behind someth.
*add dots for items/buildings on compass. can b usefull in 200m when u search for someth)
*add a hotkey for adding a flag on map of the targeted item (with the target name): source, npc, mob, etc.
*as mentioned, hotkey for equip weapon and also full armor set, really needed when get attacked when foraging.
*hotkey for hiding/showing all window boxes. (if its not their still a noob)
*show hp/focus bars above head of mob/player on mouseover. not on click as it has its window already.
*mayb add sap, stam (whichever the mob has) on target windows box.
*give more information on mobs, if on the site, or in game, about dmg, prot, magic used, adv. slash/smash/pierce. it could help ppl decide which weapon to buy according the mobs they kill, or in the surroundind area.
*add collectable items on the ground, instead of just diggin them. flowers, insects, diff mats, etc.
well, that's enough for now. hope it will help.
i'm only new here so forgive me if i asked for someth that is already there.
and tnx for the wonderful game.
Re: Post Patch 1 Wishlish
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:20 pm
by animd
These are all good questions/suggestions, some of them have already been answered or are in the game already, others are very valid and of course there are some I disaggree with. I definately agree that there should be more help for new players. The community is exremely helpful though and is enough to cover the oversight for now, imo. I will do my best to put what I know here.
I do disaggree with you an restructuring the skill points and making them global. The whole idea is that you only get XP and skills in something you use not something you have never used or practice but have the symbolic money to buy. However they do have the starter kits that you can buy if you would like to start that profession. As you pointed out in your post starting with the 3 packs for magic, forage and craft is actually the most economical so its kind of moot point.
I would welcome a change that allowed you to view the skill purcahases in a tree format so you could better plan what skills you would like to purchase. Great idea. It has probably been discussed at some point and might create a display problem. If its not possible to have one at the trainers it would be nice to have one somewhere that we could view.
I don't think softening the transition for newcomers to the mainland is necessary. I know its a bit of a shock but it is managable especially if you are level 30+ in melee. There are serveral harvest spots in town and right near town that can get you started, they are not great but will do for leveling. the only thing I might change would be to move the doggies back a bit but I believe that has been tweaked a bit in patch 26 or 27.
The merchant system is fine as is in my opinion. Players have the option to resell their items if they want or don't want. Used items cannot be resold through the merchant system. This does not affect a crafters failed craft and is based on the hit points of the item. I too hate looking through a bunch of junk to find something I want but my junk may not be someone elses junk. There are limitations in place that keep items from staying for sale longer than 7 days so merchant inventories are not too big. Players can also use the filters at the bottom of the merchant screen to help them find the items they are looking for. Quite helpfull to weed out stuff you don't want.
There are requirements for use of weapons already. A level 10 melee cannot use a q 90 pike. In order to use a q 90 weapon you have to have a strength of 80 which I believe you will acquire the option to purchase at either level 75 or 80 in any melee catagoriy (correct me if I'm wrong on the level).
Agreed on the background music but they appear to be adding it in slowly with successive patches, the next one being music for each city. Hopefully one day we will all be dancing up a storm where ever we are.
Interesting thought on voice overs. It would be awesome but I just don't think it will happen. It would take too much developement time imo and I would prefer other content first.
I love the mouseover idea for the dodge/parry button. What say you Dev's? anything to make it more clear which mode you are in.
A permanent north arrow is good and I believe suggested a couple of times along with being able to select dots on the compass and having buildings, outposts, cities and other things show up there. Maybe the ability to make the compass larger on screen too.
OK I am out of time so I can't comment on the rest.
If I missunderstood you I appologize and will recind any comments.
Out of Cavern