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Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:28 pm
by akicks
philu wrote:2) Was I talking to you? :p
In a forum, yes.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:51 am
by sidusar
One thing I would also like clarified is how those fame caps will work. It says for example that a Matis Citizen can have a maximum of 0 fame with the Fyros. Let's say I currently have 80 personal fame with the Fyros. If I were to become a Matis Citizen, would my Civilisation fame with the Fyros drop to -100 preserving my personal fame (so that I have -20 global fame with them and that I can attain at maximum 0 global fame with them), or would my 80 personal fame simply vanish?

I do, in fact, have 80 or more personal fame with all four races, which took quite some missions to accomplish. This announcements about fame caps is like saying: "Okay, to promote more diversity between homin skills, you will from now on be forced to choose: you can be either 250 in magic skills and then your fight skills will be capped at 50, or you can be 250 in fight skills and then your magic skills will be capped at 50, or both will be capped at 150." Sure, it probably makes for a more balanced and interesting system in the end, but those who already have both skills above 200 are going to be feel cheated out of the work they put in attaining those levels.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:59 am
by philu
akicks wrote:In a forum, yes.
No actually I think you'll find my question was directed at Jackoba.

Not Spriteh and not you. :p

Soooo 11 pages of endless speculation and STILL no response from Nevrax? At ALL?? Bad, very bad.

What's up? Lawrence too busy looking for threads to lock pointlessly while leaving the flame threads to run days/pages too long?

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:11 am
by tridman
sidusar wrote:One thing I would also like clarified is how those fame caps will work. It says for example that a Matis Citizen can have a maximum of 0 fame with the Fyros. Let's say I currently have 80 personal fame with the Fyros. If I were to become a Matis Citizen, would my Civilisation fame with the Fyros drop to -100 preserving my personal fame (so that I have -20 global fame with them and that I can attain at maximum 0 global fame with them), or would my 80 personal fame simply vanish?

If I understand it correctly the second. The example:
At first you will be "unspecified". The moment you choose either a side or neutral the caps will become active. If you choose to be Matis citicen your Fyros Fame will instantly drop to 0 (the max cap for Fyros). From the RP point of view it makes sense since at the moment the Fyros hear you avowed (corrct word?) yourself to the Matis they'll be angry with you and that would result in distrust. The moment you then choose to become neutral again, the distrust will fade to a point where you can get a fame of 50 with them. To again get 75 or even 100 Fame with Fyros you will either have to avow yourself to Zorai (Fyros trust Zorai more than neutrals; max cap 75) or Fyros.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:05 pm
by philu
tridman wrote:If I understand it correctly the second. The example:
At first you will be "unspecified". The moment you choose either a side or neutral the caps will become active. If you choose to be Matis citicen your Fyros Fame will instantly drop to 0 (the max cap for Fyros). From the RP point of view it makes sense since at the moment the Fyros hear you avowed (corrct word?) yourself to the Matis they'll be angry with you and that would result in distrust. The moment you then choose to become neutral again, the distrust will fade to a point where you can get a fame of 50 with them. To again get 75 or even 100 Fame with Fyros you will either have to avow yourself to Zorai (Fyros trust Zorai more than neutrals; max cap 75) or Fyros.
Yep that sounds about right based on their description. As you say, it makes sense from an RP point of view. If you declare allegiance to the Matis, the Fyros would obviously mistrust you.

I would still like to know how this will be displayed from a gameplay point of view. How will one player be able to see another's nation/cult allegiance? How will a non-member be able to see a guild's nation/cult allegiance?

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:19 pm
by gwythion
What happens to the Guild Hall if a neutral guild becomes nation aligned and the guild hall is not in the capital of that nation?

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:09 pm
by philu
gwythion wrote:What happens to the Guild Hall if a neutral guild becomes nation aligned and the guild hall is not in the capital of that nation?
That's a very good question. Also raises another - it says that to be nation aligned your guild hall must be in that nation's capital. Does that mean we can have guild halls in different places other than the capitals? (Imagines a short stagger from the bar in Thesos back to the guild hall ;) )

Or should it read, you can only align your guild with the nation your guild hall is in? Which would mean your scenario can't happen. Perhaps that's what they mean. For example, if your GH is in Pyr, you can only be Fyros aligned.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:16 pm
by gwythion
I dont know how Nevrax get these letters written but maybe they should change it. I suspect that those that write them know too much about things and that makes what they write seem perfectly clear to them and anything but to everyone else. They are probably wandering arround now saying but its obvious that ... and it just isn't to those that dont have all the info.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:20 pm
by gwythion
philu wrote:Or should it read, you can only align your guild with the nation your guild hall is in? Which would mean your scenario can't happen. Perhaps that's what they mean. For example, if your GH is in Pyr, you can only be Fyros aligned.
It could quite well mean that, in which case what happens for existing guilds that were setup in one nation and now find that the mix of players that they have would lead them to be aligned with another nation. Will they be able to have their Guild Hall relocated?

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:20 pm
by calel
Something else to wonder about:

If a Zorai citizen has a max cap of 0 Tryker fame, does that mean certain rites handed out or obtained in the Lakleands won' t work or be obtainable? (requires 38 Tryker fame iirc). And vice versa ofcourse.
And what would happen to those that already have those specific rites?