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Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:11 am
by themac
humm.. triple post .. :(

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:17 am
by themac
bf649ztp wrote:I don't know what all this talk about Infinity is about, all the gankers and PK'ers seem to be wrapped up in one need and tidy name, Kings of Oblivion! That's where alll the problem people in this game seem to come from.
I wondered if i should have ignored such a post. You are describing KoO as a guild full of gankers and Pk'ers. i am not gonna deny some members acted this way before , without the agreement of the whole guild , spoiling the reputation of KoO. Maybe recruiting them wasn t the best we had to do, but i don t like to judge peeps for how they were or how they acted in the past. Everybody should have a second chance.
After all the trouble happening, main members playing atm decided this week to vote so as to make things change , to preserve the original values of KoO. I am not gonna explain what they consist in this forum, because i considere this concern our guild and not the whole players. It is our crisis; only us can solve it.
Since things have been clarified , i didn t notice any trouble coming from our
So i won t tolerate that KoO continue to be criticized in the present for things made in the past.Transposating facts belonging to the past as facts which are happening or which will happen is above all a lack of respect.

It is always easy to judge and criticize analyzing only the appearences...but are you sure you ll get the right conclusion?

If you wanna sort out things with our guild ; i invite you to use : /tell themac, don t worry i am not said to bite.

The Mac , current leader of KoO.

ps: Kye , we miss you :p

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:20 am
by lillaryn
bf649ztp wrote:I don't know what all this talk about Infinity is about, all the gankers and PK'ers seem to be wrapped up in one need and tidy name, Kings of Oblivion! That's where alll the problem people in this game seem to come from.

Hiya....this is kind of a general request.....if you are going to point fingers at certain guilds, at least have the courage to sign your in-game name to your signature or in each post. one likes that kind of lurker.


Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:21 am
by themac
post sent *3.5 times lets say :(

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:36 am
by themac
heu post sent *4... :/

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:20 am
by themac
sent *5 --->arghh me and informatic sometimes :(

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 1:54 pm
by vinnyq
Hey Brith, maybe I remembered wrong, it was a long time a go. Or maybe you don't remember. It was from waaaay before where Infinity was just trying to goad ON into a War, prbly for **** & giggles, and I think the reason at the time was that Keoni was charging too much for jewelries (since Haddo were praticuarly giveing em away for free!)

Anyhow, it doesn't matter. If you did or didn't, I dun really think you have malicious intents behind any of your current actions/policies (i.e. you're not out to ruin others fun).

What got ME mad was that one time somebody (not you) posted that he "dropped" sara and sed "lol k bye" over her corpse, and this was to prove that he doesn't smack talk.

That infuriated me.

That wasn't you though, and I think he's an ex Infinity now.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 2:50 pm
by thebax
I gots strong opinions. One be dat PvP be a bad ting, both fer de werld o' Atys, an fer de souls/spirits/ka/wotever behind our corporeal forms on same. Another be dat whilst we gots de right, e'en responsibility, to voice our opinions, we gots no right to force anybudy onna course o' action.

I be, orf an' on, tryin to level me PR diggin. It be me lowest branch, at 68, mostly cuz it be less efficient to grind craftin wit den de others, but also cuz I wanna stay as far out o' de morass o' PvP as I kin.

When I do be levelin it, I does it in Windy Gate, cuz it be de lowest Q spot I knows of an' kin git too, an' it wuld be wrong fer me to empty out higher Q spots at me current level. It also happens to be a PvP zone.

Iffin ya sees me thar, ya kin know certain tings fer fact:

1. I be nekked. No sense wearin out me focus gear fer diggin dis low a level.

2. Only tings in me bag be TP tickies, an a spare pick. Don' wants de extra bulk o' weapons/amp/armor/joolz.

3. Had I the above listed weapons/amp/armor/joolz, it'd matter lil, as me best fight be 106, an me ele be 102.

4. Me fightin stats, part frem diggin, part frem healin' be;
Magic resists=114
Unarmed damage= ~80 (I tink, ne'er use it, so unsher)

As ya kin see, I be lil threat, an' an easy target. Thar be no reason to kill me fer a "pre-emptive retaliation", but I canna stop you, iffin ya decides to do so.

Do as ya will.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:31 pm
by hans1976
There is a dirty little man sitting in the Prime roots, naked and digging. Likely all covered in dirt and dust, good chance he doesnt know the meaning of personal hygene either.

He is inviting everyone to come over to his dark grotto in "Windy Gate" to "do as ya will"....

If he is spotted in that Darkroom of his, please alert everyone in every region. I am not even going near my teleporter ticket to Windy Gate if there is the slightest chance of being on the same continent as this dirty little man.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:46 pm
by keoni
themac wrote: Everybody should have a second chance. After all the trouble happening, main members playing atm decided this week to vote so as to make things change , to preserve the original values of KoO.
Even though ON has had our share of problems with some of KoO's members, we had a friendly working relationship when the Kings were first founded. I am very happy to hear that KoO is returning to its roots, and I hope we can return to good terms. Bright blessings, m8...

oh and p.s. Mac - try to limit your diggin' to no more than 16 hours a day - otherwise, I fear your brain my turn to jelly ;)