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Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:11 am
by borg9
linze wrote:What can the GMs do? Say 'Please play nice.' and 'Don't do that again.'
The game mechanics do not lock out mobs when one team starts beating on it. So the only thing stopping a team from taking a kill away from another is - nothing. Only a sense of fair play and common decency is what keeps things civilised. But then that is the whole basis of civilisation. The only thikng that keeps most folks in line is - nothing. There is just an inherent sense of fair play in most folks. But there will always be an element of the population that will not think twice about trying to bend the rules or get something the easy way.

The other team probably feels that they were fighting the Aen first so you were the stealers. So that combined with the damage they did before the network outage means they did more than 50% damage.

Intrestingly enough, what made Ryzom so different to other games was the lack of special drops. Everyone could make anything they wanted, there was never a 'I was here first', 'Its mine' attitude (Exception maybe mob spawns, but as there are many to choose from and it is possible to share a spawn, this were only minor issues)

As the game expands in content and more 'unique' items are added. This kind of dispute and 'its mine' attitude will increase.

Its kinda ok in some ways:

Creates tension between guilds and players ---> confict ---> guild wars ---> race wars/religious wars

But to be honest its just a drop, and yes 'in character' we can get upset about it and start our fights..... As long as it doesn't get personal.

On second thoughts, why not let it get personal!


Player group A is very powerful and sits on the Aen spawn for the rest of their lives and takes every armour as soon as it pops .... whats is wrong with this ... they are the strongest.

Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:18 am
by mmatto
borg9 wrote: Player group A is very powerful and sits on the Aen spawn for the rest of their lives and takes every armour as soon as it pops .... whats is wrong with this ... they are the strongest.
There is own support section for reporting this kind of behaviour. Kind of implies that there is something wrong there...

Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:25 am
by mmatto
After reading two stories regarding same incidient (Dekkert's and Melinoe's) I was left unsure about the whole situation.

Was Dekkert in Infinity team berore crash?

If he was part of it, then Infinity was there first (before crash) and their actions after crash could be seen as revenge for Melinoe's action before crash as Infinity was thinkin those actions intentional at that point.

If he was not part of it, then Inifinitys actions seem to be just plain wrong bullying if story gives accurate description of events.

Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:31 am
by linze
I can't wait till outposts get going. It will give all these whining guilds something to do: legitimately beating the crap out of each other instead of doing battle on the boards.

Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:31 am
by borg9
mmatto wrote:There is own support section for reporting this kind of behaviour. Kind of implies that there is something wrong there...
(First off I am expressing a point of view, that may (in fact is) different from my own, the idea is to think about the whole picture.)

Camping a spawn or drop, is not abuse or harasment.

There is a fore and against on this matter.

Digging all the resin from a single spot in Dryon, never leaving the spot - is this classed as 'Camping' or harrasment or the diggings of an eager harvest?

Dragging aggro on to someone, is not abuse or harasment.

(Doing it repeatedly and deliberately (read intentionally) IS)

So the point is - if you can farm a boss mob, is it right to do it?
(whether something is right or wrong is down to moral standing, up-bringing and view point)

Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:39 am
by mmatto
Neun, check descriptions for ingame support sections when you get back from work :)

Intentional dragging agro on someone completely unrelated (like harvester) is harassment, I believe. It does not need to be repeated. Although, if it is repeated, then harvester might have fingers on screenshot keys for generating evidence :)

Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:58 am
by totnkopf
mmatto wrote: Was Dekkert in Infinity team berore crash?

If he was part of it, then Infinity was there first (before crash) and their actions after crash could be seen as revenge for Melinoe's action before crash as Infinity was thinkin those actions intentional at that point.
Yes, Dekky was part of the team before the crash.

Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 11:00 am
by borg9
mmatto wrote:Neun, check descriptions for ingame support sections when you get back from work :)

Intentional dragging agro on someone completely unrelated (like harvester) is harassment, I believe. It does not need to be repeated. Although, if it is repeated, then harvester might have fingers on screenshot keys for generating evidence :)
Intentional is the key word here.

I didn't use the word 'Intentional', I was saying:

If I run somewhere to get away from aggro and someone is in the way ..... that is not harrasment or abuse, unless it is my 'Intent' to leave that aggro on the person in question.

Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:05 pm
by trenker
Surely the devs have known from day one that pulling aggro to others is easy and that therefore it will be done intentionally. So this means that the game is designed this way. So this implies that it is 'okay' because that is what is meant to happen. This suggests that if we don't like it we are playing the wrong game.

Well, the above logic doesnt help much, but perhaps the game isn't being played at all like the devs originally thought. Perhaps we are their worst nightmare and we the players have already changed Atys to a place the original designers don't recognise. Ha haaa, an evolving world alright, but through our actions more than the devs. He hee.

Above philosophy for amusement only, no finger pointing or justifying meant.

Re: rule breaking and nothing done

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:31 pm
by borg9
trenker wrote:Surely the devs have known from day one that pulling aggro to others is easy and that therefore it will be done intentionally. So this means that the game is designed this way. So this implies that it is 'okay' because that is what is meant to happen. This suggests that if we don't like it we are playing the wrong game.

Well, the above logic doesnt help much, but perhaps the game isn't being played at all like the devs originally thought. Perhaps we are their worst nightmare and we the players have already changed Atys to a place the original designers don't recognise. Ha haaa, an evolving world alright, but through our actions more than the devs. He hee.

Above philosophy for amusement only, no finger pointing or justifying meant.
There is a interesting point buried in there......

This is the relation of design intent vs how its used:

PvP in the roots is the thing that comes to mind, it was implemented to allow 'confilict over scarce resourse' .... however the 'majority' have choosen not to fight in the roots.

It would amuse me if Outpost were implemented and the same thing occured.....

Guild gets an outpost that makes a 'special' item available. Rather than the population fighting to make it for themselves they infact, just 'buy' it from the Guild in control of the resources. (bit like we do with PR mats)

All computer systems, no matter how good, have one inherent flaw. They are rule based. Once you know how the rules work, you can use the rules to your advantage.

This is scalar .....

You get XP from killing something.
When you kill all the mobs in a 'pack' or spawn, they re-appear to prevent de-population of an area.
Some mobs have lower hit points then others
Some mobs are weaker against specific attacks than others
Some mobs have a higher XP value than others

The above are the game 'rules'

If you then combine these rules and find a mob that best fits the rules that you have the skills to counter, then you have a Power Levelers dream.

High XP+low hit point+fast spawn+weak to you main attack = very fast XP.

Downside of this type of play, very common in most games of any type is that it as boring as hell.

I use the Onyx in the Grove of Confusion to clear my DP.

They are 4 hit kills for 3k each they have an instant spawn after clear and as long as I have a healer I am safe and the XP is fast.

Was this the 'devs' design intent?