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Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:53 pm
by hans1976
Okee, that is enough flaming now I think.

Maybe if some personal honour is tarnished, allow a guide to judge this and be nice or neutral on the forums?
The EU server is renounced for the good atmosphere, I would be pleased if it stayed that way. My 2 cts...

Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:37 am
by blogie
(out of game)
I'm a bit under the impression some ppl might take this game a bit to sirius. Lighten up guys its only goig to get whorse and by the day more ugly.

Please keep all comments ingame and dont use personal attacks plz. Its a game, its not real... .

(In game)
Its not my job to question the motivations of my leader so in that vision i would sey he must have had a good reason or there is some info missing.

Its true, i have spoken to some ppl and they sey they ar left bihinde and not taken ceare of. Well i'm 100% sure that can be so in ower guild to. Divine Counsel of Pyre recruted somboddy of ower guild who whos mispleasd. Somboddy who is mispleasd is not a good element in ower organisation so therfore more a liebility then an asset. Sould we declair open war cos The Divine Counsel recruted an Ex Abbyss Eye? No we dont. I have to menny friends in the counsel to ever want that. And i'm not goig to spoil it becos somboddy left us for them.

We ask high standards of ower guildpopulation some can cope with it, some cant.


Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:58 am
by fiach
As Blogie said, the person wasn't happy. Well it makes sense really, you cannot recruit a member from another guild if they are happy there, So I agree with Blogie on this, but I'd like to make a couple of points:

1. We dont really activly recruit members, I'm not trying to sound elitist when I say that, but, we are a 98 member guild, it's likely that we are one of the most often seen by newcomers when they arrive in Fyros and we welcome everybody (for a trial period), If they are of a similar friendly disposition to us, we ask them to stay, so if somebody ask's, then we are likely to say yes.

2. Somebody was whingin' in Dyron last night about us poaching members from another guild, it is not something that we would do.....but.... If I team with a person on a few occasions, we get along great etc. I will mention that :
" If they ever become unhappy with their current guild, they will be welcome in Divine Council of Pyr"...Where's the harm in that, I think it's pretty fair to all concerned.

3. Sometimes a person in a guild might have reached a brick wall as far as progressing their game is involved, it might be due to level / equipment / activity etc. But to enhance their game, it sometimes helps to change guilds, but remember "To enhance *their* game". They buy the game, it's their choice on how to conduct themselves in it and with whom they play. A guy joined us the other night from another guild (at his request) and an ex-guildmate of his came up and started giving him a hard time over it, that is very unfair, I'm sure the guy gave a lot of thought before switching, and he is *entitled* to make that choice unhindered.

Anyway that's my 2 cents worth :)


Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:30 am
by blogie
fiach wrote:
2. Somebody was whingin' in Dyron last night about us poaching members from another guild, it is not something that we would do.....but.... If I team with a person on a few occasions, we get along great etc. I will mention that :
" If they ever become unhappy with their current guild, they will be welcome in Divine Council of Pyr"...Where's the harm in that?

Aperently some guilds dont like it and want to be hostile over it. I for one only recrute new homins or homins who have alreddy quit a guild. But thats just me.

As long as officers and leaders keep good contacts out game the community wont suffer from PvsP/rivality and FvsF. Officers and leaders can make it a competition and keep it free from grief and discontent... . So i call on all of you leaders and Officers to keep this game free of smaktalk and grief

Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:35 pm
by rushin
Alright I guess it's time for a response.

Players are going to move from guild to guild. It’s inevitable, not everyone is gonna be happy with the first guild they sign up with. It is much healthier to have a guild where all the peeps are enjoying themselves than to have members who aren’t happy, as it brings the morale of everyone down. The Shadows have no problem whatsoever with members leaving to join another guild, we would wish them well and hope they find what they are looking for. Deciding to leave a guild can be a hard decision, and it’s not fair on players doing this to receive abuse from their old guild mates (as has happened to friends of ours in the past (and no, not from AE)). I am talking about personal abuse and not RP comments which, as this is a MMORPG, *are* acceptable.

There are comments above about people taking SoR too seriously. I beg to differ; every person who plays this game has their own motivations and style of play. Some stay in character and really attempt to RP, others run around playing it like an FPS. The same goes for guilds - some are well organised, with rigid structures and specific aims and goals, others are just a bunch of friends who get together to power-level on the kipees. This is the whole point. We play in a world where we can be all of these things, the conflict it causes is part of the game (!), but everybody has a right to play as they want to.

The original post was made following a meeting of our guild, and the details worked out by the council that run it. It was posted here 'in character' i.e. if I and the others on the council actually lived in Ayts and ran the Shadows this is the response we would have made to the situation. Let those around us know we have a problem. It is not a flame on Xipe the person; it’s a flame on Xipe the player. There is a distinction! And to be honest the poaching members’ thing was just the final straw that forced us into action - it would have happened anyway.

I would consider this guilds board to be in-game, until we reach a point where we can hammer notices to buildings in Zorai at least :) If any want to discuss then feel free to contact me in-game, I won't be replying here again.

Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:38 am
by evilek
I have see this topic only now...


...let me think how many is strange the human mind... in this topic a person is against me and ingame ask me q160 light with focus boost LOL...
you're in ignore from now man, and i'm damn to have rezzed u in these days
(the interested player can understand, all others... SORRY 4 these 4 lines of text nonsense)

mh? when? where? and what I did?
plz make a tell me ingame. (if u wanna reply me)

Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:42 am
by ilthor

mh? when? where? and what I did?


At the day this discussion begun here on the forums i was kinda upset by one too many "Where is Snowhite?" joke from you Xipe. Personally, maybe it was because not of the joke, but because of the environment surrounding the joke. I (as I'm not involved at all in this mess), was just cruising with a now SoD and BAM, another funny remark. At that time I was kinda sensitive i might admit, for personal reasons but also because of (not so nice) interaction with some players.... So sorry if i snapped Xipe, but that week was not one i remember with good memories on SoR.

Btw, hope u people get it figured out... in tryker there are no problems of such between existing guilds (even if they are from different factions), but thats mainly because of Snowhite's hard ruling over the land :S


Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:29 am
by bullough
I had no idea of these alegations, I may consider my current standing with Abyss Eye.....

Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:57 am
by blogie
Well these forums is the perfect place to down somboddy. Its also the perfect place to "hear say".

Make up yor own minde for yorselfs in stead of relaying on "hear say" and beleve evryting what Forum and /tell tels you.

On Fyros there arnt enny problems i knowe of so it must be zorai related.

Ps: Nice exampel at the Abyss Eye chop. Person one flammes after a /tell. 4 pages of flaming and 1 almost/sort of appolegy. Nice exampel of what /tell and misinformation can do.

Re: A Less Fortunate Announcement

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:00 pm
by borguk
Sorry I thought for a second I was in the NA forums......