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Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 5:58 pm
by tetra
rakavich wrote:but the GM did tell me that Shields did not protect Legs and feet hits..
psst a simple test confirms this as incorrect...

psst... simply looking up a the log also confirms it as incorrect.

Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:39 pm
by foreverb
This isnt a real, its a game, and if you'll notice a large shield is the equivelent malus of a pike. Thats right, shield/lance is the same malus wise as 2handed pike/lance which you cant wield. I'm going to try and figure out the effects of the malus on stanza credit costs.

Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:40 am
by josephm
I'm not bashing you Zluggo, I just got a really funny picture in my head of what Live-Action RPG was. You didn't say D&D but it popped in my head

Zluggo stands ready with his sword and shield facing a large minotaur in a wheel chair.
A beautiful maiden dressed in a striped shirt and Capris stands a bit to the side yet between them. She rolls the dice..."Ok Mintaurus Rex, You swing at our hero but you get your hit blocked." Zluggo readies his shield and Mintaurus Rex swings at Zluggos shield as hard as he can sending him staggering.

Oh god it played out so wonderfully in my head!

Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:57 am
by zluggo
josephm wrote:I'm not bashing you Zluggo, I just got a really funny picture in my head of what Live-Action RPG was. You didn't say D&D but it popped in my head

Not too far off - except for the Referee chick rolling die (and the wheelchair would be impractical out in the boonies - not impossible, though). Battles are played out in real time (whack, whack, whack, urrrgh) and the combatants need to be honest about stuff. That idjit guy wielding two swords (the foam variety, mind) doing a "drum roll" with them on my face, shrieking "I killt ya, I killt ya!" only got flipped the bird - he didn't even try to make it look like he was wielding *actual* swords, so sod him.

The Referees are hovering in the background to check that everything is running smoothly - and when that sod with the drum rolls go whine about me not lying down, they tell him that he's dead and can go have tea now.

It's great fun - and totally exhausting. A ten minute battle wearing 20 pounds of chain mail and lugging that 10 pound barn door shield in the summer heat (English summer, but still)... You're soaked in sweat, sore all over. But happy!


Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:33 am
by rakavich
tetra wrote:psst a simple test confirms this as incorrect...

psst... simply looking up a the log also confirms it as incorrect.
I know ;)
But that does not mean that the GM was wrong just that shield might be broken in a good way ;)

Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:59 pm
by kostika
A shield shouldn't protect you 100% of the time. Its a shield, it helps you parry. Unless you're fighting something way below your lvl, you're not going to be perfect in a fight. You don't expect to hit every single time in a fight do you? Well same goes for shield use. You won't block every single shot your foe makes. Otherwise, what's the point?

Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:21 pm
by dazman76
In terms of which abody areas a shield should protect, I guess that would realistically depend on the shield.

The teeny little buckler shields would be useful for protecting the waist upwards - any fighter who stoops low enough to protect their legs with a buckler deserves to be dead or seriously wounded/stunned by the next hit :)

However, the shield I've seen Fist using in screenshots would easily protect both upper and lower body (realistcally speaking) without much worry of a follow-up critical hit.

Of course, no shield should really protect from the 'toe stamp of doom' followed by the 'comedy smack round the head' :D

Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:15 am
by jtgrizom
There is a link from the vn vault to
It's supposed to be a discussion about shields but I can't access it. Any ideas about why?

Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:15 am
by foreverb
my problem is it says it gives a protection of 21%... it doesnt mention that its only sometimes that it protects. Personaly when a shield works you should BLOCK the attack and not take damage. this 21% stuff should work every hit since the BLOCK doesnt actualy work. But my question is "Is the extra parry and sometimes protection worth all the extra malus?

Re: Anyone else think shields are broken?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:19 am
by roninpvp
jtgrizom wrote:There is a link from the vn vault to
It's supposed to be a discussion about shields but I can't access it. Any ideas about why?
That link is in the ATS (Advance Test Server) forums. I'm not sure but maybe you need access to ATS to have access to its forums. I have access to ATS so the link opens up fine for me.