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Re: bomb, bounce, or spray n' pray?

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:22 am
by blogie
Bomb is usfull in heals IF you use it on the tanks. Generaly they ar 2/3 and then the fun bigins :)

With dobbel missile and bomb you heal a lod. Its logical you dont heal as mutsh as a singel target dobbel missile heal. But i think heals ar 1/2 of the original heal power (if you heal 1.2k with dobbel missile on one target. you heal 600 on 2 targets and it gets more if you take bomb 2 and 3 ext...)

Positive thing is unlike spray you ar't dependent on a 2end person person to guide yor heals. But i guess its dependent on yor play stile.

Re: bomb, bounce, or spray n' pray?

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:25 pm
by josephm
I'm confused. I never used spray because I thought that it had an incredibly small range. Are you saying that I can cast a spray out at someone 20 meters and the spray goes 20 meters past them? (like throwing a bucket of paint?)

If so, I should get this regardless of damage factors!

Re: bomb, bounce, or spray n' pray?

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:18 am
by blogie
well i hear from hearsay that you cast it on a target in front of you and that target serves at the starting point of yor heal.

So sprai 1 heals the target + 1 target in front of yor 1st point of inpact. Spray 2, 1 more person in range of yor target (front)

Well i like bomb more. Becos i consentrate as a support healer. I heal bothe (or 3d) tanks and i can spawn them with bomb stamina. No nead to be dependent of a middel person. More freedom of use. I will take bomb evrytime i can becos it increases power as you take higer versions.

Offencive its not usefull becos i cant handel the aggro. I see its use on players thow hitting 4 targets with fire and giving them 1k dmg makes a groop of healers verry mad :) . 3x bomb and dead players :)

Re: bomb, bounce, or spray n' pray?

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:36 pm
by josephm
So spray just continues to divide the damage equally? that's terrible!

Re: bomb, bounce, or spray n' pray?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:06 am
by tooms
(sorry i understand english verry well but i can't writecorrectly)

Just a thing spell's effect is actually bugged...
glove power don't be effective with bom, spray or ricochet...

just on test... do a spell with the glove and without... you have a equal result...

Re: bomb, bounce, or spray n' pray?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:20 pm
by baldio
IMO that is no bug - it is a feature (yes intended to work this way)

It is in fact written somewhere, that Bomb/Spray/Ricochet do not take advantage of enhancing items (like gloves). (Just do not remember, in which posting I read that)

Re: bomb, bounce, or spray n' pray?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:59 am
by tooms
baldio wrote:IMO that is no bug - it is a feature (yes intended to work this way)

It is in fact written somewhere, that Bomb/Spray/Ricochet do not take advantage of enhancing items (like gloves). (Just do not remember, in which posting I read that)
sorry but there's not write anywhere in the game (spell's description) that area effect not take the advantage of the glove (speed is increase but power not :( )

when I see the bug IG i tell a GM who say me that know problem...