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Re: Environmental Issues concerning PvP and PvE in Atys

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:30 pm
by botello
josephm wrote:Divinity, Technology, and PAGANS!!!:
just something I thought I'd like to touch lightly upon. Religion, takes a roll with the Karavan and their Jena. They also have technology. Kami are pure nature spirits. I see in my head, Monotheistic religious authority vs Pagan's who largely worshipped earth spirits. I think the content will have more to do with propaganda and getting us to do things for the kami or the karavan and kind of create a story line as we go...Nevrax gave us the beginning and the end. Our politics, skills and abilities are what get us through the middle. I don't think that they're sure who's going to win either :) problably different on each server.
Actually, the Zorai do worship Jena, this is from the civilisation section on the ryzom web site under Zorai:

The Karavan :
The Zoraïs see the Karavan as disciples of the initial teachings of Jena which did not account for the presence of the goo, hence the unreasonable Karavan interdictions regarding certain areas of the planet where the goo is thought to take its source.

The Kamis :
The Zoraïs believe that, created after the Karavan by Jena, the Kamis are the living embodiment of pure energy on Atys and must at all costs be protected. They believe themselves to be the chosen children of the Kamis because among the homins it is they who have most retained the pure energy. The Zoraïs may return to a state of 'purity' through Kamis worship and by endeavoring to keep as much pure energy as possible from leaking from their bodies as well as Atys.

Re: Environmental Issues concerning PvP and PvE in Atys

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:08 pm
by guyzi
What if guilds could go to war?
Like if you joined a guild that was "at war " with another guild but wasnt restricted just to the roots. I think that would be cool

Re: Environmental Issues concerning PvP and PvE in Atys

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:13 pm
by josephm
Lyrah Open PvP has only been suggested for one of the most advanced stages in the game. Free for all PvP does not mean that there can be no rewards or penalties enstated. I firmly believe in this as well. For example, in a free for all arena, a Karavan may kill a fellow Karavan, but at the cost of 1-2 full points of fame.

Killing lower level Karavan allies of much lower level could mean as much as loosing 10-15 fame.

Again, all of this aside, I am merely pointing out what I think Ryzom's environment is best suited for. That is player vs player and player with player. Alliances, etc can take a whole new twist we've only read about in books.

Botello, I understand completely. I was just pointing out what I thought on the matter. Angels came before demons. I see the Karavan quite possibly somewhere between the lines of Gods angel's and the inquisition. The Kami I see as a mix between nature totems and Kuan-yen, the buddha goddess...remember I said a mix. Kuan-yen is ever loving and compassionate. The Kami still love the Tryker and Matis, even though they embrace the enemy. As much as they love everyone, if you mess with nature, the Kami will mess with you, bringing about the nature totem aspect.

More philosphically, most poly- or mono-theistic mythology contain demons who would drain the soul of the living. An ever hungering need for the warmth of living souls. The Kami fall in the category of these demons with their ever hungering need for love. I think a large part of the animosity towards the Kami stems from a similiar belief that the Kami are demons. There hasn't been total war because the Kami have never openenly hurt anyone without sufficient reason.

We have to keep in mind that we only have homin belief to work with. If both were created by Jena, then why are they scheming against each other? Is there even a Jena? If the Karavan are Jena's diciples, and brought us the teachings, do we know the Karavan aren't merely feeding off mortal fear and gullibility? Nevrax never said so. They gave us a big puzzle.

Despite the arguements of what is going on with the Kami and Karavan, one this is clear. We are the focus. The Kami and Karavan can not hurt each other, unlike normal mythology. This seems to put the power in our hands. The question is whether or not we want the story fed to us in a massive PvE storyline that I believe Nevrax does not, nor ever has had the resources for. Or let us heavily influence the story ourselves with our player versus player interaction (NOT JUST FREE FOR ALL for crying out loud!) which is a wonderful, unpredictable, and totally original way of writing a story.

As for the PvE'rs, all I can say is I'm sorry. I don't think that Nevrax could make as stimulating a game as you want for strict PvE. Not with this environment. And I stress again, I'm only anilizing the environement here.

Unfortunately people still seem to be stuck on what they 'want' not what Nevrax already has 'planned'. If all the pvpers from other gamescame over we might have nothing but PvP Fanboi's and Nevrax would have so much money they could hire people to make the world so big we wouldn't have to look at each other. Or they could have different servers. Or the could give the big flip-off to the PvErs and make some Pure PvP game (which I doubt ANYONE wants). I'm really sorry but this isn't happening.

Please don't complain about someone else's idea. I read the old interviews before the game was released. I really admire the balz that these guys have, and they've done such wonderful and original things. I may not have Faith in Jena but I have faith that Nevrax wants to stay in business.

Remember, they released the source code and want to build a library of what people can do with it. I'll have to find that link if it's still up. That right there tells you the mentality of these people. I don't think they want 500k people. Not till they are confident that THEY can PROVIDE for them! I'm sure they want to line their pockets with gold, they want to do it on their terms....or I'm just crazy, but I like pie, fast cars, and fast cars made out of pie.

About Griefers: I really doubt the community has to many people that want to be barred from participating in events. The Raid engine controlled by someone with specific agendas and moving strategy is only going to happen in those. I'm not saying this should nessicarily be a punishment. I'm saying that events may start taking place more frequently and specifically for stages once PvP AND PvE goals have been established. Only for the select people who have done so, and you won't get that by camping out at PR spawns.

Re: Environmental Issues concerning PvP and PvE in Atys

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:06 am
by lyrah68
Even with consequences, griefers will just have their GOOD guy main and their griefer alt.

And YES, I have seen at least two people in game and on the forums that WOULD grief...for some sadistic reason.

Funny thing is that one of these griefers was so busy trying to bother me that he died to my gas cloud/explosion combo. *snicker*

pvp ideas (Merged Thread)

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:18 pm
by guyzi
My pvp ideas are this:

1) Guilds can declair "war" with eachother. This war status would extend anywhere. City guards could "frown upon" fighting in the cities and react by killing both fighting players, or you could make things realy complex by having the guards kill the person with less guild fame in the city you are fighting in (these of course asume you are gonna fight in a city; fighting could be done by any player at any time in any place) Guild halls could be guarded by moderat lvl guards and raided with precise timing and avoidance of city guards and other players. This of course applys only to guilds who declair war on eachother. the beauty of this system is this: If you dont want to be involved just quit the guild you are in and if your guild dont want to be involved dont go to war with another guild

2) Make a place you can go or a person you can talk to to become a pvp player so in essence you have to go to a certan place (say a village) and join the pvp asociation, member ship would have a one time fee to join and another fee to cancel (you would be able to join or cancel any time as long as you had the money) once you have paid then you are allowed to kill other players that have joined any where in the game once again you could have guards agro players fighting in a city. You could throw some twists in to this to allow some looting and a pker fame system giving you a villan or a hero status

IMO these are good ways to incorporate pvp in game because i know alot of people dont want to be involved. The beauty of this system is that if you are in a guild that is at war with another guild and you dont want to be involved you can quit. this also gives guilds more life and more reasons for membership / quiting and more stuff for a guild to do.
Aso fame could determine weather you are at war because any guld that is at 100 kami fame would surely be at war with someone that was at -50 or they might to to war with someone that is +100 karavan fame

Imagine member of guld x is in pyr minding his own busness when he sees 10 members of guild y (who he is at war with) in town. Now guild y knows that they cant take guild member x inside the city without being wiped by the guards so they wait for him to leave. what guild y doesnt know is guld member x is calling his guldmates and prepairing for an ambush.

Imagine guild x marching to destroy guld y because they had words over stratagies on how to defeat the kitin or who was better kami or karavan

Imagine guld x and y are at war and a kitin invasion hapens........Beautiful chaos.....

feal free to add flame or detract from anything said above and devs feel free to contact me for any further

Re: pvp ideas

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:36 pm
by memiki
I personally don't like the idea of pvp being in the cities or villages. But that is my opinion. You could growl at each other there, but I would find it very hard to have fun if I have to be on guard in the cities.

I am sure your idea would have merit for some, but for me to much stress. I am not much in favor of pvp but because some are I would be willing to put up with it but I just like some pvp zones in certain areas. But leave cities alone for me to relax in.

Re: pvp ideas

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:30 pm
by guyzi
if you fight in the cities guards will kill you

Re: pvp ideas

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:47 pm
by thewarcc
How about this:
Guild can declare War to each other, so that they can fight each other OUTSIDE the cities. So there is going to be a continues war between guilds..

Re: Environmental Issues concerning PvP and PvE in Atys

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:15 pm
by josephm
What does that, or anything about griefing have to do with Atys' Environment? You could always make a thread on Rules concerning PvP. This isn't it.

Re: pvp ideas

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:33 pm
by josephm
I think rule 2 sucks. Guilds should just be able to war with eachother with the click of a button. a FEE to PvP? OMG I hate that idea. You want to PvP? Fine, You don't? Fine. Good effort though. I appreciate ideas even if I don't like them.

IMO even if you don't want pvp you should be the same danger as everyone else in certain elite areas. Some people think it sucks because they just want a free ride. Oh well.

As for new ideas,
Harvesters can set normal mines and node mines for harvester wars! Also makes it nice to build a perimeter around your outpost when you are at guild war.