Re: Long time player, love the game
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 6:57 am
This is simply not true; especially with tonight's event, you cannot say this. Over the past two days, different tribes had been amassing in Tryker and Zorai lands, and this came to a head tonight. Many, many players came from Matis to Tryker to be a part of this; I don't know what happened in Zorai lands, but there was either 1) greater participation, or 2) better organization, because the Kami supporters (most of whom come from Zorai and Fyros) are the ones who cleansed Atys of the goo that was driving the tribes to invade.Unregistered wrote:But SoR [BOLD]IS[/BOLD] a static world. nothing changes, no content added, same land mass, no explorable regions. You are geographically limited due to aggro animals... ooooooh.
What happened tonight and yesterday is content. Kidnappings, invasions, assassination attempts have all happened and are all content. Static world? No. Invasions and assasinations are not static; they are dynamic. A Karavan ship showing up over Widermeer in the Lakelands and deploying a recruiter is not a static thing. Seasons changing are not static. No other MMO that I know of has that feature, and, personally, it was one I expected when I first stepped into AC2's Dereth. When it wasn't there, I was like, "What? It's summer here all the time? This is stupid."
As far as being geographically limited b/c of aggro: it sounds like you are a casualty of patch one. Things have changed and exploirng is possible once again. In Lakelands, today I went and explored Dew Drops, which is crawling with aggro Ragus. To get to tonight's event, I (lvl 49 melee at that time) and a lvl 30 mage fresh from Newbie Island threaded our way through Cloppers and Goari in Darkmoor to the portal that leads to Bounty Beach. We traveled, and we are by no means "Uber."
No explorable regions? Have you looked at the map? I zoomed out and took a look at the world map this morning. Huge. If you ran through it without stopping, I would imagine it would take five or six hours to make a circuit. Again, the region-spanning pilgrimage to get to Fyros was an all-day event. That's the surface areas; below that are the Prime Roots. There's an isolated area called Nexus that is reachable only by traveling through the roots.
Same land mass? Again, untrue. The concept of Atys is that it is a living planet that grows, like a tree. There are many places where you can see it branching out overhead. I believe that these branches will either a) become new lands to explore or b) eventually form a bridge from Atys to one of the two other planets seen in the night sky. Atys is only the first chapter/planet in SoR. Future expansion packs will have new worlds to explore, and new races as well, from what I understand.
So, I disagree with you.