usinuk wrote:But in this case, it would have been more than justified given the situation, and we're not talking about items or even 500 supreme ql 250 mats here; I just wanted to make some q100 jewelry for the vendor without having to run the gauntlet to a harvest spot or wasting money buying mats. I merely point this out as an example of a simple step that could have been taken to have me not post something to the board, and something that would have actually gone towards improving my view of the game rather than further degrading it. (Incidentally, I never received a 'sent to the devs' on the original bug either - its gone into the mist.) And by the way, we were promised 24/7 customer support. That doesn't to me mean waiting for someone with the power to do something to log on; they're supposed to be available at all times, not just at their convienence while you get your hand held by a well-meaning, nice, sweet, but ultimately powerless Guide.
When has any 24/7 customer support offered complete and total immediate support? None, if you have a hardware issue with a computer you bought online, you have to wait for them to send you a replacement. Anything mail order breaks, needs sent back, or taken back to the store. Don't even get me started on outsourced CS overseas. Nothing like customer service reps you can't understand, and they cant understand you.
It's on general principle they DON'T give guides the ability to make stuff. Because if they can make items for one person, they can make it for anyone.
usinuk wrote:But the fact it took a _player_ to come up with a bug tracker board rather than CSRs tells you something is wrong with support, and the fact the devs have never condescended to tell us, well, anything of note tells you something is also very, very wrong with communication. (Heck, if there's a language barrier have the CSRs translate a dev chat.)
Programs are released with bugs. Every program on the market has bugs in it. Even years after release, they will still have bugs in it. Whether it's made by big companies, or small. Nor do they go and post out every single bug that is found, whats being worked on, etc, etc, etc. The player doing it is doing it probably because he a)wants to help out b)enjoys setting things up like this, c) has tons of free time to maintain it d)wants to help keep his fellow players up to date.
usinuk wrote:When players go above and beyond the call of duty to report stuff and its dealt with by going up into the mists never to be seen - and by the way, there should be a system for rewarding people for catching stuff, since we're paying for this game and not beta testing it - I end up having a lot more sympathy for the people who complain than I do for fanbois who want to drown out everyone else with their cheers. And finally, given we've waited so long for content, I'd rather wait a little longer and have the stupid things that would have been fixed had they rolled out the game later/listened to feedback on patch 1 than cringe when content comes out in what I suspect will be much the same bugged way as everything else. And then the cycle will begin again, we'll complain, it will disappear into the mists, and only hysteric posts and cancellations will ever get anything done. Not good.
Congratulations! You've filed your XXXth bug report! Something that may have been filed before!
Let the CSR's do their job instead of worrying about congratulating every person who files a bug-report. Should I also mention that many other companies have bug-report filing procedures too?
Things are getting fixed, but some things have priority over others. I'm sure they are greatly appreciative of your bug reports, but may not have the time to answer every report.