Constructive criticizm of the common - a "noob" perspective

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Re: Constructive criticizm of the common - a "noob" perspective

Post by thexdane »

trosky wrote:Yeah the secret to soloing after patch 1, is just to forget about getting 2000 exp per kill. Find a mob that gives you between 400 and 1500 exp and kill kill kill.

crappy thing is the only mobs i can get xp worth anything can kill me pretty fast, tho i haven't tried soloing hard kipees post patch

but if the sprightly capryni give anything close to the same hard kipee, then i can't solo. tho gibbai give me 2k or so xp solo but having a healer along is always a good thing when doing gibbai
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Re: Constructive criticizm of the common - a "noob" perspective

Post by feshy »

lyrah68 wrote: In short, I think the game needs work, but I honestly feel that the GM/devs can and WILL address these issues promptly.
I definately agree. At least from what I've seen so far, post-release support of this game has been one of the best I've seen. It is clear that, unlike many other games I've played, that the devs realized game development does NOT stop at release -- and planned accordingly. I don't have much doubt that most issues we find will be fixed -- it's one big reason why I keep playing. That's why I try to write out constructive criticism -- good dialog here will help the devs with their job. At least, as I said, that's my hope. And keeping the dialog here friendly and constructive should also help -- no doubt with post-release crunch time still lingering in their minds, no dev would want to spend even MORE time and effort supporting a group that seems only to bad-mouth every change, yet clamor for more changes. Suggestions for tweaks from people who ARE enjoying playing the game, I feel, are much better for both parties.

The response to this post, so far, has definately been in that "good" catagory, IMHO.
mrozzy wrote: About the community: I can see that the american community tends to be a bit more negative about the game. When reading the german, english and frensh forums I do see a very different (more positive) atmosphere. Maybe its due cultural differences or different marketing stratigies in the us, I dunno. My point is, its not all flaming what goes around, and once logged on into the servers you should have noticed that almost all the players are very helpful and friendly.
I can't speak for the French or German forums, but you are absolutely right about the people in-game. In game people are friendly, helpful, and supportive. And, often, quite amusing. :) Overall a very positive experience.
thexdane wrote: i agree with most stuff except the soloing part, soloing is possible it's just you have to be careful about where you're going. basically just stick with mobs that are around your level and you should be fine. the stars are there for a reason
I'll have to dis-agree with you here, at least in part. Fighting things you can beat goes without saying, of course. But generally, after a few kills (sometimes as few as one), one of my usual "can beat but get hurt" mobs gets lucky, and I get pretty badly hurt. As soon as I'm hurt, chances are good I'll die before I can get anywhere safe to rest -- Gingos respawn sometimes within secconds of you killing them. That's not to say solo play is impossible -- simply that it is probably more difficult than it should be. It's been suggested that I not loot the corpses to keep them from spawning. But if you can't loot the corpses, why kill them in the first place? :)

In groups, it is possible to not only fight monsters way above your level, but it is possible to do it almost continuously. A good 10~15 seconds to heal the whole party, and then you pull the next mob. Solo play, my experience has been that if you kill more than two or three in a row, you risk quite a chance for death. With no way besides taking a nice nap in the middle of gingo-land to heal, you can't loose too many HP at all. Maybe I am fighting mobs too large, but I don't think that's the case. I seem to be in the 700 to 1500 xp range for melee, 2/3 of that number for magic (if that), and half or less for ranged. Harvesting... well, I haven't seen any four-star resource deposists yet, so it hasn't come up. :)

Maybe it's that I never quite got around to buying heavy armor. :) (Then again, been working mostly on casting solo, so that's probably not the issue)

Small nitpick (that gets me dead. A lot): Spawning distance

Has anyone else had frequent problems with Gingos and Ragus spawning, often in numbers, IN THE MIDDLE of a combat you are already engaged in? I often run into groups of three or so gingos / ragus. I'll pull one, kill it. Pull the next, kill it. Pull the third -- and get swarmed while wounded by three dogs, because the first two I killed have just spawned within four meters or so.

Any chance of implimenting a minimum spawn distance -- something greater than the gingo aggro distance? I was killed at least four times because of this last night alone! There's no way to plan for it in advance. Group play, it's not a problem -- you just get a puller to drag those nasties to a safe spot (a few times of getting killed and you can figure out which spots are NOT spawn sites). But solo, you've got no one to pull the baddie to. And pulling it out to the range of your spells just isn't far enough. I think this has been one of the negative factors of solo play as opposed to grouping -- the "spawn swarm"


Back to playing for me. I hope to cross the line to Lvl 50 in SOMETHING tongiht...

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Re: Constructive criticizm of the common - a "noob" perspective

Post by lyrah68 »

Number one, I don't kill gingos or Gorai any more. And YES I have seen the mass respawns PRE patch one and POST patch one (cloppers are Notorious for this mass spawn group wipe feature).

The tactic to NOT get a mass spawn is ONLY kill these mass spawners if you can kill EVERY one of them, and then pull them quite a ways away from their spawn spot (this is NOT a fail proof tactic, but it DID work pre patch one). Also it is IMPORTANT NOT to pull one until EVERYONE of them is spawned, then pull with taunt since a spell CAN chain agro the lot of them, even that one WAY over the hill that you can't see, not that he will get there in time for the fun, but he will make it in time for dinner *evil grin*

I was in a rather large group that was taking two at a time with little down time (a few seconds IF that), and getting the rest of the unspawned mobs on top of us was rather quick death. And it was MUCH better for the xp for us ALL if we were a little patient and just waited the 20 or 30 seconds (yes it felt like half an hour to me too, but in a group...LOL the time was a blink of the eye)

We tried alot of things to get the "timing right" or to "break the spawn" to chain pull one at a time until we were all level 60 (something like the Dreadlands in EQ), but EVERYTIME we pulled the ONE early spawner, the other six would spawn as SOON as he died.

Feel free to test this out, if you figure out a way to break a spawn like you can in EQ...PLEASE do tell me.
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