Zorai is dead

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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by svayvti »

Yeah, it so great that there are people playing in Matis. It does wonders for the average person looking for a fight team in witherings.

I'm sure it will be great for those who play Karavan to feel good about themselves when Kami Vs. karavan PvP is introduced. One thing I want to know is, what are we hanging in for? What is the magical kick in the rear that Ryzom so desperately needs that we're going to get? We need more than just another 20 people to play.

Frankly Witherings are still losing plenty of people. Pilgrims have had a number of people quit Ryzom recently not because they don't love the game, but because there simply aren't enough people left to make it feel like a LAN party let alone warrant the name MMO.

If all those people in newbie lands unanimously joined Pilgrims of Atys, we still wouldn't regain our pre-patch 1 playerbase. I don't honestly see an online presence in any other Zorai guild to show that they're doing any better. Anyone?

I know a lot of Trykers and Matis are enjoying themselves, but you aren't seeing the emptiness which is Witherings. Neither are many of you recognizing that while Burning Desert is populated, its often more Matis than Fyros. To be honest to give PvP a fighting chance when it is introduced all the Zorai would have to be automatically moved into Burning Desert to give it a fighting chance.

I love Ryzom and I want it to succeed in its original vision. Unless the population of Witherings and Pilgrims of Atys is able to recover to a viable population soon then I'll have to go find a real "Massively Multiplayer Online" game to play. There is nothing massive about a Witherings population that rarely gets above 20 in all zones.
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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by tinpony »

svayvti wrote:Yeah, it so great that there are people playing in Matis. It does wonders for the average person looking for a fight team in witherings.

Not so much to Svayvti, but for any new folks reading this thread.

I'll just say we need some tools to help the Zorai communicate and Nevrax did themselves and the player base a great disservice with the patch. All is not ignorant roses on my part, there have been and continue to be problems. On the other hand, I am enjoying a huge percentage of the game now and (given content promises) am happy to keep playing.

Negativity breeds negativity though. I don't want to play with people just to listen to them complain (and this is not directed at Svay with whom I have never teamed and would have no basis to anything of the sort, nor any desire to say anything of the sort, this is based on an unfortunate team-up with some other people) and the people who left after the patch made their own decisions. The game is not solely responsible for some of the game dynamics in place now. It's unfortunate that the guilds and server population in general could not maintain the player base post patch. I, personally, think people jumped the gun when they jumped ship but they are paying adults and free to make their own decisions and it's their choice.

It's interesting to see comments about how the Tryker were enjoying themselves when the talk of the boards a few short weeks ago was that Tryker was a ghostland with everyone leaving because of the way the game worked. Other people saying Matis is unplayable because of aggro. 95% of the people I see in Pyr and Dyrom are Fyros and they seem to be somewhat populated. Ebb and flow and I hope the game finds an equilibrium.

We soldier on. I am Zorai and I am having fun... and I can team... and I can solo. Go me. It's not all doom and gloom and I look forward to the new crop of players coming from the noobland and I hope we get some big time content in soon. Don't be afraid to play Zorai, just understand that our numbers are a little sparser than other lands, but we're a pretty supportive bunch.

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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by daleknd »

If it helps any, I have been hearing reports the last few days of quite a few new recruits working their way through newbie island. Yes, even new Zora.

I think it is in all of our best interests to give these newcomers a helping hand when they cross over to the mainland.

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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by jesder »

daleknd wrote: I think it is in all of our best interests to give these newcomers a helping hand when they cross over to the mainland.
I might actually log in to do that ..

Last friday (or thur) I logged in and started harvesting and crafting like normal .. then It hit me .. there was no reason to harvest/craft since there was NO ONE on to craft for! .. there was 9 people in the main zoria zone ... 9 .. Umm.. not much of a market for anything when no one is playing. Since fighting is really boring solo and there is just no one around to group with ...
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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by eegreen »

I think alot of people are testing out EQ and WoW Beta this week. I usually play 9pm-1am PST and usually see 5-20 people in Witherings, and sometimes there are some large groups in the surrounding regions too.

Take advantage of this low Zorai population and try to meet as many people as possible. When the population booms again, there will be too many to meet everyone.
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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by zumwalt »

ever think the reason why zoria is dead is because the zorains ran off to fyros on saturday? all of them?
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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by jdiegel »

zumwalt wrote:ever think the reason why zoria is dead is because the zorains ran off to fyros on saturday? all of them?
I don't think he was talking about just Saturday.
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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by gralen »

Actually from my sources on the Zoraï refugee island there are often 30+ there during the wee hours of the night. What might that mean for the near future? Only time will tell.
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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by jdiegel »

gralen wrote:Actually from my sources on the Zoraï refugee island there are often 30+ there during the wee hours of the night. What might that mean for the near future? Only time will tell.
That's why I've been spreading rumors about particular CP initiation requirements involving baby oil, a squeegee, and saran wrap.
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Re: Zorai is dead

Post by kisedd »

The only game I played that populations mattered like this was DaoC. For several months the population of Midguard was pretty much nonexistant in PvP. A few poor groups would come out and they would promptly be decimated. Most of the PvP was between Hibernia and Albion on my server. Albion always had the greatest of populations and when everyone came out to play, they pretty much rolled over everyone.

Just when everyone had written off Midguard, a few players decided to quit Albion for the challenge of the underdog, and built up a very powerful guild of a dozen players. This guild was so successful at PvP that their name became feared. They could wipe out groups of two and sometimes three times their number. This of course revived the entire realm of Midguard and players flocked over to be one of the uber.

The only way to have fair PvP is to lock down the teams. I think that was the biggest thing I learned in DaoC. Having 20 people vs 8 people never makes a fun match for the underpopulated.

The biggest thing I learned about populations is they ebb and flow. People make new characters to try things out and new people enter the game all the time.
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