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Re: Definitive description of Target window

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:39 am
by lyrah68
The con system is not entirely accurate, I can take an Oasis one or two star NON gorai/gingo mob solo, but can NOT take a two or three star Pyr gingo or Gorai solo. Although recently their decimation of me has gotten a BIT closer of a fight. WHEN I have been able to kill one, luck or a helpful Yubo be thanked, I haven't gotten HALF the xp that the Oasis mob gave (naturally this is so). So as I see it gingos and gorais are JUST mission mobs, normally expected to be taken by HUGE raiding parties...that is IF mission mobs AND groups is worked out. Other wise, I give the two WIDE berth.

I hope that they fix this INSANE lopsidedness of these mobs, and SOON.

Re: Definitive description of Target window

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:49 am
by zzeii
The big thing to consider here is, you have to consider the mob type in conjunction with the colour/star.

Aggressive/carnivore mobs hit ALOT harder than a same star/colour non-aggressive kitin/herbivore.

Non-Aggressive kitins will hit harder (usually) than an herbivore.

Herbivores tend to hit for the smallest amount.

Also have to consider that each mob type (ragus/gingo/yelk/brodoc/kipee) has their own special attack. Gingo blind, kipee stun, yelk have a toxic cloud after death, etc.

And even in the same region, a 1 star arana will be much easier than a 1 star yelk in Knoll of Disent, and likewise give less xp.

Thus you really have to test out the monsters in the area before deciding on what to hunt. This can and will help you get the best xp for your (and your groups) time.

It is more complex than other gaming systems, but I personally like the fact that until you try mobs out (or someone tells you) you don't know what to expect. Exploration is more than just going to see the sights, it's finding out the pecking order in the food chain.

Re: Definitive description of Target window

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:08 am
by xenofur
personally i don't see people's problems with gingos with my char
melee 42, 2 ql50 daggers speed 50 dmg 32, inc dmg and after dodge when applicable, also full suit of light armor made of choice shu fiber and moon resin, this allowed me to comfortably solo growling gingos with 1/4 hp left of 900(boosted with jewelry and armor) pre-P21 for 1.4k XP, and now even scowling gingos, tho i don't really remember how much xp they currently give

Re: Definitive description of Target window

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:25 am
by zzeii
xenofur wrote:personally i don't see people's problems with gingos with my char
melee 42, 2 ql50 daggers speed 50 dmg 32, inc dmg and after dodge when applicable, also full suit of light armor made of choice shu fiber and moon resin, this allowed me to comfortably solo growling gingos with 1/4 hp left of 900(boosted with jewelry and armor) pre-P21 for 1.4k XP, and now even scowling gingos, tho i don't really remember how much xp they currently give
Peoples problems were when they would get mobed by 2-3+ scowling gingos. And with their nasty blind attack it would easily be a quick death (and casters would be screwed since casting lets them hit you for full damage without missing).

Re: Definitive description of Target window

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:32 am
by ahremark
The consider system was very clearly explained when it went live (Though i can't find the post anymore).

It consists of two components; a background colour and a number of stars.

The background colour represents the area that the NPC belongs to.
The stars represents the power of the NPC.

The number of stars shows how powerful the NPC is in relation to other NPC's of the same species from the same area (=That has the same background colour).

Boss NPC's are represented with bigger than the normal stars.

It's simple and it is accurate.

Re: Definitive description of Target window

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:40 am
by xenofur
zzeii wrote:Peoples problems were when they would get mobed by 2-3+ scowling gingos. And with their nasty blind attack it would easily be a quick death (and casters would be screwed since casting lets them hit you for full damage without missing).
makes sense, in rl i could beat a single dog easily, while 2 or more would at least result in grave injuries =)
and from all the posts i got the feeling ppl couldn't handle gingos solo, which made me confused ^^

Re: Definitive description of Target window

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:21 pm
by jackmor
xenofur wrote:thanks for your attitude, even though you did not even take the time to write that word to all the posters above, who tried to help YOU
all you did was show the following attitude: "you don't know jack-****"
well, i considered searching for the paragraph in the patch notes that described the exact changes, but i feel it would just be a complete waste of time now

p.s.: seeing as i simply reflected what i had read in said patch notes i wasn't just making informed guesses, so don't even try replying in that vein

Hey! Wait a minute. I was reading this post. I want to know. If you have some info give it up! I want to read it.

Re: Definitive description of Target window

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:26 pm
by jackmor
ahremark wrote:The consider system was very clearly explained when it went live (Though i can't find the post anymore).

It consists of two components; a background colour and a number of stars.

The background colour represents the area that the NPC belongs to.
The stars represents the power of the NPC.

The number of stars shows how powerful the NPC is in relation to other NPC's of the same species from the same area (=That has the same background colour).

Boss NPC's are represented with bigger than the normal stars.

It's simple and it is accurate.

Now this I can live with. So, what your saying is, smack one to figure out what the rest are in that area. Nice I can do that. :) Thanks!

Re: Definitive description of Target window

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:37 pm
by xenofur
jackmor, there is nothing in the original post that hasn't been written down here already by this point, rest assured you aren't missing anything besides the proof that we are not making educated guesses =)