Free Trial vs EQ2?

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Re: Free Trial vs EQ2?

Post by jjm152 »

eschiava wrote:Maybe because a good percentage of those high level players are included in the 80% that are staying? Your suggestion would, IMO, make suicide a sure bet.
Mys, please stop. I mean it, for your own sanity stop.

20% of the population of the boards = quit already.
40% of the population = on the fence
40% of the population = staying

You cannot honestly claim that 80% of the population is *staying*. There is no evidence of that. If anything just go and look at the petition started by stellus. Every day more and more people sign it, if you look towards the end people are signing it now who have a post counts below 10. These are new people who are just starting to get fed up with the current state of the game and are coming to the boards.

In any case, if we were to take your assumption that *only* 20% of the gaming population is going to quit, that would still mean that Nevrax managed to somehow lose 20% of its revinue in 3 days.

I can't fathom how anyone who runs a business can interpret that as a good thing.

Btw, when I signed that petition I was in the "waiting to see" crowd. I have since canceled my account. I'd be willing to bet I'm not the only one.

On monday EverQuest 2 is hitting the shelves. About 1/2 my guild, including people who are on record as "staying" are going to get their copy sometime this week or next. This isn't a threat or anything, so no one should take it that way, but it is a rational assumption that the lure of EQ2 will pull them away from the game in its current state.

Even very many die-hard Ryzom supports can honestly admit the game is not very much fun right now. The rest of us who were enjoying ourselves, but have no emotional investment in the success of the game... Well I can assume everyone knows what we will be doing this month as two of the most eagerly anticipated MMO's in history hit the shelves.

I really liked this game alot or I wouldn't even bother posting on these forums. In a lot of ways I care just as much about this game as the people who incessently defend the recent poor balance decisions made by the developers. However, I don't feel the need to be "loyal" to a company that is taking my money and providing me with an inferior product compared to what else is on the market.

If I didn't give a rats ass, I wouldn't even bother posting... now would I?
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Re: Free Trial vs EQ2?

Post by spaero »

eschiava wrote:Maybe because a good percentage of those high level players are included in the 80% that are staying? Your suggestion would, IMO, make suicide a sure bet.
I have proven VIA a poll that your statement is false on raw data alone, eschiava. Not trying to put down your enthusiasm for the game, but it is an irrefutable sign of serious issues that caused a greater gaming community to consider leaving rather than accept the serious shift in game dynamics.

Zora at 8pm EST usually had 30+ on a few weeks ago. Now it is rare to see more than 8-10.

I am sure you will stick it out like many others, and that is fine too. Many of us wish we could as well, but our free time is up, NEVRAX made a very unpopular business move and we are gone. Just fact.

Now, I assure you, others will come and try the game and eventually population will grow again, especially if NEVRAX fixes the game dynamics, adds content and regains some favor with thier subscribers. Then the negative feedback will be buried in the history on this forum and the new populous will have no recollection as to what happened. For those of us who were affected negatively by the whole mess... we move on and subscribe to other games.
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Re: Free Trial vs EQ2?

Post by eschiava »

Fell, your slight aimed at me is noted, and ignored.

You are welcome to your opinion and interpretation of the data of course, but I do not see it that way. If the fence sitters are taken at their word, and I am aware of no reason not to (are you?), then if Nevrax makes some changes to return some balance to the game these players will return.

I have chosen to look at the long term performance of Nevrax rather than the past few days in coming to my belief that they will indeed come through with those changes.

There, you have explained your pessimism, and I have explained my optimism, now I guess we'll both have to wait and see, right?

(edit: Oops, forgot this. I cannot explain why the zora population is so low, but as a Matis I can assure you that the population on the Matis mainland is thriving! During the evening there are 40-60 in the Yrkanis zone, I get that from counting the result of a /who, not by guessing)
- Miyann, Hunter Mage of Matis
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Re: Free Trial vs EQ2?

Post by spaero »

eschiava wrote:Fell, your slight aimed at me is noted, and ignored.

You are welcome to your opinion and interpretation of the data of course, but I do not see it that way. If the fence sitters are taken at their word, and I am aware of no reason not to (are you?), then if Nevrax makes some changes to return some balance to the game these players will return.

I have chosen to look at the long term performance of Nevrax rather than the past few days in coming to my belief that they will indeed come through with those changes.

There, you have explained your pessimism, and I have explained my optimism, now I guess we'll both have to wait and see, right?

(edit: Oops, forgot this. I cannot explain why the zora population is so low, but as a Matis I can assure you that the population on the Matis mainland is thriving! During the evening there are 40-60 in the Yrkanis zone, I get that from counting the result of a /who, not by guessing)
A week ago, I would have agreed the "fence sitters" were a majority population to return when game repairations are made, however, our free subscriptions are up, amny themselves have already posted they are not going to come back and well, I was one of them.

I am happy you are able to enjoy the game under these circumstances, but again, I do not believe you have experienced your entire guild leaving for another game, or in frustration or just ticked at the whacked out patch that killed the combat system. So, you are not affected in the same way, nor do I even remotely WANT you to be.

We speculate, poll and voice opinion here, but the true data lies in the reading of subscription data at NEVRAX. So I leave it at that, specultion and opinion based on what we see here, knowing also that not 100% of those playing nor of those who left even post(ed) here in the first place.
Last edited by spaero on Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Free Trial vs EQ2?

Post by rodrigoq »

eschiava >>

Try being in a guild of 73, that had during peak times and weekends up to 58 guild members online and active prior to patch 1.

Then, 4 days after patch 1, and the 2 other patches, loggin in and finding 18 logged in, 1/2 saying goodbyes. Then logging into the guild forum, and finding dozens of goodbyes, and a whole new set of threads discussing wether or not the guild should be disbanded. That and a few threads trying to coordinate which test server to meet on when WoW beta opens up.

A proud guild of 73 strong, decimated to at MAX, 12-15 after a single patch. majority of our allied guilds felt the same fate, massive member loss, and in some cases, complete disbandment. Overall, I would safely bet, that 5 guilds, of 40-50 members, and my own were destroyed bt the patch, with an estimated loss of atleast 170 players. Thats just guilds I cared about and associated with.

Board poll is most likely missing hundreads of votes under the "quit' heading..since they didn't care enough to come to the boards to vote, just enough to cancell and move on.
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Re: Free Trial vs EQ2?

Post by keriann »

eschiava wrote:No, I seriously doubt that. Looking at the already gone/waiting/playing poll, less than 20% have given up on the game, and the people waiting to see improvements or still playing evenly share the remaining 80+ %.

I feel that, assuming Nevrax makes some positive changes this week probably those who are leaving the game have already left. More than likely the free trial will bring about an influx of new players and when they get to the mainland hopefully things will be in fairly good shape. And things aren't bad as they are for the less than 50 crowd anyway
most of the people leaving are low-levels, and also I had alot of friends who I told to try ryzom (and they did) lately, that stopped playing utterly after from 1 hour to 3 hours because of the difficulty. the current state of the game alienates new players. this is why my comment to suicide. They need to fix it back as it was before opening it to public else the repercussions of the bad publicity can be lethal for nevrax.
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