loyats wrote:Kami support nature, suckling yubos are from nature. The Kami are responsable for the Goo and everything corrupt about Atys. If it were the Karavan, don't you think we'd be fighting giant machines instead of insects?
Who's to say those new superyubos are a product of nature? It would certainly explain a lot if they'd been replaced by machines. It'd be a terribly cunning move by the Karavan, as well. Just think, they'd get all the simple-minded people thinking the Kami were behind i-..errr...nevermind. *adjusts her halo with an angelic smile*
Jenuviel is:
TNN, Tryker Branch: Meg
TNN, Zorai Branch: Shinobu
TNN, Fyros Branch: Vanhi
TNN, Matis Branch: Nereni
The Tryker News Network- "May the good news be yours."
If they were replaced by machines don't you think you'd notice when quartering it, I know i've killed a suckling yubo since the patch and they're still normal far as i can tell.
Dyarta, Defender of Honour and true Follower of Jenna.
"May the Karavan strike down all dissidents and the Kami fiends."
Did the darth karavan -- diabolicus maximus -- irradiate the Suckling Yubos, and create the SkruYubos? Can they evolve into yet more fearsome beasties with further experimentation? Can mere mortals -- hominicus minimus -- withstand the cunning onslaught?
loyats wrote:If they were replaced by machines don't you think you'd notice when quartering it, I know i've killed a suckling yubo since the patch and they're still normal far as i can tell.
Well of course they have real yubo bits in them. It wouldn't be a very effective deception if they didn't! Obviously they use synthetic yubo fiber as a casing for the machinery. The meat, skulls and hair all all ejected from a subdermal compartment when the creature is disabled. That explains why those things just appear in your inventory. *smiles brightly*
Jenuviel is:
TNN, Tryker Branch: Meg
TNN, Zorai Branch: Shinobu
TNN, Fyros Branch: Vanhi
TNN, Matis Branch: Nereni
The Tryker News Network- "May the good news be yours."
Still think it's the kami's all huntched up in Pyr, plotting, waving into thin air at no one at all, that we can see anyways. Behind those bright shiny eyes lies the true source of all things corrupt on Atys. They are ochestators and plotters all of them. Jenna and her followers (the Karavan) will be the true saviors of hominkind.
Dyarta, Defender of Honour and true Follower of Jenna.
"May the Karavan strike down all dissidents and the Kami fiends."
loyats wrote:Still think it's the kami's all huntched up in Pyr, plotting, waving into thin air at no one at all, that we can see anyways. Behind those bright shiny eyes lies the true source of all things corrupt on Atys. They are ochestators and plotters all of them. Jenna and her followers (the Karavan) will be the true saviors of hominkind.
You may have a point. The more I think about it, the more difficult I find it to believe that the puppetmasters behind the whole thing could be named after a mispelled Dodge mini-van. Then again, I'm not sure it's the Kami either. I mean how terrifying are a bunch of muppets named after a line in a Culture Club song? (Kami kami kami kami, kami chameleon..you come and go...)
Jenuviel is:
TNN, Tryker Branch: Meg
TNN, Zorai Branch: Shinobu
TNN, Fyros Branch: Vanhi
TNN, Matis Branch: Nereni
The Tryker News Network- "May the good news be yours."
The karavan are the ancestors of the human race, just like Jenna and Elias Tryton, i swear to you. Okay it's really just a hunch, sort of how I can guess how a movie ends before making it 30 minutes in. Hominkind is just an experiment to create the next generation of space settlers and Atys is just a man-made biological platform on which to test said experiments. I for one am sticking with the karavan and when i have a cool arm cannon and really neat leather and strap armor i might think about coming to save your butt from the Kami/ Kitin plots.
Dyarta, Defender of Honour and true Follower of Jenna.
"May the Karavan strike down all dissidents and the Kami fiends."
jenuviel wrote:You may have a point. The more I think about it, the more difficult I find it to believe that the puppetmasters behind the whole thing could be named after a mispelled Dodge mini-van. Then again, I'm not sure it's the Kami either. I mean how terrifying are a bunch of muppets named after a line in a Culture Club song? (Kami kami kami kami, kami chameleon..you come and go...)
And if anything being muppets and named after parts of 80s songs make them more evil.
Dyarta, Defender of Honour and true Follower of Jenna.
"May the Karavan strike down all dissidents and the Kami fiends."