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Re: ONE thing I do like about the patch
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:34 pm
by isabow
sadneb wrote: I was standing in the middle of the starport in nothing but a set of PINK HOT PANTS .... I'm sure the pay back isnt over yet.
Yeah, but they looked SO GOOD on you, dear!
And you can bet your sweet bippy it ain't over till the fat lady sings...and, as you know, that would be me! hehehehe
Re: ONE thing I do like about the patch
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:52 pm
by atrax
You know, i have played this game with my wife too. Escalating 'incidents' mysteriously happening a day or two after a 'mysterious incident' stole all her dappers to buy a new weapon.
I guess the idea behind this, is that ryzom needs to join the dapper accounts for married couples...Heheheh. So now she can spent my money on virtual cloting too!!
Oh, and crafters should make a 'wedding ring' and when equipped, automatically 'encumbers' your character. hehe