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Re: Is The Patch's Patch Up Yet?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:25 pm
by punishr
cerest wrote:There was a reset with Patch 1, we will not be resetting again. Oy, I could just hear it if we did.
I dont have this problem but I think its something you guys are overlooking. With all the changes to sp costs and what not some people got screwed when they respent points. If we werent able to play on ATS, people didnt know of all the specific changes. Like in harvesting my points didnt go nearly as far, and I know some people who just screwed themselves in it. I think its mainly because you have to spend tons more points to get the extractions. Because now some harmfull upgrades req gentle stanza's. Sure you could look at each thing you wanted and probly figure out best way to get them after hrs of checking costs and what not but thats alittle overboard I think. With very specifics on sp changes in each class, there was no were for anyone but ATS people to properly see how things worked now and what they cost to get total at higher levels. I honestly think you guys need to offer a way for players if they wish to respend points at least 1 more time. I dont see how you can make such broad changes to the game and not give people a second chance on there points.

I know of at least 2 people who got totally screwed in harvest cause they were waiting til end to get either gentle or harmfull once they figured out what was better, only to find they had to try to squeeze points for both of them out, when they had very few left.

Re: Is The Patch's Patch Up Yet?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:30 pm
by tendeep
cerest wrote:There was a reset with Patch 1, we will not be resetting again. Oy, I could just hear it if we did.

IMHO I kind of wish there would be lol, patch 1 made me pick odd combos of skills for foraging...

Re: Is The Patch's Patch Up Yet?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:37 pm
by glipe
I don't think there should be another reset. Just a big warning sign saying....


I nearly forgot to buy basic prospecting!

Re: Is The Patch's Patch Up Yet?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:59 pm
by punishr
glipe wrote:I don't think there should be another reset. Just a big warning sign saying....


I nearly forgot to buy basic prospecting!
Yes, but how can you be carefull when you have so little knowlege on all the changes. Plus your comment at the end is another good point. When your spending mass points, you can overlook. If you spent your points from start you couldnt overlook basic prospection because you would need to use it. What would it hurt if they allowed people to respend points 1 more time? They dont have to do it to everyone im sure, there has to be a way the can code a ticket or let a gm do it, make a item that does it something. I dont think it should be a perm thing, but for a short time after a change this major I think its ok.

What are you to say to someone who forgot to buy prospection til it was too late? If there higher skill level where ql 50 would let them gain very well, they just got into a nightmare that really isnt totally there fault, being it couldnt have happened if they spent there points from a newbie lvl.

Im sure there are more reasons for it also.

Im d/ling a patch currently btw =p