sark92 wrote:I think that is quite unfair to liken a complaint to a petulant child, we are customers like it or not and we are paying money for a form of entertainment, if it does not come up to our standards we stop paying and playing and go somewhere else. Most of us want Ryzom to succeed and become a good game, but if the Devs dont listen and take your attitude then it will fail.
What annoys me the most, is that they made such a big change once the free period is over: that free period is basically a trial to see if the game suits your expectations, for a full month you can make your mind... but now you pay for an additional month and they change a big deal, it's much more than just a few bug fixes or new contents; it's a whole new gameplay... I could cancel now, but it's already paid for, it's not what I saw when I played the free trial though.
Note: I don't plan to cancel just yet, I like the new challenge... some things are pretty neat in patch 1; but some other things like mob damage output is overkill for the XP we get... sometimes you don't even seem to have a chance to influence the outcome of a fight: it's too fast, targetting and casting time on heals too slow to deal with super hits from mobs; ... one tank down, ok try to get him back up... wait while you're doing that second tank dies... give up on trying to rez the tanks, try to keep last one alive, then the other tanks can be rezzed at the end of the fight right? If you get an add, it's game over. What was done wrong by the players? Some fights just seem to have too much of a random factor with damage input.