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Re: Don't like then lied to.
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:37 pm
by wayas
morzyr wrote:
"if there are whiny players that likes to write posts on the forum about game construction and dosent know anything about it, i wont mourne their loss.."
Its players like you that makes players leave cus they feel unwanted or not heard cus then they write a post its always gets some like you spamming love ryzom or die!
aye, sry for that but iv grown really tired of ppl complaining all the time, at work and on the streets, on this game, on the sun, wind, whatever.
i try to be a happy chap but ppl always pull me down, and when im down i might say things like i said to you.
missunderstand me right, i ment what i said, but i also meant that its not the end of the world, so look past the bad things that have happend and play the game and be happy, cuz i really love playing with other ppl and having fun.
but if you arent happy, then do something else that makes you happy...
xoxoxoxoxo ^^
Re: Don't like then lied to.
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:59 pm
by lawrence
Hi there!
If you do not receive certain information from GMs, that means they simply don't have it. By all means we don't hold information back from you guys and we always strive to keep you informed.
Please keep in mind all this happened on a Sunday. While we have full GM coverage even on Sundays to ensure adequate customer support, other staff areas are limited, on Nevrax's end as well (understandably!).
Further, sometimes one issue leads to another, sometimes more than one issue is causing a particular problem, for instance a Server crash. From what I can see there's been more than one problem in this case and if our GMs told you "we fixed it", they referred to a certain problem and the information they had at that time from Nevrax.
As for other Communities getting information earlier - I'm not sure what you are referring to here, but I did notice that there's people in each community wondering why other communities get information sooner as they do. *grins*
If you can give me an example, I'll be happy to explain it.
I will further see with the team if we can improve our communication channels during weekends. We'll try to get you the information sooner next time something like this happens.
Re: Don't like then lied to.
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:11 am
by borg9
Thanks Lawrence.
Re: Don't like then lied to.
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:19 am
by morzyr
Thank you for takeing the time to look at this Lawrence.
I ralley haven't brother to mark all the times i have seen this,
But here is one expempel.
Here is one of your posts.
Here a post on the german forums alite more info there like the bug list.
Heres a post that a player toke the time to do the us's forums job to transelate the bug fix list. ... ge=3&pp=10
Good work btw by Jurism.
You see?
Not all are all knoweing or can spend hours looking in fourms for info about udates or changes, and translate.
Some of us like to know whats really have been doon in the game machanics insted of reading a storie,that was good one im must say, but any way.
Am i wrong in question why this happens ? this not a new problem.