bcharles wrote:Sorry.
But the color of the mat does depend on the type of the mat. All desert motega wood is blue. All desert eyota wood is red. You can tell ahead of time what color something is by what type it is.
Sorry aswell...
The color of the mat itself also depends on its quality level. In your example eyota is red. True, if it's CHOICE eyota (or excellent for this matter). FINE eyota should be purple (might also be turquoise, not sure) and BASIC is beige. SUPREME prime roots eyota will be black or white.
And yes, the more fancy looking crafting stuff comes with the higher level crafting plan of still the same item to be crafted.
This way, you can basically tell the "quality" of the crafter by the crafting skills employed and the "quality" of the harvester by the color of the crafted item which can tell you about the qualitylevel of the primarily used materials.
Edit: Oops, Zaras was faster...
┤Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intellegor ulli!├