slipped wrote:Yeah, I agree. The current perspective is waaaay too close--even when I pull back all the way. I'd like to see this changed, too.
There is absolutely no justifiably reason to not have the max camera distance set much larger. Atleast that I Can think of... frankly Ryzom has one of the clunkiest interfaces I've seen since the original EQ, infact so much information is displayed when you first log onto the game that your head might nearly a-splode.
Things I would like to see would be:
1) Larger Camera distance.
2) Hotkeys for switching between default chat channels.
3) Hot keys for selling items!
4) Hot key for "Take all" from forage/corpse.
5) A /reply slash command. I really hate those IM style tell boxes, especially since you cannot use a keyboard command to switch between them, but need to click!
6) Typing / should send you to the text entry box instead of doing nothing. For instance I type / then the focus goes to the box and i continue on to type "/gu" and talk to my guild...
7) Cycle targeting instead of "target infront of me". And reverse cycle targeting also. I can't believe this didn't make it into this game, I think every MMORPG for the last 6 years has done this, for obvious reasons.
8) Alternate default keyboard mapping that is first person style, aka: "w,a,s,d". As far as I know all of those keys are taken up by of all things.... opening menus or interface elements. Thats just retarded, if I want to close my command tray (why would anyone want to do that?) I would do it through the menus panel...
9) The ability to get an XP status bar under your characters information. Almost all games in existance have this feature, why do I have to open up the action progression panel to see this? Even starwars galaxies which also has a variable XP progression scheme (different skills) allows you to select one you can monitor on the HUD.
Okay... this list is going to get pretty long if I keep going at it, but seriously this stuff could use some work. However, the number one thing the Devs need to work on right now is:
Stopping the damn crashes.
I just crashed to desktop 6 times in a row in different areas of the game. This is after playing for 5 hours completely uninterrupted. Also I noticed that there was bizzare behavior in-game (warping mobs!) that made it so that I died twice in a row. It has absolutely nothing to do with my system, I'm a software engineer and have been working in sillicon valley for the last 10 years - my rig is a sweet, smooth, well oiled machine. Everything is top notch up to spec with high end hardware and a well maintained OS.
I don't know what Nevrax's financial resources are like right now, but they are at a serious juncture with this game. They can either choose to invest a few hundred thousand dollars in hiring new engineers and fixing their product so it runs top notch and hopefully be rewarded with an increased customer base or they can continue to plod along like they have been and continue introducing new bugs into the product and watch their revinue stream trickle away.
I've worked at plenty of companies here in the valley where throwing a few more extra engineers at something made the difference between a 2 million dollar loss or a 3 million dollar profit, I wonder if anyone at Nevrax understands this?