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Re: Pricing problems.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:23 pm
by hivewasp
rugster wrote:and here is the real problem. Because you make items from items you harvest and have 100% profit, does this give you the right to trash the market and undercut all the crafters who buy mats from you?

Unless you're a jobless mega power player I don't see how it would be possible to saturate the market with very cheap products...
Again there is a problem, sure you can adopt the attitude as a single player and ignore the rest of the gaming society, this will lead to repercussions. Or there has to be some kind of compromise.

SWG is another example of MMORPG where the resource production costs are pretty low (and much faster in SWG than in Ryzom); the market didnt collapse; markets tend to balance themselves out in any case, now the question would be to know if *you* will be willing to work at the market's prices... it's up to the player to define their own values; and time and customers will make prices a bit more level. You can't prevent someone from undercutting you anyway; you could even go as far as imagining free gear for guild members: beat that... a whole guild that doesnt need your services? It's part of the trader's life :)
You cannot just harvest mats, get the best, then undercut the entire servers avg price without repercussions. You can certainly give weapons away, or sell for less to guild or friends, but to mr anon, when he sees you selling at 100k for a Q100 sword he will tell everyone that the guy trying to sell a Q100 sword for 200k is not worth it. When the sword is probably worth 500k.

As I said above, what production quantities are we talking about? Do you think there will be many people working full time on harvesting and crafting just to undercut everyone by crafting huge productions?

Re: Pricing problems.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:56 pm
by cjhsb
I don't think any prices for anything atm, regardless of mast quality or level used can be in any way balanced in relation to time to make by the player.

It seems the degredation on items speeds up the more you level. Players use weapons and staves in 1-3 hours, armor is such a joke people don't even wear it; as a result players are crafting their own gear and just burning through them, using critter loots and fast harvesting.

Any crafter seriously trying to make a living on 100+ items may be able to correct me on this, but I don't see how its possible to persuade a buying player that the value of an item at that level and beyond is worth anything when theyre gone so fast; doubly so when the players involved have access to the right quality mats and friends who are more than glad to make them for the xp.

If you guys are serious about crafting, I suggest you call more attention to this root problem (no pun intended) before worrying about what pricing is fair, otherwise before long you'll find that anything you craft is worthless. :(

Re: Pricing problems.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:08 am
by silverio
Hmm i think we all need some pure info from field to get status on items ...

Basicly there is no sense to spend time on excelent and supreme materials as cost to make such weapons dont cover time lost to get materials, People are leveling to fgast now to keep with item production, worse money dont have any value.

Lets see one sword ql 120 it now top weapon on server and many of my guildies are now near or over lv 150 in combat :P for me as crafter it is more worth if somone give me a stock of materials then it is to give me money ... we have guild house, apartmants, and all 3 mules what for i need money ??

Prices are not balanced too ... lets see one thisn

i need some thousand SP to be able to make all 10 jewelery pieces at ql 90 with HP boost of 45 ...

people dont wish to buy this ... 450 HP :P for 500 k and in same time they will pay so much for one weapon that will go puff next day ...

Armours ... i can make ql 100 heavy armour with +50 Hp but im not making them except for me .. why? becouse i need 130 materials to make it so base cost for this is 450 k ! without countin fails that i will have at last one or 2 at this high level ... my selling price have to be for heavy armour at last 800 to compensate time and to buy me some weapon later to get me levels ...

and in same time ql 100 weapon that need 20 materials cost 350 - 500 lool basicly heavy armours as most hard to make item in game except jewelery dont have apropriate value !

from 1 Heavy armour set you can make exactly 6 and half 2H swords = weapon crafter will gain 2 Millions from same materials i can get selling some 800 ??

Also armours are USELESS in game until blind is not fixed .. people fight nude to not use armours ... what y7ou need is one good weapon ... Jewelery looool who will use this if i never get hit .. only harvesters are mad for every HP they can gain ...

So who i will make my armours only .. for parade ??

with 100 fame i can sell things for more then people are willing to pay me in most cases i dont need money for nothing in game ...

Things i cannot wait to see is
a.) decay on jewelery to make it worth if it is ethernal there is no sense making it and spending most SP in this

b.) Fix in combat so there is some need in armours .. probably with monsters doing more damage and with spell resistance fixed things will become better people will not go nude in combat if they know they will have to sustain at last some hits ..

c.) BETTER PROTECTION ON armours !!! supreme materials armour with only 4 % difference from fine materials go figure !! I think heavy armour have to get to some better % 55% is now max you can get with best materials ... and if you mix in dodge etc normal supreme armour will protect you for 53% normaly.

d.) what is sense of medium armours except look ??

Im or in combat and i need heavy to live or inm not in combat and i need less stamina usage and some basic protection, Medium offer ONLY 25 % protection what for you can use it ?? Light is uselles but at last give you some bonus lol 12% protection ..

Probably most of you dont understand what are this % im talking that is how much armour will stop at max...

EXAMPLE monster hit you for 1000 damage ... light armour CAN stop at max 12% of it .... 120 ... medium 25% 250 and super uber supreme heavy CAN get you saved for 550 damage ...

But your best armour you can wear is ql 110 heavy that can stopp MAX 200 so you will get hit for nice 800 damage ....

Ah you can add uber shield with 15% defence i almost forget it so BEST you can get from armour with shield = 70% all supreme made ONLY for protection maxed .. real values are around 60 - 65% ... if your craftsmaw was wise enough to make DODGE or PARRY style armour so that will save you more HP they any % as if you dodge .... you dont get ANY damage ..

This was one overview of prices from one disapointed heavy armour crafter ...

cheers ..

Re: Pricing problems.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:37 am
by talktalk
Personally I dont see the point of quoting what "QL" mats have been used, as long as the item stats look right. If someone wants a high cast rate Q40 amp them make it for em. I think it's too early days for all the subtle nuances of the mats to be appreciated by everyone until they can actually see them in the item description eg. dodge modifier, I made myself a pike with vry high dodge mod and adversary pary mod and the only way I know this is cos I made it so how would anyone else appreciate it?

Also, all the "made with QLxx mats" can be confusing, remember, most ppl here are relatively new to the game. I see new magic players beeing seduced into buying a q50 amp when they may be better off with a q30 or q40 with good mods making their life a bit easier.
For us magic ppl Qxx amp relates to our spell level ie Q40 = amp will effect spells upto Lvl 4 (acid 4, cold 4 etc) so with a good amp you can be doing equiv to Lvl 5 damage with superior cast rate (my q40 has elemental power +89% which is only 7 points off my Lvl 5 damage but also with +66% cast rate) Needless to say, rather than make hast for Lvl 5 damage I stayed with Lvl4 and the q40 amp and used xp pts to enhance sap, regen and affliction spells.

As for prices, I'd base em on NPC. Base q50 amp from shop is 30K with 20% boons. If my amp betters that then my amp price is going to be higher than 30k - is that not reasonable?

Finally, I am knackered so does any of the above make any sense......?? lmao