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Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:31 pm
by jclifton
zarni wrote: yeah, i noticed that there is now standing "you dodged...", more often

but I need facts and not assumptions

You do realize that the 'facts' you are looking for are compiled by player testing in nearly EVER game. The players test and the results of their tests become fact if they are consistant. So isnt it a bit rude to be complaining that players arent testing enough for your lazy self? Go out and do a series of tests yourself on the thing, by a series i mean more than one mob, more than one level, noting all the variable factors. Its not an easy process as you will see..

As for packhorses, you can have *3* of them. If you are filling them up with tiny stacks of materials, try to make it a point to craft using the small tiny stacks first so you dont fill all the slots. If your packhorses are in the stable and you stand at ANY Stable you can craft there at the stable and have access to all your mats THROUGH the crafting tool. No need to even take the mats out of the packhorses to craft with.....


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:47 pm
by hivewasp
zarni wrote:the metkoub takes about 64 items - but there are many different materials and i harvest not always quality 100, depends on source... so it is full very fast (and the stacking problem is a pain)
Yup I'm also waiting on the stack problem to go bye bye. For below grade mats, unless I'm actively trying to make an armor/weapon set for someone, I'll just use them to grind lower level items; or sell them I don't plan to keep them in storage.
a market, where you see different items allows you to compare

Mats have ratings on a series of properites ranging from 0 to 100; with a bar display showing where that material, in that particuliar use (drop down box on top) will provide a bonus... 100 would be 'the best', 0 would be the worse. So just make out the average values of the components you used for an item, and you can rate it yourself without any comparison needed. It's between minimum and maximum values; those values are visible at creation (well most should be, some are bugged in the final item view); that should give you plenty of information about the quality of your item.

Now if the buyer finds your gear sucks, maybe he should have specified what he wanted before you aggreed to the transaction. If I want a fast dagger and don't care much on the damage part; and someone comes up with a great (max damage dagger) but crappy speed, I will not be happy as a customer - but the guy next door might be amazed by the damage output per hit of the dagger.

On a scale of 0 to 100, it doesnt matter to compare an item rated 45 to an item 57 and conclude the 57 is better... the values by themselves already show where your item stands in terms of quality; with a value of 57, you know there is a potential of 43% better items out there.

As for the price comparison, it's aggreed between the crafter and the customer; if both aggree... who cares if it's expensive or cheap? You assign a value to your time, they assign a value to their need. If those don't match there is no transaction; the global market value is just a resistance to setting incredibly stupid prices like 2millions for a QL20 dagger... and even then it'd be perfectly ok to sell it at that price if that's what both people want: the crafter and consumer.

i tried both on mobs - result with both armours: the x-mob hits you with 100 (200)
And is the mob using styles that give a bonus? do you know if the mob is hitting you with piercing or smashing? Do you know if he used ignore armor? etc... stats of the armor, stats of the attack, stats of the weapon, that's a lot of factors to consider, you have a pretty accurate indication of an piece of gear; that doesnt mean it has to be exactly accurate in combat situation and that people should report a bug if they got 1 damage more than what they expected :)


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:23 pm
by trenker
[QUOTE=THERE IS NO DESCRIPTION: i want to make armour in best quality. but when i craft with perfect dodge modifier the result in this parameter is still "0" [/QUOTE]

Here's a helpfull fact for Zarni's question above: The dodge number is always "0" because it means how BADLY your dodge is effected, not how much your dodge actually improves by wearing the armour. Perhaps if you made some right old tripe, you'd get something other than "0" ;)

But yeh, working out what this game is doing is proving taxing, and I'm a computer programmer who sold their first game 23 years ago (for £250 I'll have you know).

Well, thats my 2p worth, see you ingame for some roleplaying without number bashing.


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:32 pm
by shazzy
THERE IS STILL NO STORAGE BUILDING: and don't tell me the dammed buged metkoup is an alternative

Odd, I just bought an apartment which has room space for storage. :)


Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:09 pm
by mrozzy
zarni wrote:in some cases you are right hivewasp and others but don't help me at all

the metkoub takes about 64 items - but there are many different materials and i harvest not always quality 100, depends on source... so it is full very fast (and the stacking problem is a pain)

a market, where you see different items allows you to compare
on an oriental channel market you have to take what you get or invest much, much time

yes, there are some numbers when i craft items
armour level 50: protection is around 50%, dodge/piercing modifier 0, slashing 70, smashing 70, piercing 70,
armour level 70: protection is around 50% dodge/piercing modifier 0, slashing 110, smashin 110, piercing 110


i tried both on mobs - result with both armours: the x-mob hits you with 100 (200)
what does it mean?
should i think, when i use a level 70 armour i receive damage 100 (200) and same hit from the same mob with level 50 armour would say 200 (400)

and how much is the influence factor?

yeah, i noticed that there is now standing "you dodged...", more often

but I need facts and not assumptions
ok, first that armour ain't good :D

now, you have to learn about the game mechanics, ask around before you complain!

- both armours have a protection factor of 50% wich reduces the mobs hit by a maximum of 50%
- Your dodge modifier is 0 with both pieces .. so no change there (you won't dodge more often)
- now about the max vs xxxx stats, its the maximum amount the hit gets reduced with a specific type of attack. Try to figure out wich mob does wich type of damage (it will get important at the highest levels). For example you recieve a piercing attack, your protection factor is 50% and your max vs pierce protection is for example 100. If you get hit for 80, the damage will be reduced to 40. If you get hit for 300 the damage will only be reduced to 200 since its limited by the max vs pierce stat