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Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:24 pm
by lupine04
Caps, typos and ridiculously inflated numbers added for effect.
Bravo! So true. So true..
Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:14 pm
by josephm
yy48n19 wrote:Wow. Posts like this baffle me. This is a game. If it makes you so pissed off, don't play it. If you feel angry b/c you invested too much time into your character, but you don't like the way he/she's turned out, don't invest anymore time into it. Quit. Stop playing. You're not having fun. It's making you unhappy, obviously. This is supposed to be something that you do for fun, not to increase your blood pressure.
I'm sorry to single you out, because this response is not aimed at you as an individual. There seem to be many, many people like you. This is one post of hundreds in these forums, and they seem endemic to these types of games. Constructive criticism is one thing; whining, *****ing, and temper tantrums b/c something in an evolving game doesn't suit you is childish and unproductive.
What baffles me is how you can say I spent so much time on a character saying I don't like how it 'turned out'. This character wasn't like this from the beginning. It was changed AT A CERTAIN POINT, after I ALREADY PUT A LOT OF TIME IN IT.
Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:53 pm
by pandorae
Caps, typos and ridiculously inflated numbers added for effect.
Ha ... now that one's amusing!

Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:57 pm
by josephm
I think I have a valid complaint. Tickets are in..a GM even verified that my character has a bug with stun and can explain nothing nor do anything about it. I even did a reinstall (which looses all your map points btw) and did several reconfigurations before AND after.
If I spent fifty bucks on a game, and then have already signed up to pay MORE money, and then the game changes, I think it should be for the better. Finding out that my character has a stupid bug that no one will ever do anything about doesn't help. And the reason they gave me access to this board was so I could voice my concerns...hopefully without the sophomoric behavior of a bunch of kids..or 30 year old loosers (yes, like some of the people in my town I'm sad to say) live, breathe and eat Daoc.
There's another thread where people are talking about blind as being to powerful. I responded there and agreed that it should be changed, you can see I'm the 3'd or 4'th post. According to my poll, most people even agree. You can also see that by what people wrote in the thread.
Unfortunately the people in this one are just bashing me and trying to be witty because they are just like the afore mentioned Daoc populace in my town. Mommy and Daddy problably pay the bills, and they can spend infinite for playing this game. therefore they feel Über in the SoR universe. This places them above everyone else. According to this pattern of thought, other paying customers who thought the game was cool only and paid their own hard earned $$$ and can't afford much time to play excepton weekends, aren't worth paying any mind.
"We'll just kiss Nevrax's arse, not so much because we love the game, but by defending it without any tact so we can feel a 'part of something' since our lives are so worthless."
Of course the game will survive with people like you playing. So go ahead and bash me. Play infinte hours doing nothing else constructive in your life. I'm sure that's what the company wants, you to play infinite hours. Yes they actually desire this! They want you to be zombies!
They want you to work your way around these bugs and insult those of us who it takes a month to get a few spells going because we only play a few days out of the week, much less work our way around things. You have this veil of text to act as smart and powerful as you want. Keep bashing me on this thread, I'll do the same.
Aside from just knowing people who post in forums like some of you did in this thread, and many others. I have no basis for any of my insults either. But screw it you're all a bunch of lapdogs just to be lap dogs I say. Forget blind, it was forgotten in the third or fourth reply. Let's just talk Sh*t. It's still fun do do and we'll just make this the place for it k?
Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:32 pm
by billg1
josephm wrote:I think I have a valid complaint. Tickets are in..a GM even verified that my character has a bug with stun and can explain nothing nor do anything about it. I even did a reinstall (which looses all your map points btw) and did several reconfigurations before AND after.
If I spent fifty bucks on a game, and then have already signed up to pay MORE money, and then the game changes, I think it should be for the better. Finding out that my character has a stupid bug that no one will ever do anything about doesn't help. And the reason they gave me access to this board was so I could voice my concerns...hopefully without the sophomoric behavior of a bunch of kids..or 30 year old loosers (yes, like some of the people in my town I'm sad to say) live, breathe and eat Daoc.
There's another thread where people are talking about blind as being to powerful. I responded there and agreed that it should be changed, you can see I'm the 3'd or 4'th post. According to my poll, most people even agree. You can also see that by what people wrote in the thread.
Unfortunately the people in this one are just bashing me and trying to be witty because they are just like the afore mentioned Daoc populace in my town. Mommy and Daddy problably pay the bills, and they can spend infinite for playing this game. therefore they feel Über in the SoR universe. This places them above everyone else. According to this pattern of thought, other paying customers who thought the game was cool only and paid their own hard earned $$$ and can't afford much time to play excepton weekends, aren't worth paying any mind.
"We'll just kiss Nevrax's arse, not so much because we love the game, but by defending it without any tact so we can feel a 'part of something' since our lives are so worthless."
Of course the game will survive with people like you playing. So go ahead and bash me. Play infinte hours doing nothing else constructive in your life. I'm sure that's what the company wants, you to play infinite hours. Yes they actually desire this! They want you to be zombies!
They want you to work your way around these bugs and insult those of us who it takes a month to get a few spells going because we only play a few days out of the week, much less work our way around things. You have this veil of text to act as smart and powerful as you want. Keep bashing me on this thread, I'll do the same.
Aside from just knowing people who post in forums like some of you did in this thread, and many others. I have no basis for any of my insults either. But screw it you're all a bunch of lapdogs just to be lap dogs I say. Forget blind, it was forgotten in the third or fourth reply. Let's just talk Sh*t. It's still fun do do and we'll just make this the place for it k?
You call people names.
You are insulting their intelligence.
You offer nothing constructive to the problem or your problem.
You create animosity and contempt toward yourself with this attitude.
And somehow you expect people to post kind thoughts and opinions and agree with you.
Who is the one lacking in intelligence and acting like he was 15 and has Mommy and Daddy paying for his account now because he did not get his way.
Your upset and throwing a temper tantrum like a teenager and taking it out on the community now. Grow up act like an adult deal with the problem with the ones that can fix it. Not call people names and insult their intelligence.
If you have a problem of this nature where your characters data is corrupt or bugged then you need to take it up with customer service so they can pass it on to the IT people.
But I assure you, blind/stun have not changed since launch. They worked as they always have all day yesterday.
You could be right that its your character or you could just be inept at using the spells. Considering the posts I see you have written I know which one I am inclined to believe.
Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:57 pm
by varelse
[QUOTE=josephm]A few days ago blind 2 would hold hard kipee pretty well in a fight. Tonight (with blind 4) I can blind a mod kipee for about 9 rounds which is fine, then 3-5 after it wears and down to 1-2 rounds eventually. I think it's fine when it goes to 3-5...but by the 4th blind the spell is useless.
My understanding is that blind and the other affliction actions have not yet been changed, although there are changes planned for them. A creature can build up increased resistance to a particular affliction, however. Each time you used blind on the kipee, it should have been able to resist the effect more easily.
This is something that hasn't changed since beta as far as I know.
The bug you are experiencing with your character might be fixed with the upcoming patch; it might not be caused by something the GM's can fix, but rather some inherent flaw in the code. And, having recently come over to Ryzom from a seven plus year old game, I can confidently tell you that a given MMORPG can be bug-ridden, late on providing new content, have several year old "bugged" characters that aren't fixed for months and sometimes years, AND it can have a stable customer base that hasn't been under 150,000 since the first year it came out.
You see, I am an ex-UO player, and I see a definite pattern on the forums here that looks a heck of a lot like what I saw on the official UO forums, and what I still see when I check back in there once every so often.
Some things never change, and to me one of the constants is that people will rarely make a public fuss when they are happy about something, but quite frequently will take the time to comment or even rant when they are not. Yet, the "silent majority" continues to pay their monthly fees and play the game, dealing with the occasional inconvenience or setback caused by either faulty game design, or simply by unwanted balancing changes (nerfs).
While I sympathize with anyone who is having a problem such as you are experiencing at the moment, I am not impressed by the style in which you have chosen to voice your issues with the game. You already have a GM working with you to identify the bugged character problem, and if he can't fix it using the tools available to him, you may be assured that he will let the devs know that.
As for the nerf "issue" well, as someone else has already stated, sometimes the FIX is a NERF. After all, many of the players do want this game to be both fun and challenging; having any action in the game that gives a guarantee that the mob will never hit back while we are chopping it down would tend to remove much of the challenge from fighting.
If that's what blind does now, then in this case the only fix is, in my opinion, a nerf.
Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:21 pm
by jesder
Caps, typos and ridiculously inflated numbers added for effect.
Well this post is better than the 100s or others in this thread where the poster thought they were writing a 2000 word essay.
Really varelse's post was good .. so I am just going to agree with that.
Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:24 pm
by korin77
Dang there goes my 2000 word essay! FLAME!
Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:45 pm
by josephm
billg1, read the first post. whom in the community did I insult? I offered my constructive views earlier in another post and yeah, I posted the start of this thread 430ish AM my time so the post isn't perfect. If I'm fustrated so what, let me vent and see who gets the point and can add some kind of information.
There's a few real responses but it quickly degenerates into rebukes quite like yours. Please explain how Nihir's post is construcive. Or for that matter yours. Where did you get the fact that my parents pay for anything in my life? I merely sited the fact I know people like this. If you could come out and accuse me so candidly taking that totally out of context, I wonder that you are not one of the people to which I refer. Must be an easy life man, what do they pay? power? rent? food and travel expenses? And you're such a big man for such a pointless rebuke voicing what others have already mentioned. I wanna be just like you.
A large part of my statement comes from the fact that I DO pay for this game. The tanks in my group were first to mention that my blinds weren't lasting, collectively we thought it was a nerf. If it wasn't then so what? Who said 'I haven't noticed a difference, have you tried this?' Instead people come up with a bunch of negative posts, but all you notice is mine. You are hopping on the band wagon sir, a mindless sheep who doesn't deserve to have a keyboard or any form of communication given to them.
Oh yeah, that last part of your post? I had a GM confirm my spell setup directly. So your last couple sentences only lead me towards the inclination that you sir, have less intelligence than a bowl of lime jello.
Varelse, like I said, the original post was 4:38 am and to all I apologize for it's terrible context. I appreciate your post and wholeheartedly agree. As you can see I have posted 18 times in this forum. Two were in this thread, and yes, are generally negative. One is a question in the technical forum, but the large majority of them are pretty positive, ask questions, or try to provide constructive views and answers. If this thread alone draws so many people who just enjoy to bash threads because they have utterly no self esteem then yes, you are correct about your UO trend. I wonder how many posts these people have; how many bash threads and how many don't....
Re: Blind NERFED??
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:10 pm
by josephm
On a side note about patches....since monsters react to multiple people playing the game, aren't all their actions taken into account on the server? What we have just reads the reactions of the monsters yes?
if the server goes through an update that makes creatures respond differently to spells would that really require a patch? Not sure, but that's the mindset I approached this whole issue with for those who mention there not being a patch.