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Re: Forage and Change Mode?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:34 pm
by usagiyo
The macro is a built in game macro -- so can't be an exploit. Do you know what an exploit is? It is not just defined as using an unexpected feature of the game, it's knowingly using a broken feature of the game in a repetitive manner to gain an unfair advantage.

Since I'm told the resource mode, Since it only makes sense that I be allowed to start and stop extracting at my whim -- this is not an exploit ... as compared to so another bug where you can gain crafting experience for making an item, but force yourself to fail making the item, get full xp for it anyway, and still have the materials left over.

That is an exploit. Changing resource mode is not. It may be an unintended feature, but certainly not an exploit.

Re: Forage and Change Mode?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:36 pm
by billg1
usagiyo wrote:The macro is a built in game macro -- so can't be an exploit. Do you know what an exploit is? It is not just defined as using an unexpected feature of the game, it's knowingly using a broken feature of the game in a repetitive manner to gain an unfair advantage.

Since I'm told the resource mode, Since it only makes sense that I be allowed to start and stop extracting at my whim -- this is not an exploit ... as compared to so another bug where you can gain crafting experience for making an item, but force yourself to fail making the item, get full xp for it anyway, and still have the materials left over.

That is an exploit. Changing resource mode is not. It may be an unintended feature, but certainly not an exploit.
Totally agree with that.

Re: Forage and Change Mode?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:04 pm
by nunyas
Morax wrote:The point is why even bother using gentle with the current set up. To get the max amout of materials per pull for crafting you use the longest timer with all agressive settings. Once you start to extract and you see a number that isnt a 1 you quickly hit the hot key for cancel action and then hit the extraction hot key again. If you have the hotkeys together you can make a node shift 1 time per second. Once you get it to a 1 you just stand back from the node to avoid explosions and get max pulls per node. This was the only practical way to pull enough mats to support yourself harvesting. If they now nerf this (its a nerf since you are using the game mechanics they provided and not an exploit) all players who arent over 200 will have a hard time because they will be forced pulling 0 to 6 mats per node over 100 instead of 5 to 6 per node. Its nice for the players who used this as they can afford the higher cost of gentle stanzas to pull lower lvl mats to use for crafting.

It was hard enough to keep up getting materials for yourself before, this will make it 2 to 3 times longer. Yet another forced slowdown to keep the average player down. This will have little impact on the power harvestors.

I keep checking in hoping aspect of this game will improve and will renew my account then. So far I the forced slowdown has really put me off. It seems that since the players are leveling faster than they have content for they are putting up as many roadblocks as possible.

And you though armor was hard to get now lol.
The point to using gentle is that you don't have to use a possible "exploit" to achieve what you want in the end. Additionally, using the possible "exploit" does not guarantee that you will pull 5 to 6 mats on every pull. You still have a chance to pull 0 mats (i've tried it for a bit prior to getting the next gentle quality and have encountered nodes that would not give up the covetted "Mode 1"). Even if they DO change the current system there is still Gentle that can be used to pull mats from your source at a steady rate, somewhat slower than strict harmful/aggressive (if you don't have the gentle equivolents or enough focus/regen to pull continuously), but it's steady and alot less risky. If you insist that you must use harmful aggressive, then just bring a partner along to use care plans, and alternate pulling...

Changing it now would not be a nerf, and would be a fix because currently the only real incentive to using Gentle over Harmful is the ability to pull mats steadily from a source without having to change its "Mode". Which is a pretty big incetive for me to use Gentle since i'm solo harvesting 90% of the time, and it's much easier to "set it and forget it" than to sit there spamming my keyboard and the server with my constant starting and stopping of actions in the hopes of getting a "Mode 1" that may or may not come.

I've never had a problem with acquiring enough mats for making armor for myself, even at the lower levels. The only real problem that i have with harvesting is that i can't (or haven't rather) been able to harvest enough mats to be able to keep my crafting skills up to a comparable level. It's much easier to be a Harvester/Crafter than it is to be a Crafter/Harvester, especially if you want to supply your own mats.

Re: Forage and Change Mode?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:45 pm
by daleknd
hegonbad wrote:Is Change Mode an Exploit?

I've been told to only Forage in Mode 1. Or Mode 0 if My melee (e.g. Health far excedes my Forage levels)

I won't Spell out exactly what Ingame Macro you need to make effective use of CHange Mode. But what I want to know is Change mode an Exploit? or is the trading of Source time considered an equal trade off for the safer modes of harvesting?
While I agree with the general consensus that this is not an exploit and that perhpas the design should change so that we are not even shown the mode number, I wanted to disgree with one part of your initial statement.

The rule of thumb that zero and 1 are best is an over simplicfication. This "advice" has been widely spread to newcomers and taken as gospel by many. Personally I think 1 and 4 are best, especially of you are using a combination of gentle and harmful methods. Even with gentle speed and harmful for the other two, mode zero has a nasty tendency to go boom.

humble forager of the Fyros.

Re: Forage and Change Mode?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:24 am
by kisedd
It's a mute discussion, as a poster above said its all being chnaged in patch 1. You will not be able to change the mode anymore after the first extraction no mater what you do or how many differetn things you change to.

You also must stand closer to the source now or you get a message that you are too far away.

Re: Forage and Change Mode?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:09 am
by feilan
I'd like to add to this discussion. Hope, I'm welcome.

I guess the macro he's talking about is NOT the pure cancel action thing. I found out by myself, that with a macro you can change sourcemode by 1 keystroke - immediately. How this wors? Well, since patch one shall fix this all, and we all know, it's over time...well, it certainly goes live in a few days, and none should profit from this. Here you go:

Make a macro, call it like you like. Use this actions:

1)Action - cancel the current action

2)action - front selection - select enemy (not neccesary, but handy to use right after the prospecting)

3)action - Run shortcut - (shortcutnumber of your default exctraction action)

Effekt: Modechange on keystroke. Change 25 sec sources up to ten times and still get a full piece out of it.

2-macro harvesting? Why not, so here's the next: Prospecting

1)Action - cancel the current action

2)action - run shortcut - (number of your default prospecting action)

Using those two, standing in the right spot, and just using 25 sec sourcetime, you'll get 3k every 30 sek (at least above level 50).

Since it doesn't matter, if you grab one or twenty pieces, you just don't have to use your higest sourcetime - the exact opposite is the case: Take less, level faster.

This is total fubar

You tested patch one on ATS? Can you assure me, that starting an extraction and standing up, moving a bit, does stop extraction? If not the lesser "extracion-radius" won't change a bit. People just will start extracting and then go out of the smoke-radius. Like it works now, I'm able to move about 5 Meters away from the source, befor the extraction stops, wehras I got to stand max 3 meters from it away to start the extraction.

Re: Forage and Change Mode?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:59 am
by usagiyo
Well all I have to say is go ahead Nevrax, start nerfing little insignifican things before you fix major bugs or filling in the content and watch your game go down the toilet.

Re: Forage and Change Mode?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 5:27 am
by bizango
usagiyo wrote:Well all I have to say is go ahead Nevrax, start nerfing little insignifican things before you fix major bugs or filling in the content and watch your game go down the toilet.
I think you have too little faith, Usagiyo. Nevrax doesn't have just one guy in the programming lab. And it would be poor management not to multitask the lab personnel between changes, bugs and new features.

I believe you can expect to see bug fixes, new features/content AND game balancing issues all addressed in upcoming patches.