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Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:38 pm
by tobaran
I for one don't think the spells need to be nerfed; possibly the chance of a lock on a sucessful cast and link needs to have some fine tuning, but I think not by much.
To me, this spell is analogous to the melee warriors Increase Damage Skill, or the harvester's ability to pull more mats. This spell, as well as the other affliction spells help round out the magicians and vary the skills so that mages aren't just elemental or healer types.
The spell itself has three possible affects on the targeted mob; it can blind and it can paralyze the target, and it can do both on a linked/continous basis. A mob that is blinded is unable to react to blows so any physical hits are maximized; the second part of a mob being paralyzed makes the mob unable to attack or move. A sucessful cast will blind the target, but the duration of the blind part is reduced as the higher the target's level is. The chance of paralyzing the target is also dependent on the target's level with the duration also decreasing as the higher the target's level is. Sure, I can use Blind 1 on mobs with level 50+, but the chance of a sucessful cast and effectiveness is diminished to the point of uselessness. It would be analogous to a level 50 warrior using Increase Damage 1 - it could be used, but it won't be much effective for a warrior using a level 50 weapon.
As to chain-casting the spell, one forgets that there is an intrinsic time element for the spell, even when it is an enchantment. A caster can't eliminate this time element from the spell, and although enchantment spells immediately release the spell, it still takes time for the spell to recharge. This time element and the chance of cast failure helps limit the effectiveness of the spell.
So while some argue that this spell is too strong, I for one see it as a counterpart to some other skill disciplines, and as a group oriented spell that will help a group maximize it's damage potiential.
Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:54 pm
by moriant
tobaran wrote:I for one don't think the spells need to be nerfed; possibly the chance of a lock on a sucessful cast and link needs to have some fine tuning, but I think not by much.
So while some argue that this spell is too strong, I for one see it as a counterpart to some other skill disciplines, and as a group oriented spell that will help a group maximize it's damage potiential.
It IS to strong. Blind does the work of like 3 spells in one. Why use Stun when Blind does what Stun does and more? If you don't see the obviousl imbalance there then can I borrow your rose colored glasses please?
Its not the end of the world if/when blind get tuned. It just means you will need to have other spells being used to do what Blind does now. A tune to blind will not really affect those that group, but it will greatly affect any solo types that have been using the level 1 blind enchants.
Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:54 pm
by korin77
Perhaps it just needs to be fixed for weapons enchanted with this. Blind 1 should not effect something so high like it does now coming from a weapon.
Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:54 pm
by vguerin
thanakar wrote:Blind is NOT doing what it should be doing, its doing more than what it should be doing. Blind is supposed to, according to the spell description, "blind the enemy who becomes less efficient to attack", NOT Immobilize mob and NOT remove the aggro. Also, blind 1 shouldn't even work on a level 100 mob, blind 1 (along with all other level 1 affliction spells) is only supposed to work on mobs whose average skill level is 15, but enchant blind 1 on a weapon and you have a spell that takes no time to cast that has a high percentage of working on most any mob in the game. You right that it doesn't need a nerf, what needs to happens is that it work as intended for it is NOT working as intended in its current state.
"Acid Level 1" does damage, "increased damage 1" increases damage, "level 1 prospecting" will produce a source. Blind level 1 should blind, though not produce a lock depending on the delta level. There are several different things at work here, the problem is the enchanted level 1 spells which I did mention... Afflictors casting should have the same oppurtunity to level as a melee/harvest/elemental caster with success rates and such. Most afflictions have an inherent stun to it initially... I would say that if you were suddenly blinded you would be disoriented/stunned for a moment. The problem is the enchants, otherwise I still say the rest is minor refinements.
Blind does not remove the aggro, If I stand toe to toe afflicting a mob I will probably take some hits. So I step back so the fighters can do their job and I can better see the battlefield. If you are "afflicted" and you get hit from behind, your going to turn to that source of damage and attack it. The mobs do the exact same thing.
Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 4:51 pm
by tobaran
moriant wrote:It IS to strong. Blind does the work of like 3 spells in one. Why use Stun when Blind does what Stun does and more? If you don't see the obviousl imbalance there then can I borrow your rose colored glasses please?

Blind is an Offensive Affliction Spell; Stun is a Defensive Affliction Spell. The affects of the spells are very similar to each other so one can use Blind to raise Offensive magic, and Stun to raise Defensive magic.
From what I've experienced, the Blind spell is a 3-stage spell, on which each stage has a chance of suceeding.
....1) Cast sucess - a sucess will blind the target
.......2) chance of paralyzing target, if blind was sucessful
..........3) chance of linking the spell, if blind and paralyzing were sucessful
I suppose it could be thought of as 2 spells though. As an enchantment, this spells would be limited by both the weapon sap pool, and the wielder's own SAP pool, as an enchantment pulls from both sources. However, I must agree that I do think there should be some chance of an enchanted spell failing against high level mobs/targets.
My main argument was that I did not think Blind spell needed to be nerfed, and I did indicate that it does need some fine tuning.
Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:12 pm
by pcheez
uh, well, some if not all, of the PR mobs are blindable. Umm well,i use cold 8+blind 1, so i was blinding and damaging a terrifying vorax. Got it to 6/10 health then ran out of sap and hp. If blind lvl1 is allowing a lvl 100 chara to challenge a lvl200+ mob, and u still deny its overpowered.... heh nothing i or anyone else say can change ur mind. Seek an method to realise and comprehend the obvious, i hear they sell instrucors in cans nowadays .....
Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:28 pm
by sulbe
People keep asking for changes, and they point out what's wrong, but I'd like to offer a possible solution.
I would suggest the following for the blind spell:
1) Decreased chances of success with higher level mobs, with a base range of lvl 1-15 mobs, then degrade proportionally with higher level mobs (just for those high level fighters who want to cross over to the magic world).
2) Increased possibility to break as successful cast by the mob with each increases level range.
3) Decreased attack (but not immobile) and possible berzerker qualities? A mob may be blind but that's only one of many senses disabled. I threw in berzerker skill because if I'm flailing at an unseen attacker, I'm going to try my dernedest to land as hard a strike as I can, since I can't see, decreased chance to hit, but higher damage if I do..
So, take a 'for instance':
A level 100 fighter wants to start using magic, he has his favorite weapon enchanted with blind, but could only find Blind 1 available. He finds a lvl 150 mob to make a test run. First cast, unsuccessful, the mob aggros and charges. Second cast is successful, but is quickly broken and mauls the poor fighter.
So... raise your hand if you've ever been at a party when they break out the pinata, and you've been whacked by the blind folded player?
Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:20 pm
by ampnav
Has anyone had the chance to see if Blind was changed in Patch 1? They were supposed to change some spells.
Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:30 pm
by toddl
I just have to agree that blind is overpowered. A lvl 6 mage with blind 1 can generally completely immobilize a lvl 200 mob and make it almost trivial for a group of lvl 100 characters to chain pull these mobs that are twice their lvl. So not only is it overpowered, it really doesn't increase in power as the mage gets higher lvl. I know an excellent mage who has offensive affliciton at lvl 111 or so and is now severely pissed off because a lvl 10 mage can blind just as well as he can.
Re: Blind and how it ruins the game.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:43 pm
by tobaran
Perhaps my understanding of what 'nerfed' means is different from others; to me, it means delete, cross-out, kaput, mangle and toss away, etc....
So, is this your meaning or something else, eh?
Let's see what the devs have done... would appreciate any who are on test server to comment on any changes in the magic spells, as was indicated in Patch 1 notes....