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Re: Economics and scarcity in Ryzom
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:15 pm
by killgore
Markets are scarce because most crafters do it on demand. Why craft goods that probably won't be bought.Just ask in region for what you need and almost always someone will whip it up for you. If you want something in particular just give them time to gather mats or have them already.It works really well and no guild needed just communication.
Re: Economics and scarcity in Ryzom
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:02 am
by kalindra
Yup. Get to know people, make some friends, ask them what they can craft, then write it down in a notepad if you think you can't remember it by heart. That way, you'll have built a contact list of people to ask about gear deals. It's better to know a few crafters for each kind of gear you might need.
Trust me, I've been providing much stuff for my guildies in the past years and I'm far from being a master crafter and I only have 1 dig mastered. I'm just good at getting people to craft stuff for me, because they know I'll help them back whenever I can.
Re: Economics and scarcity in Ryzom
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:25 am
by angus858
I think some people just don't get that market commerce is a feature which many players enjoy in a mmorpg. They'd like to have it in Ryzom too. Asking for free gear in chat is not commerce. Sure it is easy to do. No, there is nothing wrong with it. But it does not provide the economic mini-game that many players want in their mmorpgs.
A quick check on the official feedback page makes it pretty clear that many players are not satisfied with the current system. Many fixes have been suggested. Most of them would be beneficial. Some, such as an extended resale time, would be very easy to implement.
Having a real economy might attract more players to the game.
Re: Economics and scarcity in Ryzom
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:52 pm
by trueshot
meh why are you even talking about pvp Iala, since you yourself have stated you want nothing to do with it?
Re: Economics and scarcity in Ryzom
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:33 pm
by kalindra
Fortunately, here, dappers are so easy to make, that any master digger can make 200 millions without ever stepping in a PvP zone. Which is why we have no gold spammer. They'd have to sell the currency by the million before people even think about whipping out a credit card... and even then, people might think : "Why would I pay money for dappers ? I just have to put a few hundread q250 grind mats on the market and I'm a millionaire again !"
And pure PvPers, the annoying jerk type (not the ones we have here), are not the ones making millions selling crafted gear and mats. The PvPers here also hunt, dig and craft... otherwise they'd have a very boring time on Atys waiting for a target to enter the PvP zone they are camping to gank repeatedly.
Also, super nodes in the PvP zone is not the only place where supreme mats can be dug. There are also spots in the non PvP zones of PR.
And if I follow your logic, just because I find a boss and kill it first, I prevent others from getting it for 2-4 days. Am I responsible for the spawn rates of these mobs ? No, I just got lucky. Now that spawn spots have been randomized for most bosses, camping has become mostly obsolete and thank Ma-Duk for that.
In most games, bosses drop pre-made gear and are instanced in dungeons. In those games, raids are a potential cause of heavy guild drama. In Ryzom, pretty much anything and everything gear-wise is player crafted and bossmats are most often divided fairly amongst the participating guilds since there are often more than one sharing the same boss kill. And if you need a rare boss mat that you can't find because spawn rates are what they are, post a request on the market forum and offer a variety of tasty dug/hunted mats in exchange and I'm sure that eventually, you'll get what you're looking for.
Ryzom is more a cooperative/social gaming experience than a competitive one. Unless he has amazing survival skills, a lonely homin is but kitin fodder on the food chain. And then he's missing out on the incredible community.
We ARE elitist, but not in such a bad way that we don't let any "noob" in. We just don't want rude jerks filthying the generally friendly atmosphere that reigns on Atys. And as long as Ryzom will be what it is, we won't get invaded by über-ganker wannabes. Not if we just adjust the market to make it a bit better !
I mean, what bad is it if we allow gear to stay longer on the market for others to browse or buy ? What if, instead of disappearing, gear would be placed on hold by the merchants and they'd ask for a storage fee (a small fraction of what they gave you for the object) for the time you left it there before you can put it back on the market. Merchants wouldn't let you sell anything else if you don't pay them their storage fee. It would also be very helpful if merchants had warehouse for direct temporary storage where you can hit the "Store" button and pay a small fee depending of the quantity of things you're storing temporarly. That way, harvesters wouldn't overflow the market with overpriced stored mats at 9999% mark-up. You would not retrieve that amount of dappers when you come back for the storaged goods In fact, you'd pay for the rented space depending on the time you left your stuff lay around. GH full ? Appartment full ? Mektoubs full ? Don't wanna pay real money for a storage alt account ? Then rent temporary storage and pay dappers every week !
Making dappers slightly more useful wouldn't affect the presence of dapper spammers. There are still way too many generous billionaires that would be giving newcommers over half a million as a welcome gift on their first trek just so they can buy themselves all the TPs and some packers.
There is no need to be an alarmist every time a small improvement is proposed to make the game more market-friendly or to offer people more options IF they want to use them. I mean, it wouldn't kill us to have an auction house. If people can bid on items on the forums, why not ingame ? But instead of only bidding in dappers, people could bid in mats or even cats depending of the options set by the seller. Many players miss good items sales because they just don't read the forums. Unsold items would go to the warehouse.
P.S. I'd rather spoil newcommers by welcoming them with a couple million dapper welcome gifts than see them buy it from a goldspammer. And I'm almost certain I wouldn't be the only one that's ready to do that, just to nullify any threath of goldspammer invasion. I despise them, they're annoying as hell and really ruin a game by spamming the heck out of people.
Re: Economics and scarcity in Ryzom
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:45 pm
by kuroari
*tacklehuggles sherk*
What she said