Seelagan Atys
Re: Seelagan Atys
Will miss you every time I ll set foot on Atys from now on
hope to meet you again in any other world (be sure not to go back to AoC though - life ain't tough enough for you there)

Re: Seelagan Atys
Aaaw, Trini, I'm sad to see you go. It saddens me even more to see that a few changes made with the intention of improving the Ryzom experience failed for you to the point of riving you away.
I'll pray the fluffy gods, and even maybe Jena, to make you come again one day.
I'll pray the fluffy gods, and even maybe Jena, to make you come again one day.
New Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate
:: Most Loyal Fyros Alive :: Neutral Trader :: Crazy Marshmallow Lady ::
The Exodus Syndicate
"Experience Perfection : Unharness Your Power"
"Ignore the flames or grill your marshmallows on them. Then feed them to the trolls so they keep their mouth shut."
New Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate
:: Most Loyal Fyros Alive :: Neutral Trader :: Crazy Marshmallow Lady ::
The Exodus Syndicate
"Experience Perfection : Unharness Your Power"
"Ignore the flames or grill your marshmallows on them. Then feed them to the trolls so they keep their mouth shut."
Re: Seelagan Atys
/tar Trini
Guild Leader

[size=-3]250 PR Forager / 250 Jungle Forager / 250 Desert Forager[/size]
[size=-3]250 1h Spear Crafter / 250 Magic Amplifier Crafter / 240 Large Shield Crafter / 210 Rifle Crafter[/size]
Guild Leader
[size=-3]250 PR Forager / 250 Jungle Forager / 250 Desert Forager[/size]
[size=-3]250 1h Spear Crafter / 250 Magic Amplifier Crafter / 240 Large Shield Crafter / 210 Rifle Crafter[/size]