So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by cloud071 »

shany2 wrote:To all of those who say that quests are idiotic, or that jumping is bad: I have a surprise for you, you are the minority. The fact that you got used to something bad doesn't make it good.
It's in no ways bad. From what you've been saying, you want to turn Ryzom into something that truly separated it from all other MMO's: The own player's story.

Why do you want to take away it's sparkle?

Second: Why jump? First off, it's annoying to see others always pogo'ing all over the place. Second off, do you know how much code and revisions of current code would be needed to actually implement this?
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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by rdfall »

shany2 wrote: Fact is, most people think that a good compeling story, with deep and complex mythology, is imortant in a game.
right, because Ryzom NEVER won the MMORPG's reader's choice awards for best story, ESPECIALLY not in 2005, and CERTAINLY NOT with almost a third of the votes.
</Sarcasm> ... 88/page/6/

the reason ryzom never became that big? honestly? Bad marketing, most if not all marketting for ryzom has always been through word-of-mouth, this combined with a bad patch near the start of the game (the horror that was Patch 1) which decimated the population and significcantly decreased the influx of players because there was less word-of-mouth, unfortunately is a vicious cycle.
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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by raven58 »

Originally Posted by shany2
Now, three years passed. The owning company changed. And the question I must ask is: Has the game changed?

You guys played it, so you tell me. Are those 3 BAD things still with us? Or is it just the same as back then? What is the statues of the game?

shany2 hi to be honest its still the same old Ryzom! I have played on and off for the past few months and even with the updates old players will not much of a change to keep them playing for long.
Look this game is great for the new players and the old players "ill play Ryzom not matter what" group.

The new players will get from a month to six months worth of good play out of ryzom(as it stands now ) before getting fedup and well the other group will keep playing till the end of time even if this game never ever has a patch again, This group of players you will find in every game anyway.
Its all down to the new owners and what they do with the game! only time will tell....but while its free why not give Ryzom some game time and see for yourself.
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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by katriell »

shany2 wrote:To all of those who say that quests are idiotic, or that jumping is bad: I have a surprise for you, you are the minority.
Nothing wrong with that. Ryzom is and always will be a niche game. Grabbing for the majority would kill it more surely than anything.

You haven't studied the genre and this game's relationship to it deeply enough to know what you're talking about. You're just a clueless, shallow consumer.
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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by shany2 »

katriell wrote:Nothing wrong with that. Ryzom is and always will be a niche game. Grabbing for the majority would kill it more surely than anything.

You haven't studied the genre and this game's relationship to it deeply enough to know what you're talking about. You're just a clueless, shallow consumer.
Oh, you got it so wrong. Oh well
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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by alyssah »

Looking at the number of players who started in 2004, not a lot has changed. Nice to see you are all still alive and kicking despite historic disasters (patch one, Faction warfare and bankruptcy to name but a few).

Like many other original players (beta and Sept 04) I keep watching the game to see if the community and gameplay will expand.

Best wishes to the loyal community and good luck to the new developers. Get it right and there are a host of players who would return.

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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by katriell »

shany2 wrote:Oh, you got it so wrong. Oh well
Wow, that's all you can say? Apparently you're not even capable of properly supporting your argument. My last post was in the same vein as yours, I'll admit, but I already wrote and linked to my analysis.
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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by lya74656 »

Well, gotta admit, jumping and third dimension in general -has- its merits. Hunter disengage off the cliff + engineer's parachute cloak = flight over half of the zone. Pretty much fun in PvP... death from above!

As for those constantly jumping morons, those can be easily weeded out by having each jump eat a bit of fatigue points. Five, six jumps - fatigue gone, no more jumping until it regenerates.

You know, it would be neat to be able to jump off those stupid one-meter-high ledges, instead of getting stuck in them while running away from nasty sharptoothed beasts. I died on more than one ocassion because I ran into "dead end" caused by dumb physics engine that won't allow me to run over the minor ledge. No, it doesn't happen to me on daily basis, but I can imagine that running into a trap like this can be a major decision factor for some newcomers. Yes, we got wonderful skill system and awesome ecology, but your average new player won't give a poo about that, if their first contact with our awesome ecology means being eaten by ragus while trying to jump off some minor terrain bump.

Yes, you have every right not to want jumping implemented. But making terrain bumps more navigable would be sufficient for now. If it's as high as a homin, it should be climbable or jumpable for a homin, no matter how steep it is. Homins are no wimps, after all.
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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by fadebait »

I think calling others "clueless, shallow consumers" is a step too far.

They don't like some things about Ryzom? That's ok. There's a line between fan and fanatic, which is drawn by your reaction when someone critisizes that which you love.
A fan says: "Oh, well, that's a pity, I really love it because of xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" [And probably continues adding reasons why they love it for the next 30 mins]
A fantatic says: "You don't like it? Well, you suck then. *stabbity*"

Don't be a fanatic.
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Re: So, has the game REALLY changed in last 3 years?

Post by yuritau »

shany2 wrote:Fact is, most people think that a good compeling story, with deep and complex mythology, is imortant in a game. Also, Most people thinks that 3D needs to involve something more than just the graphics, but actual ability to move in 3D. (which include jumping, falling, and climbing to begin with, flying is always fun, but not a must)
Anyone who expresses the opinion that Ryzom doesn't have a complex and compelling storyline has VERY OBVIOUSLY not played the game enough to know what they are talking about.
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