PR Death Express now boarding!

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Re: PR Death Express now boarding!

Post by incend »

kalindra wrote:I think peeps have been wussing out a bit too much. What is a little DP when you're having a blast ? I propose we do the same next season change when all the super nodes are depleted.

Maybe then they will be more encline to hire our bodyguard services. Gnah ! :p

Note : I've always been scared of PR and still am, but it seems some people are even more affraid than me ! o.O
Not afraid Sherk, if I was afraid I wouldn't have participated in the first or second event.

Just looked at what being in PR means, what it would mean to me as a novice digger...and said .."to hell with that noise" :P

Not worth my time..when I want to dig I don't want to have to spend hours of time trying to get enough people (two teams) to help me do that. Its a bit ridiculous even thinking about it.

So it won't be on my list of things to do...ever.

It was alright to die in battle etc during the events, but to literally take two steps and then 20 backwards every time I prospect a node.....just seems masochistic to me.

Being that I don't tend towards masochism.....I ain't gonna do it..... :P

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Re: PR Death Express now boarding!

Post by kalindra »

I must be highly masochistic, then, because I was never interested in PR before the KPs and now I do want to go down there and bodyguard the diggers. For me, it's not boring, it's thrilling, especially since I've always been affraid down there. :p

But I'm still not interested about digging down there, it's true. Having even the choice weathered is a bit too much for me... nothing to do with the KPs though.
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