I really like the open non-quest-required sandbox style that is mainland Ryzom, it really gives a feeling of freedom to the game. The Silan style quests/walkthrough is a little too handheld for ML imo. Which is why i enjoyed the old starter lands so much.fadebait wrote: The open, questless, sandbox style only really works if there are other players around too (and arguably isn't ideal even then).
If ryzom is ever going to be more than a tiny niche product it will need a little bit more mass-market appeal. It doesn't need the thousands of quests that other games have, but what it does need (certainly for the first 100 or so levels) is something to actually work towards that is tangible.
I have to agree though that it would be really nice to have more to look forward to, especially sub lvl 100 and that having something to look forward to at around lvl 100's would be very nice. Creating more sub-goals would make playing and lvling much more enjoyable.