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Re: i can relate
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:58 pm
by kay22626
I dont feel that way about MMOs, if i felt that way i wouldnt be playing MMOs.
Its normal the author did not give any solutions, because he didnt find the problems in the first place.
The author's arguments are contrived and downright fallacious for the most part.
Subscription fees?....Aggro?...skill buttons?....are these the real reasons why MMOs are "broken"? I dont think so.
His last point "you cant play with the people you want to play with" describes a problem that has been solved very nicely in Everquest 2 (mentoring system).
Just because an article is well written doesnt make it valid, nor clever.
Re: i can relate
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:27 pm
by incend
Wanted to remark on his statement: "A subscription fee creates psychological baggage".
I hardly think so. I mean if you are an avid player of a particular game, then you will pay the sub each month. If you are unhappy with that game, you cancel. If you find a better either maintain the sub on the first one..or cancel.
Far too many people these days have far too many complaints, usually about some vague thing like the sky is falling, your favorite game is Doomed..doomed I tell you..or some such.
Why they spend months and months on a forum AFTER they have cancelled, bewailing the fact they ever subscribed is beyond any kind of logic, to me.
It becomes some sort of unhealthy vendetta.
As for the raison d'etre of subscription fees, they are "in most games" a necessary evil. It keeps the game servers running, your favorite CSRs and Devs, employed and able to feed families.....
Games are businesses bottom line.
"Free to play" games are not at all free, after you find yourself obligated to visit their ingame stores and pay REAL cash for needed items to progress your character... which ends up to cost ALOT more than your $12.00 or $15.00 a month regular sub fee. LOL