It was a quiet first day on wednesday with only 2 people completing the scenario, then things started off on thursday with 9 people completing it, and continued on with 17 people completing it on friday, Halloween itself, culminating in a full team of 9 players facing off against an invasion of monsters on Halloween night.
I'm happy that so many people showed interest and that you all enjoyed it.

It's great to be able to finally get some fun out of the Ring again! Many of you haven't gotten your rewards for completing the scenario yet, but don't worry, I'll get them to you later (whether you like it or not

Even though Halloween is officially over now, I realize many people may not have had a chance to get in yet, so I'll continue to host the scenario throughout this weekend and the next week. For an idea of when, I usually have it on roughly from 1 pm GMT to 1 am GMT, barring other events and the occasional lunch break.
iceaxe68 wrote:It's really fun, with a creepy environment and the drama of not knowing what (if anything) will come after you when you visit each tent.
You've captured my intention perfectly there Sasi. I think if the tents didn't have the chance of spawning something that will kill you in a blink, it wouldn't be half as exciting.
To anyone still planning to play the scenario in the coming days, a few more hints gleaned from watching people play:
- You don't *have* to reset the scenario after dieing. If you want a second try at whatever got you, you're free to.
- But if you were killed by something you have no chance of fighting, don't forget to reset the scenario before going back in, or you'll just walk that way to die again.
- Also don't forget, the chest has to be opened before you can move on to the next tent. Also if you get a Trick and you manage to defeat it, the chest will still spawn near the tent, and it has to be opened before you can knock on other tents.
Have fun and don't forget to die a few times.