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Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:07 am
by iphdrunk
acridiel wrote:Sorry Iphy, but you seem to forget that all of the above are limited and do degrade.
That's true Acri for e.g. the dagger, but unfortunately not for the pants and the shield (basically, we cannot get them for lack of honor points, so they will remain as rare as honor points are) but well, no need to go on this. You know as well as me what this is about :)


Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:13 am
by iphdrunk
cyrogen18 wrote: So sad, these runs used to be awesome.
To some extent, they are still being made, but for loot instead (more like bosses). The difference is that it is thus usually a team of 3-6 high level players.

In short, we have seen the "Kitin UberCommander" where it takes like 200 players to take down, and tied to invasions (alas, the 3k cap remains). Having "ubernameds", something in between typical herbivores and UberCommander that need e.g a team of 8-9, adding some variation (similar to the typical end-level boss in arcades) lasts like 10-30 min would be another option. There is plenty of room for aen-like mobs

Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:21 am
by acridiel
cyrogen18 wrote:Thanks for taking the time to respond acridiel :)

No offense is taken, and in turn no offense is intended by my response, just clarification with some of my points I don't think you understood, and disagreement with some of your responses & hopefully to continue some great discussion :P
Ohdear, there are some things I missunderstood... Sorry XD
cyrogen18 wrote: I didn't assume, this was after speaking to one of the CSR's and was told new players didn't have access to Klients. I was asking about the forum access, and figured I'd ask about Klients as well. I did however assume that Klients was still functional (after seeing forum messages refering to it, the loading message still there, etc.) and I guess the CSR thinks it's still working also >_>
Ah, well, my guess is they´re used to referring to the chat as "Klients" from before. XD
cyrogen18 wrote: These boots aren't made for walkin' they are made for vendoring, you cannot make any better boots or pants than the items given to you by the quest rewards for a long time. As you've stated they also weren't made to see that different results come from different materials, as you have to use the exact same materials for each set of boots & pants. Yes they are great for leveling, but the main reason I brought up the 5 boots & 5 pants part was that it was just too much to hold for a player who is just starting out and already has alot of materials from other means.
Okay, it´s been a while since I played Silan. But I seem to remember that you could just as well use loot to craft these things.
Not sure though, sorry if I´m mistaken.
cyrogen18 wrote: This quest is the only thing that needs weapon crafting on the island, awesome Magic Amps come from the mage quest, awesome Swords come from the warrior quests. This is an 80 point waste for the starter island.

Yes, I'm on the mainland now, but I was mainly refering to the Island, and the switch over. The best crafters on the island should be able to craft things their fellow islanders might want. Not just stuff that is going to get vendorer. There is no incentive on the island to go out and hunt those fine materials. The only 2 crafting incentives on the island are jewellry and heavy armor, and the heavy armor is mainly only an incentive to those already ready to leave the island. There is no low to mid level range for crafters, the low level is ruined by the island quest rewards, and the mid level is just covered by all the higher level crafters.
Ah, now I get your drift.
Yes, I agree on that. The whole lot of rewards is not that good an Idea.
Like I said before. ;)

cyrogen18 wrote: I'm well familiar with editing spells, all my spells have the time credit removed, and I'm not sure how you say I can make my shiny new rank of spell more/less powerful with editing, unless you mean don't use my shiny new rank, or grind out another more powerful rank....
Well, you could use the time credit then, for example. Its hard to explain in english... Sometimes its better to have a spell with a bit less power but faster or with wider range to get the best result. Like with Melee, its not always the "max.dmg." combination that gets you the best results. Mobs do have resistances and such. Some tend to think most stanzas beside the "moar damage RoXXoR" one are useless. I can assure you, this isn´t the case ;)
cyrogen18 wrote: Thus as I mentioned the only issue is this Magic amp. It's more powerful than anything an island crafter can make, and more powerful than anything people are willing to sell on the vendors on the mainland, if there are things with higher than 84%, without being "of offensive affliction" etc, then I haven't seen any in my travels so far.
Oh, there are. Believe you me ;) Only their recipes are rightfully and heavily guarded secrets, by our best crafters.
cyrogen18 wrote: If there are these better items as you say, they should not be closely guarded guild secrets, or hidden in the stash's of the high level crafters. The crafters of similar level to myself should be able to make items I would want to use after leaving my old quest rewards behind. I'm not saying the guilds and high level crafters shouldn't have their uber items, but there should be a middle ground between them and the quest rewards.
I absolutely disagree on that one.
Such recipes should not be made publicly avaliable, because the guys/girls who figured them out absolutely earned the right to keep them or tell them to an "apprentice" or close friend. And they are a good part of the economy that evolved over the years. Getting such an item involves "quests" of its own, for the right materials and for the right person to craft it, if unknown.
And you´d rob many of those who do really like crafting and the toss at finding the right combination of materials of their fun.
A middle ground is there, with the items/recipes produced on the way to the best items. There are, for the lack of a better term, "Über-Crafted-Items" in each level range. You´ve only got to find the right recipe. And as a tipp, it´s not just to toss "the best stuff in" to get the best result. ;)

I love to go to the crafter of my choice and ask him for a new sword.
He tells me what he wants as payment and I have a hell of a fun time getting the stuff. It´s not annoying at all if you see the item as a quest-reward, what it essentially is.
cyrogen18 wrote: Just because you've gotten used to it, opening & closing, etc, doesn't mean it's not one hell of an eye full for a newer player.

"my problem" is there are things that could be done, like adding the feature already on the mission window to remove the title bar to other windows.
Okay, hopefully they do something about some of these things.
cyrogen18 wrote: Personally I feel that this is one of the most important. Do you really want all these new players to feel that the game has life, or that it's just been turned on for a free go for them and that nothing they haven't seen during their free go will happen.

"Yesterdays Kitin Invasion was fought back with the full might of the Homin Empire, sadly this Tryker did not turn around in time to see the Invasion incoming [Screenshot of dead Tryker under Kitin foot]."

More interesting to the potential new player than just a big "free" button?

"Here's the winner of this months art comp [awesome picture]"

Things like this are always interesting to see.
Ah, here I definitely misunderstood. Sorry.
Yes, what you say is true. But still, there are other things more pressing to solve. It´s been like you said before the whole financial issues, hopefully it will return to that status some day.

And while we´re at it: Sundays Kitin-Hunt went extremely well: :D
cyrogen18 wrote: This was just an additional feature I woul like to see, refering to the masses of tribes walking around like the Green Seed for example. Just saying would be nice to see them do more than just walk.
Aaaah, now I get it.
You mean the tribe patrols and such could act a little more "lively".
Yes, good idea! :)
They could give clues about deposits and stuff, yes...
If I remember correctly that was one of the planned features before Nevrax hit the wall...
cyrogen18 wrote: Leveling with my friend, there are quite a number of times when one of us is lying on the ground dead for a while, and the other one is fearing & rooting, and running like hell from something that he can't handle alone. This is one of the most annoying things for me, just lying there for a few minutes not being able to watch.
Well, this will stop in higher levels. Every hand is needed then and most of your fellows will be powerful enough to get you back on your feet quite fast.
But even then, it sometimes happens that we get surprise attacked or something. Its really part of the fun to me and many others to master such occasions. Just Sunday night I went to the prime roots with a few friends, just to get pictures of a special location. The way down there turned into an adventure all by itself because we (all accomplished warriors/mages) had the misfortune of first running into a group of Kitin and then having some Vorax join in the fray. The fight and resulting race to save fallen friends was so much fun, no-one was angry about the DP or why they´d even gone there with me. It was fast paced battle, frantic running and shouting in TS and one hell of a fun time! :)
cyrogen18 wrote: If it does carry for 250 meters, he knows the dead guy is one of the yellow dots on his radar, and that if he invites him to the team he will be close. You can use the region chat, but just because you've been doing it that way doesn't mean that there isn't a more useful way. There might not be a decent landmark to describe your position near in region chat, but anyone seeing a yell automatically knows you are close.
hmhm, okay. You´ve got a point there.
cyrogen18 wrote: I'm not at home to check again, but I'm pretty sure your wrong on this one, my apologies if your not.
I´m quite sure about it ;)
Apologies if I´m mistaken :D
cyrogen18 wrote: None of this information seems to be readily available in game, I thought packers could be healed in the beta *shrug* It's annoying if your traveling & it almost dies, your stuck with a packer with little health to try & get somewhere :(
Yes, they were heal-able in Beta, but they removed it at some point, which in my personal view is better, because it brings more risk/fun to such treks.
Okay, its annoying that they don´t regenerate hurts, yes, this could well be fixed. Maybe they´d only regenerate in a stable, over a certain amount of time. That would even make sense, like real horses, they should not be moved while recuperating.
cyrogen18 wrote: Yes I complained about screen clutter, I still think it needs alot of work, but you also said I can turn on & off the windows I'm using. This would be one of the ones that is only on when needed - traveling with animals.
I think it suffices that each player can see the health of his own animals.
<ctrl> p, if I´m not mistaken.

cyrogen18 wrote: Sadly they are not categorized as I suggested :( Maybe there was a reason for this, but it seems like an easy fix early healing to change the category of a few spells.
Huh? Spells are categorized, by offensive/defensive, mental/elemental and such. Now you have me confused, I don´t get what you mean here, sorry.
cyrogen18 wrote: As I said, they were not one and the same in this case. One was an unmarked rank 2.
Ah, probably someone left out its tooltip then... -.-
cyrogen18 wrote: They also hit me in the legs! :P
Hmhm, maybe they´re like "The luggage"... *hides in fear* :D


Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:53 am
by cyrogen18

The backback was showing 85 bulk from memory, the pick & jewel tool definitely did not make up 85 Bulk :) I didn't check my gear for how much the total bulk was there.

I can understand weapon & shield being counted in bulk, if your disarmed these things have to go somewhere, but the armor & jewellry seems wrong, the only time your taking it off is for a naked dance party :P

The 2 orders & packers were 0 each.

Some minor ones for the list:
When making a new character, you are asked what button setup you want, I chose WASD for my setup, but it just went with the arrow button setup instead. Had to manually change it in game.

I don't mind manually setting up my keys, and this is only a small issue, but after being given the option as I first start up this is one of the earliest pains for a new player.

Screen shots: Shift+f10 or ctrl+f10..... most games just use the print screen button by default. Seems a bit odd to have your own special button sets when print screen could have been used with a checkbox in the options for jpg or tga.

Doesn't look like I can have a Forum Avatar either, so sad.

Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:02 am
by cyrogen18
Well, some things do change over time, the Headless Karavan Guardian seems to have left in search of his head, or maybe he found it & went sight seeing?

For those of you thinking the Karavan were really Matis, Fyros, Zorai, Robots in Disguise.... this is proof that they are not, and are really cloths monsters and thus need no wearer at all. Perhaps his head was just in the wash.

Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:21 am
by acridiel
cyrogen18 wrote:Well, some things do change over time, the Headless Karavan Guardian seems to have left in search of his head, or maybe he found it & went sight seeing?

For those of you thinking the Karavan were really Matis, Fyros, Zorai, Robots in Disguise.... this is proof that they are not, and are really cloths monsters and thus need no wearer at all. Perhaps his head was just in the wash.
Where was that? :D


Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:53 pm
by dannzn2
I am pretty sure worn items all count towards your bulk. An easy example is to check your bulk while wearing everything then un-equip everything into your bag. The total bulk stays the same. This has worked in my favor when I had almost full bags but did not want to wear all my heavy armor while crafting.

Also as far as the pants/ boots quest. This one has me baffled. I made the items and did not get credit no matter what I tried. Then I just blew the quest off and crafted stuff to level. I had vendered everything even and noticed at some point that I got credit because I generally leave my journal open. I know for certain that I was using loot and not the mats that the quest giver gave me when I got credit.

One thing I found out about the mage missions, so long as you meet the requirement of actually having the spell. You don't need to use it to complete the mission. Hell, I did not even use magic because I am primarily a melee lover and still got credit.

I am new as well, also played the beta years ago. So far I must say that I am loving the game despite its few (i think) minor quirks.

Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:05 am
by cyrogen18
acridiel wrote:*LOOOL*
Where was that? :D

I think it was outside Davae at the time.
dannzn2 wrote:I am new as well, also played the beta years ago. So far I must say that I am loving the game despite its few (i think) minor quirks.
Glad to hear your enjoying yourself mate, I'm sure anyone that can get past the faults will love it :)

Few more for the list:

Yrk is one of the I assume four gathering places. The high level players gather here between journeys. Why then does Yrk's player market stop at q50? Davae I think does up to q100, I haven't explored other merchants yet.

Encumbered: it slows you down, this is fine. So I was standing around, I crafted a few thousand bullets, then I was wondering why I couldn't move at all.... I think there is an encumbered message when you hit like 600kg of stuff on you, but the no walk limit is before then for weaker characters and no error is given when you try to walk to let you know why you can't move. I just thought it was a game glitch before then and I needed to relog (it's not like this isn't normally the right answer, lol)

I've moused over the debuffs on me a few times to see what they were and they have shown as Death Penalty (they were not death penalty).

Death Penalty is starting to get up there for me. With the experience capping at 3000 is this a problem later on? How long does a lvl 250 Death Penalty take to work off?

I see the radar bug is still in there. eg sometimes when showing 250m only 125m of dots will be shown on the radar.

So I had 2 weapons equipped, sword & dagger, and I was disarmed, both my icons show no weapon, but then I'm running along a second later & my character is holding the offhand weapon still.....

So your crafting away, and BAM no room to pick up the new thing you just made. If you don't want to destroy something you have to run around with the crafting screen still taking up most of your screen & find a vendor by peeking through the little bit of screen along side this window, or get to your packer. It's annoying, and could be easily fixed with giving the bag full message before crafting the item you can't hold, and not allowing you to craft anything that won't fit in your bag.

I have a habit of clicking respawn expecting to turn up at the nearest spawn point. Yes this is more a problem with my own mindset, but I know I'm not the only one that does it. A checkbox in the options somewhere to have no respawn point selected at all when the respawn box appears, instead of the one you selected last would be good. eg respawn box appears, and you can't click the respawn until you've selected a destination (because there is not one pre-selected anymore).

Forum issue: I'm typing away, I'm writing a novel, I click preview post and it turns out I've been auto logged out. I sign in and get a "cannot access post" message, my novel is lost. Maybe I can click the back button & it will still be there, maybe not, otherwise I have to retype it. This isn't an issue I haven't encountered enough places to be prepared for, but it will annoy forum users just the same.

Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:04 pm
by acridiel
cyrogen18 wrote:I think it was outside Davae at the time.
The poor man! *LOL*

cyrogen18 wrote: Encumbered: it slows you down, this is fine. So I was standing around, I crafted a few thousand bullets, then I was wondering why I couldn't move at all.... I think there is an encumbered message when you hit like 600kg of stuff on you, but the no walk limit is before then for weaker characters and no error is given when you try to walk to let you know why you can't move. I just thought it was a game glitch before then and I needed to relog (it's not like this isn't normally the right answer, lol)
Yeah, with my absolute favorite "feature" from each and every game outthere:
You can´t wear that Armor because it´s too heavy for you to wear, but you can put it in your backpack and take it with you for later use... uhm... oookay... :D :p
cyrogen18 wrote: I've moused over the debuffs on me a few times to see what they were and they have shown as Death Penalty (they were not death penalty).

Oh, that one´s new to me.
cyrogen18 wrote: Death Penalty is starting to get up there for me. With the experience capping at 3000 is this a problem later on? How long does a lvl 250 Death Penalty take to work off?
No Problem, usually when fighting in a good team or with a good Healer, all of you will be rid of the DP in quite little time. Solo, it can be hard, but then it´s a good advice to dig in, so to say :D Go and forage. ;) Best way to get rid of DP and earn money/materials.
cyrogen18 wrote: I see the radar bug is still in there. eg sometimes when showing 250m only 125m of dots will be shown on the radar.
You may have noticed this only happens WITHIN citys, or a t a HUGE OP-Fight.
It´s not a bug, its simply a limitation of the the Engine. When in a city or at a big fight, with huge amounts of NPCs/mobs and additional players around its simply isn´t able to show everything, it "scales down" a bit to keep the performance up.
cyrogen18 wrote: So I had 2 weapons equipped, sword & dagger, and I was disarmed, both my icons show no weapon, but then I'm running along a second later & my character is holding the offhand weapon still.....
Known error, but minor in my opinion.
cyrogen18 wrote: So your crafting away, and BAM no room to pick up the new thing you just made. If you don't want to destroy something you have to run around with the crafting screen still taking up most of your screen & find a vendor by peeking through the little bit of screen along side this window, or get to your packer. It's annoying, and could be easily fixed with giving the bag full message before crafting the item you can't hold, and not allowing you to craft anything that won't fit in your bag.
True and known. But we´ve learned to keep an eye on our bulk. :p
cyrogen18 wrote: I have a habit of clicking respawn expecting to turn up at the nearest spawn point. Yes this is more a problem with my own mindset, but I know I'm not the only one that does it. A checkbox in the options somewhere to have no respawn point selected at all when the respawn box appears, instead of the one you selected last would be good. eg respawn box appears, and you can't click the respawn until you've selected a destination (because there is not one pre-selected anymore).
As you said, problem of your mindset. Where´s the trouble in looking where you want to respawn? And for the sake of DP, maybe wait for someone to rezz you? I´ve noticed that many new players do realy seem to have a problem with asking for a little help and a rezz.
You don´t need to be scared. Just ask. :)
Many veteran players and hopefully some of the new ones also, will go out of their way to rezz fallen Homins, regardless of where they are or what they´re doing at the moment. Ask nicely in Region-Chat and you will be spared the DP :) ;)
cyrogen18 wrote: Forum issue: I'm typing away, I'm writing a novel, I click preview post and it turns out I've been auto logged out. I sign in and get a "cannot access post" message, my novel is lost. Maybe I can click the back button & it will still be there, maybe not, otherwise I have to retype it. This isn't an issue I haven't encountered enough places to be prepared for, but it will annoy forum users just the same.
Strangely that occured to me only on a computer at work.
So I don´t think its an issue that originates from these boards.
Never ever experienced that at home.
Could be that cookies are not enabled?
Or that your router does something not intended? Dynamic IP maybe?
Have heard this only a few times and only in the last few weeks.
Maybe you could ask in the technicals Section.
I came to first copy my "novels" into the temporary memory at work because of this. Helped, but was still annoying, yes.


Re: Observations & Thoughts

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:13 pm
by eshay
Hey Acridiel, this is totally off topic but I just noticed you're missing an 'l' in All Over the World, in your siggy. ;)