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Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:14 am
by 5c0rp
When the forums where back up and it was clear that there was work happening on the shards there was a lot of players eager for some news, there was also alot of external sites where the news was filtered into their forums, this lead to people who previously didnt know ryzom asking about the game and showing alot of intrest into ryzom.
Now this has been some time since these events and again intrest is dying off, if we are to seriously expect ryzom to have a good future we need to have some contact with the ryzom team, since the start of the latest work there has been nothing offical from the new owners, i appreciate that there may be some reasons for keeping quiet but they are now starting to cause more harm than good.
To cure this as suggested before a simple interview, press release just confirming that they are working on the game, no real details are needed just some sort of introduction and confrimation that they are working on ryom and that it will return one day.
Communication and poor marketing was the cause of ryzom failing before, at this rate i see no differance and have conserns for ryzom's future in the long term.
Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:38 am
by kalindra
Same here... I feel homesick. The more I spend time in AoC, the more I hate it. But still, It does have a better marketing and communication than Ryzom. Not flawless, but it does have some at least ! The current's owner's utter lack of any kind or form of communication is quite frightening.
We want to hear something, almost anything would be good enough, but imperatively something to signify us that the owners are there and aware of our concerns ! Don't leave us in the dark anymore... the only good Void is that place in the Jungle with the Ploderos and stuff.
We want info !!! News ! Something ! Anything !
Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:07 am
by zarozina
I agreee here, and am posting so not just to be seen to be posting or to up my postcount, but to add my siggy to what is basically a petition. Talk to us. Silence is what killed the game in the past, and will do so again. If you (the new owners) do read our forums as some believe you do, then you will have read our threads about marketting, how to revitalise Ryzom, etc etc etc. Take note, or at least make a noise to show that you intend to take note, but say something. If only because we have asked you to, and are we not your customers? The people who are the reason you're here? Lack of information will ruin your shiny new (second hand) purchase before you have even unwrapped it if you're not careful. It's not hard: just log on and FRELLING WELL POST SOMETHING!
*points to
Spellborn forums* See? It's easy when you know how!
Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:43 am
by m1nion
Well i have to agree will all thats been posted so far. Looking at other games they keep players informed ( good or bad ) and keep interest at a high. New players can see active forums with good feeback and overall chats about whats happening, here we have nothing......
Looking at some of the recent posts on these forums you can see replys flooding in within a few hours of the starting post. This thread is some what lacking on the replys to time of starting, shows players losing interest already.
Its not hard to post a few words on what the owners / devs intentions are i would have thought, but keeping ( old and potentionaly new players ) in the dark is a bad move.
The old owners did this and Ryzom died 2x, please dont make the same mistake as them.
Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:47 am
by sidusar
symolan wrote:I think it is completely adequate to lose some hope now. Hope on a successful marketing campaign this is.
Ryzom will come back I'm sure (otherwise why bother opening the forums). But bringing Ryzom back is (not for me who will enjoy any second in Ryzom) quite pointless somehow without attracting new players. Without new players Ryzom will go bust and possibly for good this time.
This is what I meant with loosing hope as well. I've no doubt someone is trying to bring Ryzom back up, but I'm loosing hope that it'll be anything more than a repeat of the GF fiasco ultimately ending in a third bankruptcy.
Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:15 am
by eriu3
ive sorta given up too now, the lack of progress over the last couple of weeks makes it seem all work has stalled, no-communication is very very very bad, and tbh I don't think this new company knows what the hell its doing, i`ve seen a few posts defending them saying they are waiting for the right time eg a game conference to make a load of big announcements, yeah right. If they knew anything about publicity and anticipation they would have opened these forums up a long time ago so that the public could register and chat and get excited just like every other MMO that is in a closed stage.
Its stupid to think that people are going to trust this company even if they did ever manage to bring back the game, so far they have been 50 times worse than even Gameforge, both i terms of communication and speed of transfering over the game to thier own servers.
At first I thought it was some sort of revival of Nevrax, but that is obviously not the case, Nevrax cared about us, this lot obviously dont, and I think vl has told us all he is allowed to as a sub-contractor to Spiderweb.
First impressions count for alot Spiderweb
Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:37 pm
by arfindel
*opens mouth*
*closes mouth as she feels it useless*
Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:38 pm
by akovylin
/hug Zyratuan
/hug Faa
Suspicious, very suspicious.
If it would be smth omfg mega great brand new overhelming ryzom - well they can say they prepare a surpsrise and we will be busy for week(s) discussing it, if they have problems (there could be a lot, maybe even just bueracratic ones, subcontracts and etc) just say we have problems stay calm - atleast we know that we need to wait till new announcements....
Maybe its again court? GF or dunno what or who tryes to get Ryzom in its hands, liquidators thinking only about their liquidations? as when GF France was dieing and there was as i understood court decision that no information can be provided?
Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:49 pm
by maccer16
wonders up and puts the power lead in
Re: Getting somwhat restless now
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:56 pm
by jake666
Totally agree with all comments posted here,many players still active here from beta still trying to keep these forums alive by pumping in new blood with memories of past and present,tales of magic,life in general,and the joy of this amazing game.Surely now we deserve a little respect,after all these are the community that will be the forefront in aquiring new blood into Atys with tales of life on the living planet.There is no other community in any other game that stands to compare to this one,any other communities having undergone the trials and tribulations over the past years would have long deserted their cause for pastures new,but not these they have stood loyal and united in their hopes and dreams that one day their feet will walk Atys again.So whoever you are out there please communicate with us and bring a little light into our lives,and remove the despair which is begining to take hold.