I think people might be a little mislead as to the reasons why things change or stay the same. Money is still the primary factor, but "making it like the best MMO on the market" isn't inherently going to make them more money, because it might cost too much money to completely rebuild the game. That's what people don't realize.
Keeping players around also isn't inherently their goal. (although it's a factor) If the game is attractive enough to keep bringing in new players, they don't have to keep them hooked for as long. And what does keep players playing? It's not whether they keep the game the same, but how addictive it is.
While I doubt Ryzom is capable of changing that much, I do think it could do with some improvements. It doesn't need to be "dumbed down".
I think it could really do with some content. I've heard they intentionally don't want it full of quests like "the leading MMO in the market", which would be fine if they found something else instead, but I can't think of it. Perhaps a more interactive environment, but that would require too much change.
Otherwise it's a glorified role-playing game, emphasis on the role-playing. You don't need anything to role play other than players. The crappiest game can allow you to do that. Putting the burden of value on the players does not help the game. I find it a real cop out that people say I can do "anything I want" in this game. I can do very little.
foraging/digging is both long AND boring. If one of the two were reduced, it would go a long way towards not hypnotizing yourself. Maybe look into the rate the animations of the cursors repeat. That might effect people mentally. Life on Atys is very hard. I just wish it didn't have to impact the gameplay so absolutely. Foraging-storage-crafting... it's all very primative. our teleportation system is the only thing ahead of "that other MMORPG". (all the same, I really wish I could get a Kipee mount or something

The documentation could also do with some improvement. Like an off-line list of all the skills and their costs. While I haven't played in years, I had to ask around for a few hours before someone could direct me to where in-game it showed skill point cost. I couldn't find that information ANYWHERE on the internet. Not even regular skills.
And lets not get started on half the lore being out of game.