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Re: Patch Issues and OpenGL & Other Factors

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:11 pm
by gcaldani
jared96 wrote:In D3D, full screen.....start login, character selection window (1000 x 600) window appears, game loads goes full screen for what you call 2D part, then minimizes itself to taskbar. Clicking on Ryzom tab on task bar should bring back to full screen but doesn't ... well not immediately.....after about 20 seconds comes back to full screen and finishes loading.
It never minimizes to me but at that stage the game already initialized the 3D engine, imo. Anyway i see it slowly maximize when I alt-tab, but personally i always considered it normal as for the swapping my system need to do (i have 1Gig memory). What i have seen is that always the game take a lot of time to clean the memory when i logoff, around 40-50 seconds.

What you said about the client minimizing after you choose the character, strongly points more at the bg downloader then.

Re: Patch Issues and OpenGL & Other Factors

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 3:34 pm
by jared96
I notice when looking at the cfg files it's all rearranged. Whereas I had the disabling of the background downloader at the end, it's put itself up near the top. I'm gonna try rearranging it was it was.

Re: Patch Issues and OpenGL & Other Factors

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:10 am
by gcaldani
jared96 wrote:I notice when looking at the cfg files it's all rearranged. Whereas I had the disabling of the background downloader at the end, it's put itself up near the top. I'm gonna try rearranging it was it was.

mmm, seems you got a point. I'm pretty sure my client.cfg never changes between sessions, unless i intentionally use the external configurator.

Also, last time i tested OpenGL i didn't used the configurator but i just changed manually last line with "OpenGL" instead of "Direct3D".

Another thing: when i setup the ATS folder, i used the related client.cfg (that have just different server addresses) and appended the rest of the original file to find the same graphics settings. It worked pretty fine.

Here my client.cfg:

----- Start
RootConfigFilename = "client_default.cfg";
LanguageCode = "en";
StartupHost = "";
Application = {
"ryzom_live", "./client_ryzom_rd.exe", "./"
R2EDExtendedDebug = 0;
SelectedSlot = 0;
FullScreen = 1;
Width = 1600;
Height = 1200;
Frequency = 75;
Depth = 32;
Contrast = 0.0512000000;
Luminosity = -0.1538000000;
Gamma = 0.0512000000;
HardwareCursor = 1;
CursorSpeed = 1.0000000000;
CursorAcceleration = 40;
FreeLookSpeed = 0.0040000000;
FreeLookAcceleration = 40;
FreeLookInverted = 0;
AutomaticCamera = 1;
DblClickMode = 0;
AutoEquipTool = 0;
LandscapeTileNear = 100.0000000000;
LandscapeThreshold = 2000.0000000000;
Vision = 800.0000000000;
MicroVeget = 1;
MicroVegetDensity = 100.0000000000;
FxNbMaxPoly = 20000;
Cloud = 1;
CloudQuality = 320.0000000000;
CloudUpdate = 8;
Shadows = 1;
Bloom = 1;
SquareBloom = 0;
DensityBloom = 255.0000000000;
SkinNbMaxPoly = 70000;
NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod = 30;
CharacterFarClip = 200.0000000000;
EnableRacialAnimation = 1;
ScreenAspectRatio = 1.3333300352;
WaitVBL = 0;
SelectWithRClick = 0;
RotKeySpeedMax = 3.6153000000;
RotKeySpeedMin = 1.4038000000;
FollowOnAtk = 0;
AtkOnSelect = 0;
SoundForceSoftwareBuffer = 0;
SoundOn = 1;
UseEax = 1;
MaxTrack = 32;
SoundSFXVolume = 1.0000000000;
SoundGameMusicVolume = 0.5000000000;
Driver3D = "Direct3D";
----- End

just for you to make some test. (could the position of some lines affect the client? Seems weird, but really we can expect everything.
You can notice i have never disabled the bg downloader.

Just a note: few days ago i changed the max sound track to 28 and i got a runtime error with NeL report, indicating clearly it encountered a problem with the sound drivers. Much time i was not getting client crashes and i just restored to old value, 32. Anyway, it seems to me more something related to my system (ie: playing ryzom after a long session in another game) than the game.

Re: Patch Issues and OpenGL & Other Factors

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:21 am
by 23857628
The order of lines in client.cfg does not affect configuration at all. I can state that from experience, as running Ryzom under Linux involves a bit of .cfg file editing.

Try starting Ryzom from the Windows commandline. Same thing fixes window placement and other odd stuff in Linux, so might be worth a try.

Re: Patch Issues and OpenGL & Other Factors

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:54 pm
by jared96
I just got promt to load the august 20th patch yet again, with the inevitable crash half way through loading aagin.

Re: Patch Issues and OpenGL & Other Factors

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:59 am
by khyle
I just finished a fresh install due to some R² bug. I used the latest installer from the Ryzom website and told it to install the small version and continue in the background, so I could at least stay at the Rangers' camp for the time.

Out of curiosity, I did not copy over any old .cfg, keys, or interface files, but started with a pristine copy. And lo and behold, I can play in OpenGL without Ryzom minimizing upon launch, without having my user interface scrambled on every start.
What I have noticed were some missing textures on the branches of the canopy that were fixed after the final restart.
After character selection, the loading messages are displayed in a "fancy" font up to some point when the sound begins to stutter (the point when the client minimized previously). But instead of minimizing and scrambling the UI, loading continues, and the message font changes to Helvetica.

Oh, and the Ring bug (crashing when placing NPCs) seems gone, too.

What remains to be done is copying over the old files, one after another, to see if and when the buggy behaviour returns.

Re: Patch Issues and OpenGL & Other Factors

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:40 am
by gcaldani
khyle wrote:I just finished a fresh install due to some R² bug. I used the latest installer from the Ryzom website and told it to install the small version and continue in the background, so I could at least stay at the Rangers' camp for the time.

Out of curiosity, I did not copy over any old .cfg, keys, or interface files, but started with a pristine copy. And lo and behold, I can play in OpenGL without Ryzom minimizing upon launch, without having my user interface scrambled on every start.
What I have noticed were some missing textures on the branches of the canopy that were fixed after the final restart.
After character selection, the loading messages are displayed in a "fancy" font up to some point when the sound begins to stutter (the point when the client minimized previously). But instead of minimizing and scrambling the UI, loading continues, and the message font changes to Helvetica.

Oh, and the Ring bug (crashing when placing NPCs) seems gone, too.

What remains to be done is copying over the old files, one after another, to see if and when the buggy behaviour returns.
Seems to me that eventually your problem was located in some corrupted file in the save folder?

Well, let us know when you have copied old file.

Nice to know you can play now without all that annoying bugs. :)