Re: Windows Vista Ultimate: Game crashes/causes Memory dump
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:42 pm
At the moment im inclined to say XP is better , atleast for gaming. But it does rock, when you piked it off a torrent site.Vista Ultimate rocks!

My system I made myself, and Windows XP worked fine. I made sure to download the Vista nvidia drivers, and I unistalled the motherboard sound drivers which said they were good for NT/XP not mentioning they would work well with vista, and still had the same problems. I don't think there are any other drivers that I've bothered to try installing, or are already installed that could be causing problems.If your system came with Vista, your particular problem may not be fixed making it dual boot. Bad drivers is not a Vista problem, it's the hardware vendor. Every game I played is better under this system than it was under my XP system, Ryzom and others are greatly improved.
I would check/try a lot of things before I would dual-boot... you haven't found the problem yet.
I think I've done this successfully.kaetemi wrote:you simply need to give whatever user that runs Ryzom permission to Write directly to the Ryzom folder
Right click the Ryzom folder > "Security" Tab > Advanced > "permissions" Tab > Edit.. > Advanced Security Settings for Ryzom > Edit... > Permission Entry for Ryzom > Edit... > Check "Allow" for "Full Control", everything is checked "Allow".
You would have thought that with the 5 years of development and billions of dollars available, that games would take to vista better then they do.
Oh also I havent changed the Directx from the default (I presume dx10). Perhaps Directx 9 would be less tempermental?
Well it lasted 15 minutes before crashing this time..