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Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 11:21 am
by dakhound
thlau wrote:Not that the situation on Arispotle is much different, only that it is alliances there. Maybe releasing all outpost ownership on Arispotle wouldn't have been that a bad idea anyway. But then several other things should have made it into the server code, like randomly scheduled first attack permissions on the outposts, to prevent timezone issues, for example. And a title for the arispotle population ofcourse.
is totally different, there are not enough OP's to go round here, there they didnt even fight over them as the population was swamped in cats

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:05 pm
by blaah
cloudy97 wrote:No need to call Cho a "kindergarten". What else is playing MMOs? Really?
it's short from "happy place with no conflict or competition".

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:18 pm
by cloudy97
blaah wrote:it's short from "happy place with no conflict or competition".
If that is the playstyle of choice for the Cho'ers can't you see where the OP's disappoinment is coming from? Now, shouldn't Gameforge try to cater for both the "competitors" and the "happy place"-players as of this merge?

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:20 pm
by dakhound
cloudy97 wrote:If that is the playstyle of choice for the Cho'ers can't you see where the OP's disappoinment is coming from? Now, shouldn't Gameforge try to cater for both the "competitors" and the "happy place"-players as of this merge?
sure no need to come and call us all bad names and accuse us of bad sportsmanship is there tho, doesnt exactly mean we welcome him when he does it.

I'm all for accomodating other peoples styles, but not to the point where no-one accomodates my style

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:24 pm
by tr808
I beg of u all, dont see this opinion of one man as the opinion of all, there are plenty people from Cho enjoying themselfs on Aris... and for kindergarten... i want to say some stupid things but i wont... if u want respect show respect, thats all i say about that :)

(and that goes both ways ofc)

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:36 pm
by dakhound
tr808 wrote:I beg of u all, dont see this opinion of one man as the opinion of all, there are plenty people from Cho enjoying themselfs on Aris... and for kindergarten... i want to say some stupid things but i wont... if u want respect show respect, thats all i say about that :)

(and that goes both ways ofc)
ofc coming and calling us cheaters and ***holes means was a big show of repect mok

I've met alot of ppl I like from Cho, just this group who left aris with sour grapes are now coming back and bringing up old gripes

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:44 pm
by tr808
dakhound wrote:ofc coming and calling us cheaters and ***holes means was a big show of repect mok
I totally agree with u and im feeling very bad that my simple request in guildchat has started this, not a good way to start my sundaymorning lol :o

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:50 pm
by sprite
The fact that he thinks the "final blow gets the loot" says a lot I think.

I'm all for welcoming people from Cho, but I'm never 'for' welcoming people with this kind of attitude. Thankfully I think its a minority :)

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 1:43 pm
by d29565
I can't understand your anger Billie. All the 'Cho' people (who are now known as Arispotle people) seem to be enjoying themselves. Kami chat is a hub of activity, and none of it is complaining etc. From what I can see ex-cho people are gettting along well with the rest of us. I know I am very glad for the merge, I have more people to talk with and finally have Fasinus (Fasinia) back on the same server as me :P

I can't wait to see where we all go from here, but I know that if you keep that attitude you wont be going far at all. You need to get rid of your anger, especially at Arispotle players (though, that now includes you).

When one enters into a larger population there is more good and there is more bad. Just as when you move from a rural town to a larger city. There is more crime rate, for instance. What you need to do is look for the good part of this merge and simply understand that there is nothing to be done about the bad (unless of course it goes against the CoC or EULA). And if you cannot find the good, then I suggest you cancel your subscription, because your bad attitude isnt doing anything for the good.

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:40 pm
by skifryan
I just love how he says the karavan did all these bad things, so I guess the kamists are Saints?

I won't say any more because everything has been said.