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Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:55 pm
by galincz
well im totaly out of energy....ive completely removed Ryzom from my computer include everything at win registry and were cleaning my computer by WindowsCare utility...

then i was downloaded again the newest installations of Ryzom and here we go...client crashed again with the same problem "Access Violation"
Access Violation exception generated at 0x9584AD, thread attempts to read at <NULL>.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

Log with no filter:
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, [email][/email], 0, dds): already inserted from 'construction.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(gen_mo_charogne.tga, [email][/email], 1, dds): already inserted from 'construction.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, [email][/email], 0, dds): already inserted from 'construction.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(gen_mo_charogneinsect.tga, [email][/email], 1, dds): already inserted from 'construction.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sky.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, [email][/email], 0, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(canope_matis_trunk.tga, [email][/email], 1, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, [email][/email], 0, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(canope_matis_trunk_detail.tga, [email][/email], 1, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sound.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(string.typ, sound.bnp@string.typ, 0, typ): already inserted from 'leveldesign.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(water_tryker_island.shape, [email]tryker_island_zones.bnp@water_tryker_island.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'tryker_island_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(tr_acc_pouf.shape, [email]tryker_shapes.bnp@tr_acc_pouf.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'indoors_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(tr_acc_table.shape, [email]tryker_shapes.bnp@tr_acc_table.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'indoors_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:05 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 358 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 00:08:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 358 path.cpp 941 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(examples, 1, 0): adding the path 'examples/'
2007/05/04 00:08:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 358 path.cpp 1272 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(r2_features_loaded.lua, examples/r2_features_loaded.lua, 0, lua): already inserted from 'data_common.bnp@' but special case so overide it
2007/05/04 00:08:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 358 init.cpp 625 : PROFILE: 1 seconds for Add search paths Predata
2007/05/04 00:08:06 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 358 path.cpp 505 : PATH: CPath::lookup(classificationtype_words_en.txt): file not found <<< is this correct ???
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 4294967295
HomeId: 0
ShardId: 0
On a Mainland Shard
Application: ryzom_live
No user entity informations
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 0h 0min 0sec
LocalTime: 2007/05/04 00:08:06
ServerTick: 0
ConnectState: NotInitialised
LocalAddress: :0 (
Language: English
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Memory: 460MB/1023MB
Process Virtual Memory: 78MB
NeL Memory: 0B
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+ / x86 Family 15 Model 79 Stepping 2 / AuthenticAMD / 1809MHz / 1 Processors found
CPUID: 78bfbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: No driver
3DCard: ASUS X1600 Series, version
No sound
same as on top of this thread, but when i proceed "debug" the new window were blinking on me..."Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library"
(Runtime Error! ; Program: C:\Program Files\Ryzom\client_ryzom_rd.exe ; This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the ...)

what i've made wrong guys

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:56 pm
by orbdragon
That's not the announcement you were talking about, though

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:10 pm
by orbdragon
It's not just us noobs: There's a roomful of people on Klients that have the self-same problem. A solution is surely in the works!

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 5:45 am
by bbobccat
I've been througn much the same set of "solutions" as most of the people who have posted on this thread. Add to the list:
1) Replaced memory.
2) Removed and re-installed video driver.
3) Copied the whole Ryzom folder from another desktop PC on which I am able to get into the game.
4) Removed every shred of Ryzom and downloaded and re-installed on two different hard drives.
5) Doubled the size of my page file by adding an equal amount to my second drive.

After all of the above I still get the same error as the first poster.
I have intel P4, 1gig mem, ATI Radeon 9600, 200gb Seagate drive with tons of free space, Panda AV (which I shut off to no avail.)

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 7:01 am
by chongtxtx
I am also having the same problem and I have tried everything from removing the entire game to just the unpack folder, to also copying over the install directory from a working machine and nothing. I am thinking of blowing away my OS an starting from scratch on that but am waiting to see if anyone has already tryed it if not I will go ahead and try it. I have reinstalled video drivers also and shut down my antivirus software while patching but nothing. One thing we have in common Bbobccat is that we both have ATI radeon 9600s mine is an all in wonder, athlon xp 2400+ 1gig mem and 160 Western Digital. I hope there is a fix soon I can't wait to play.

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 7:20 am
by ishkur
chongtxtx wrote:I am also having the same problem and I have tried everything from removing the entire game to just the unpack folder, to also copying over the install directory from a working machine and nothing. I am thinking of blowing away my OS an starting from scratch on that but am waiting to see if anyone has already tryed it if not I will go ahead and try it. I have reinstalled video drivers also and shut down my antivirus software while patching but nothing. One thing we have in common Bbobccat is that we both have ATI radeon 9600s mine is an all in wonder, athlon xp 2400+ 1gig mem and 160 Western Digital. I hope there is a fix soon I can't wait to play.
Seems we all have the same video card: ATI.

Here there is my post, with the same NeL report:

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 7:41 am
by emyhugo
Got the same problem... Anyone know how to fix it?

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 10:01 am
by tydamus

We are currently aware of this new issue and the developers are looking into it. However, in the meantime, it may be worthwhile to download a new installer from the homepage and install a full copy into a new directory. Once this is done, please see if it solves things for you.

Very sorry for the inconvenience.


Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 11:03 am
by ratara
o/ i dont have ati. i have a nvidia card... and having the same problem

Re: Problem with May 3rd patch

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 11:49 am
by maxmckay
Having the same darn issue can't log in, keep getting the same error screen coming up exactly the same as has been posted here save for PC information of course is diffrent. Is there any indication as to when this situation is going to be resolved?

Officer Of The Soul