Liteon - Title: Refugee
Race: Zorai
Description: Med-Height Zorai Male, Green Zorai LA
Screenshots: ... Liteon.jpg
Objectvie: Seeks 'Unity'
Location: First seen between Zora Stables and Zora Kami Temple
Shekry - Title: Homin
Race: Tryker
Description: Short Tryker Male, Black Tryker LA, duel wields 2 Matis Living Daggers (poison)
Screenshots: ... ekry-1.jpg ... shekry.jpg
Origin: 'Outside the new lands'
Objective: Often asks about the Yrkanis guards. Has mentioned Melkiar (The Black Varinx) marauder. Speaks of his friends 'visiting ' Yrkanis and an ash storm that will cleanse the land of its worthless homins. The Matis Palace is in a very old tree.
Location: Seen in Yrkanis, Pyr, Fairhaven, Ruins of Silan
*Notes* Perhaps they plan on attacking from within the palace by means of an 'old' passageway....
Ash Storm... perhaps in relation to this chronicle entry?: ... n=&id=1627
I've heard about someone called Akilia Ash Storm... Who is she?
Akilia… The deliciously lethal Akilia. The future of the Marauders, without a shadow of a doubt. A daughter worthy of her father, Melkiar! There's no doubt that she's waiting for the death of the Black Varynx, to take his place… if she doesn't execute him herself! Isn't that adorable?
And why Ash Storm?
It's a bit childish. It's all that's ever left behind when she passes…
Wilan - Title: ?
Race: Tryker
Description: ?
Origin: ?
Objective: Appears to also be gathering information regarding Yrkanis; population, guards. Stated; "My friends are going to move in!"
Location: First seen in Grove of Confusion
Melkiar - Title: The Black Varinx (Marauder)
Race: ?
Description: ?
Origin: ?
Objective: ?
Location: ?
*Notes* Father of 'Akilia
Ash Storm'
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