Greetings all!
I'm still rather new to the range skillbranch in general (still in the 100's), but here are more or less my thoughts on the skilltree's that I know about, as well as my observations as someone just starting with range who had been interested in it for a long time, yet hesitant from all the "warnings" of it since I'd began my adventures with Beefy on Atys.
My initial immpressions...- My initial impression was that I was a moron for not letting Beefy play with guns sooner
It's seriously the most fun I can think of solo'ing in this game or any other we've journey'd to together thusfar....period.
I came into it with a lvl 120-30 desert dig skill, so granted, it was easier for me to dig ammo than someone fresh off the island, but I seriously didn't (and still dont) get why people are hesitant to do this. In a game where pretty much EVERYBODY digs/crafts better than Beefy does, this really isn't all that hard to accomplish. Lets not kid ourselves either, neither Beefy or myself have ever been accused of being overly bright, if WE can manage to figure it out, i'd be betting most others could also.
Watching Beefy aggro' the majority of Clopper hill and leaving a bloody clopper trail in his wake has got to be one of the most fun and visually entertaining things i've witnessed him doing since we've begun our journey together on Atys.
If you're someone thinking about range combat I have the following advice for you...It's all about your perception of what you're actually doing, as well as your preconcieved notions of what to expect from the skilltree. I came into it with no expectations and am loving every minute of watching Beefy blow things to hell and back, but if you come into it expecting it to be as easy/fast as lvl'ing your elemental skill, then you'll be turned off pretty quick to the whole thing.
I also look at it this way, don't treat it as lvl'ing a combat skill...look at it as lvl'ing a CRAFTING skill that you can actually utilize the product of your efforts effectively and have some fun in the proccess. I'm simply helping Beefy to lvl his AmmoCrafting skills, which is no harder to accomplish than lvl'ing any other craft branch, but has a different payoff for your efforts than a regular craft.
You're lvl'ing 2 crafts at once...ammo and its weapon. By lvl'ing ammo you get to enjoy increasingly awesome firearms, and you get craft lvl's without ever really noticing your doing much crafting. There hasn't ever really been a "Ok..lets sit down and lvl my craft skill up 10 lvls.." type moment for me so far, and I love that.
Each craft action has a purpose, and you get to enjoy the products of it much more than just turning around and selling your crafts to NPC's for some money (which often isnt even needed). While the product of "normal" crafts is money, the product of this is XP, which I think is a much more worthwhile product than some fast cash. With a normal craft, you get xp for the dig, xp for the craft, and money for the sale. With ammo get xp for the dig, xp for the craft, and xp for the usage of the craft each time, its that awesome. Then you can always turn around and craft some sweet guns for people without even having to grind on weapons ever.
The whole "AMMO" thing....- I think Final's proposal for selling either max or improved quality ammo from the NPC's is a splendid idea. It'd make it more accessable, as well as create another much needed moneysink for the economy. As it stands, I don't think its really that hard to dig for ammo, and I quite enjoy it as does Beefy, but I totally agree that the main reason the classes arent used is that it's just too much of a challenge at the moment for someone who comes to the ML with a lvl 20 something dig to be successful with it right off unless their dig lvl is a ways in front of their combat lvl.
Another alternative which I'm not really too fond of personally (but i'll throw out anyhow =P) is to decrease the ammount of mats needed per crafting action for ammo, but give the same amount of ammo per craft. A SMALL decrease of 2-3 mats or so per craft would lessen the dig time needed substantially in the long run. My only main qualm with this though, is that less mats per craft, leads to less XP per craft action. One of the things that I love about range is that by making ammo, you more or less have little difficulty in keeping your rangecrafting skill up with your combat skill. This alternative would cause the craft branches to lag behind the combat skills more, and mean more gungrinding in the longrun.
2HFirearms- I think Launcher/Autolauncher are great as is. It all comes down to intellegently selecting the right mobs, pulling with a little sense, and getting the most xp/per ammo round you can get in the longrun.
With the exception of the mentioned autolauncher bug brought up before, I worry that any tinkering around of the class would cause a decrease in their usefullness. I'm just fine with only being able to hold 8-12 shells on me at a time and relying on packers or friends for holding mats for me. If it comes down to making a choice between bulk or a decrease in any of the 3 DMG/SPEED/RANGE stats, I'd choose bulk everytime. If it was a SMALL decrease in bulk i'd go for it, but anything substantial that let you hold 20> shells on you would make it a bit overpowering in PvP i'd think, which would probably cause them to "Rebalance" the stats to compensate. I haven't used the rifles yet, so I don't really have any thoughts on them.
1hFirearms- Pistols also make little sense to me. They shoot faster than other range, but not fast enough to make them usefull IMO, and their damage/range are lacking. I think if you double'd their rate of fire to something akin to dual dagger speed in the 60 hpm range(IE dual pistols =P ) it'd at least have a place somewhere in gameplay as a harrassment weapon. As is stands..they just shoot too slow...dont shoot far enough..and do too little dmg to be of much use.
Thanks to anyone who actually took the time to read my freaking HOOGE post
It's really been a joy for me to be using range finally, and I truly hope that more people would give it a real try instead of just going with the mob mentality against range combat that exists currently. Instead of just going with what your friend told you about it, or what you read about it on the forum, try it out, and make up your own mind before asking for a total overhaul of the skilltree. Take care all, and have a great adventure today