Not really adding valuable information here, but I'll post anyway
*singing with the rest*
Downtimes can occur, do occur and will happen.
*stops singing and imitates a more serious expression*
At downtimes paying customers will be upset and trialists will get a nice expression about server stability -even if it might not be representative-. Another rule of online business that is.
It will also happen at times that will feel most inconvenient for many. I'm no difference there either, for the first time in weeks I would have had some time to play again...
Also, the homepage(s) should not go down, agreed with that. Maybe it's time to move the pages to a GameForge domain, away from the game servers' IPs, if current contracts allow to do so.
GMs and guides, the people that communicate with us playing folk firsthand, don't work on the servers. They can be considered lucky if they even get any second hand information about technical issues. At least under regular circumstances.
Unforseen things will happen when complicated networking is going face to face with complex databases and operating systems setups. That is known. And that's why I have to work at times of the day and days of the year that causes other people to tell me that I must sick as well. Another rule of business.
I'm very certain that just somebody has been working on whatever occured. Very likely it has also been a chain of effects, with us on the receiving end, that made a lot of different someones' days working on it.
The problem is, as mentioned a lot during the last hours, nobody ever told us. At times nobody would even have been able to as all the means of reaching anything associated to SoR was unreachable.
Lack of communication itself is not a new phenomena around here, though. Nevrax already did a marvelous job at not talking to us, taken aside a short span of time when they had promised to do better and even did for a very short while. And it doesn't matter a single bit if communication has still been better than at Game X or company Y. I hope that GameForge will not consider this a heritage to continue. It will be dispositive for many existing and new customers - as the threads at this time of crisis prove.
I will assume that the current lack of communication is due to distractions of daily chores of the takeover, the holidays and, hopefully, the intention of not wanting to present insignificant claptrap just for the sake of talking itself before knowing their new ways around.
Still, every bit of guessing clientside will make things worse and will be paid for in faith.
The burden of handling the missing communication has always been on the CSRs. And they did a marvelous job at it, too. Even though the QoS has decreased since MDO was replaced (for the Europeans), if anyone remembers, Jolt has proven itself to have performed almost as well at it. Needless to add, our customer support is unequaled by any of the more popular MMOs out there and set a new benchmark for all new MMOs to follow.
Yes, this is to be read as yet another plea for communication.
As has been said already: a lot of nasty stuff would be forgiven even by paying customers as long as they're communicated sensibly.
Or communicated at all.
Or sometimes, if there were means of communication at all.
Did anybody ever lose confidence in a product formerly trusted?
What happened next?
GameForge, it looks like your grace period has been shortened or ended with the current problems.
Talk to us.