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Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:16 am
by danolt
It is only considered madness because so few want to see the truth.

The Kami were once the trusted disciples of Jena and the Karavan were their bodyguards. The two factions worked together advancing the will of the Creator. In a desire to grow closer to Jena, the priests created a collective consciousness capable of forcefully uniting with all types of life in a desire to become more godlike. They deceived themselves into thinking they were doing Her will

They had not have delved into the depths of the planet physically but their hungry spirits traveled carelessly. As their souls descended into the abyss, they were consumed with the rage of the destroyer. Not all of the followers of Jena had embraced the call for spiritual possession of the planet, but all creatures with a soul were changed, some could now send mental messages to each other across any distance, some could manipulate the elements, all of their bodies changed.

The guards, the soldiers, the Karavan many remained unaffected. Their armor had protected them from the collective will that had transfigured the populace. The Karavan aided those who had not actively sought the transformation and who had maintained a sense of themselves. The Karavan protected these new peoples, they helped them build and establish cities, aided them in transport and helped them fight against the terrors that were being created by the monstrosities of the strengthening collective mind.

With loses approaching 80% the Karavan were successful, Atys flourished. Until eventually most had forgotten about the Dragon and only a handful were aware that Atys was becoming possessed by the collective will of Ma-Duk. His minions lacked form, they were creatures of spirit in search of a shell.

No one is exactly sure who bred the first Kami, or how, but they were an instant commercial success, every family desired one, soon every household had a Kami in it. They were cute and lovable. They were everywhere. The Kami changed rapidly, they went from pets to servants in a generation. The creatures quickly advanced until they had no need for homins at all. One day, they just left.

They were not heard from again until after the great fire demanding to be worshiped.


Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:14 am
by barny01
*Jaw drops*

(Is this the real story or are you making it up? :P )

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:21 pm
by aardnebb
barny01 wrote:*Jaw drops*

(Is this the real story or are you making it up? :P )
*does an impression of someone drinking*

(Not exactly the version of the Lore I have seen... Pero usually has his own special take on things...)

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:00 pm
by sprite
(( Well the 2nd and 3rd sentences are about right, but after that... :D

Would make for good TV tho ;) ))

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 5:02 pm
by Tidings
Still the rumours fly in Zorai:

Members of a cult, who call themselves "True children of Jena", are to be found everywhere in Zorai where homins gather together. This cult is spreading strange heretical teachings which denigrate Ma-Duk.

To publicly reveal this abomination, the Grand Guru Cuan Sa-Ki invites all to a theological dispute on Saturday, December 9th at 7pm GMT on Arispotle and 11pm GMT on Cho. True followers of Ma-Duk and interested homins, please gather at that date at the Flagstaff square in Zora.

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:53 am
by legokid
I sense the old ways are not lost as we once thought but still you don't embrace . You won't belive that Ma-Duk and Jena are allies, but words can explain nor the past the way it was.

How such a grand allince could fall so easily I will never know, was it lust for power, knowledge, for hope. True children of Jena...Why does that ring such a taunting bell. The name is sounds familiar but still deluds me, well at least I can relax some what knowing this isn't the work the Kittin Lords.

Zorai darkness is stirring in your cities, be careful and remember do not let you faith cloud your minds. I have seen and talked with your past Sages and Leaders, they were the wise of the wise keep the honor of the Zorai alive and do not fall into the dark.

Ma-Duk and Jena are always with us, tho the Guardians may not be seen openly we watch over Atys just as our past lives did.


Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:32 am
by norvic
Serve your people and tell no lies, for who of us knows what toadying to a god implies.

Dietys may help or they may destroy but until its clear you could ask yourself why.

Distrust the Matis and look after your friends, without the gods presence who knows when its ends.

Rumours fly and conflict abounds thats quite enough already with no gods around.

Serve your people and keep a watchfull eye but most of all keep your powder dry.

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:50 pm
by karmelit
Do we find true faith among the homins today? Or do most just belive the few words they have managed to pick up now and then?

The deities and their origin hasn't been discussed to any lenght that I am aware of, at least not in Zora. Neither have I heard a group of homins come together and reason among themselves to establish a proper mode of worship.

All we do is fight each other, while thinking "my" side can't be wrong. Death to the heathens!

I would love to see the wise among the homins come together and see if they can reach a conclusion. Not that the different factions need to agree about the minute details. But wouldn't it be good for everyone to reach some sort of understanding? I think even the neutrals should be part of this. For some reason they obviously find faults in both factions, so let them present those.

In the end we might get a clearer view of our faction's beliefs, and also come to respect the others beliefs

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:11 pm
by vguerin
karmelit wrote:Do we find true faith among the homins today? Or do most just belive the few words they have managed to pick up now and then?

The deities and their origin hasn't been discussed to any lenght that I am aware of, at least not in Zora. Neither have I heard a group of homins come together and reason among themselves to establish a proper mode of worship.

All we do is fight each other, while thinking "my" side can't be wrong. Death to the heathens!
Worshipping and faith are not as binding as trust, most homins group based on trust. Unlike faith, trust is earned, trust can be lost but faith has many facets.

Throughout our lands there are homins of different faiths with different trusted allies, faith would never allow this but trust can. Faith can be as strong or faint as each individuals interpretations of the teachings of the deities.
karmelit wrote:OOC
I would love to see the wise among the homins come together and see if they can reach a conclusion. Not that the different factions need to agree about the minute details. But wouldn't it be good for everyone to reach some sort of understanding? I think even the neutrals should be part of this. For some reason they obviously find faults in both factions, so let them present those.

In the end we might get a clearer view of our faction's beliefs, and also come to respect the others beliefs
As written, the lore doesn't allow much middle ground... each factions goal is the demise of the other. Interpretation by a group of non-believers would only either dumb down what's left of our lore or confuse it even more. Without a black and white interpretation we lose a large part of what is still left in the "Saga". Unfortunately game politics have done enough damage to this already, the mass exodus of those following the Kami to claim neutral (and not change at all gameplay) is an example of "trust over faith". I think it hurt our gameplay, but then again I play a Karavan fanatic :P

Re: Rumours from the jungle

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:57 pm
by danolt
How many Zoari have even bothered to read the Resolutions of Ma-Duk and the Commandments of Jena or did they just choose to be followers of Ma-Duk because the cute little kami abducted, mutilated and brainwashedthem as children?
