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Re: Order of the Dragonblades

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:28 pm
by sycle

Little sidenote, the Order of the Dragonblades has rebuilt their site from the ground up and is full of useful information of not only the guild but of other information about Ryzom.

Stop on by today.

Re: Order of the Dragonblades

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:40 am
by tavenni
I am thinking about looking up you lot when I finally get full payment membership...and once I figure out how to play my race and concept as well - though I'm aware if you're all US based I'll probably never actually see any of you.

Any rp coming my way is a good thing.

Re: Order of the Dragonblades

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:06 pm
by sycle
tavenni wrote:I am thinking about looking up you lot when I finally get full payment membership...and once I figure out how to play my race and concept as well - though I'm aware if you're all US based I'll probably never actually see any of you.

Any rp coming my way is a good thing.
Welcome, we are always looking for those seriously interested in RP. As far as any limitations you may have, we do have a member still in Silan that goes by the name of Suyri, as well as various members who also span different time zones.

Feel free to visit the website for a complete list of officers to contact when you feel like giving us a shot.

Re: Order of the Dragonblades

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:55 pm
by mindelyn
tavenni wrote:I am thinking about looking up you lot when I finally get full payment membership...and once I figure out how to play my race and concept as well - though I'm aware if you're all US based I'll probably never actually see any of you.

Any rp coming my way is a good thing.

I'm always looking for someone to heal, protect, or generally just to get to know... so definately look me up when you reach the mainland.



Re: Order of the Dragonblades

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:03 am
by tavenni
Mainland reached, and I want to thank the Dragonblades members for being absolute stars, but my character is definitely learning more toward Pro-Kami now.

HOWEVER, with that said, getting to know people, roleplay, interact, and help when I can is something I love doing, whether I'm in your guild or not, so if you see Trevenni about, come say hello. I haven't been roleplaying near as much as I'd like so I'm trying to rectify that.

See you in Atys.

Re: Order of the Dragonblades

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:33 pm
by aardnebb
Try the Samsara pub night for an RP event. Tuesday 8.30pm BST (UK Summer time, GMT +1), accessable from your closest Ring terminal :)