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Re: How is the actual mainland gameplay?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:03 am
by oldmess
katriell wrote:Having to teleport into != instanced. :) I'm curious if they really are instanced (= if two people teleport in at the same time, they will each go to separate versions of the building interior where they can't meet each other). In any case, there are also buildings like that in Natae/Davae/Avalae.
I don't know about those rooms, but things like guild halls seem to be instanced, but not a unique instance per person. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that guild halls don't exist until the first person enters them and then they do until the last person leaves. Again, I don't know that for sure; it's just my feeling based on how they interact or rather, don't interact with the rest of the world.

Re: How is the actual mainland gameplay?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:48 am
by thurgond
qatzer wrote:Lastly, faction missions - the message delivery ones are a bit of a nightmare because they're timed and you can spend forever trying to find the NPC you need to deliver it to. (long after the timer has expired). What I've seen suggested in another thread is that you forget them to start with, and as you explore the map and stumble across NPC's in the middle of nowhere, flag them on your map. When you've got a few of them flagged you can then go and pick up the missions for those people and you'll know exactly where they are. Sounded like a really good bit of advice to me and that's exactly how I'm now going to approach it.
You're right in that the timed delivery missions are best left until you've located the NPC, but most aren't timed. Most messenger delivery missions in the capital zones (Pyr excepted) are inside buildings. You can even get a clue to which buildings to look in by the type of message -- orders are to military types with two guards, reports to buildings with one guard.

Messages and the more substantial delivery missions are never for a smuck NPC wandering around a city or camp. They are for more important NPC's with a title - Captain, Overseer, Hunter, Prospector, Patroller, etc.