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Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:18 am
by d29565
I cannot help but to agree with Aajolea. To give to these fiends is to open oneself to the enemy. ~If we give to them once, why wouldn't we give to them again?~ Surely that is their logic. The Prince should be willing to take the poison, as I myself am willing to do, for the betterment of my nation!
Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:36 am
by vguerin
Blackmail begets blackmail, our fine Prince and our own families are at great risk yet I feel we must hold our ground and not give a ransom. All homins should be rallying to find the truth behind this kidnapping. When they fail to get what they want from our Matisian brethren, guess who will be next ?
Like other proud Matisian's, I would gladly give my life in support of our beliefs... What doesn't kill us makes is stronger, and should illness befall our royal family and citizens... there will be a reckoning ! Nobody will be safe less those who supported our search for these cutthroats, until they have been found and dealt with.
Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:45 am
by kibsword
I am against a ransom, and will willingly fight these kidnappers for King and Country. However, if the Queen or King wishes my services in collecting this ransom, I shall oblidge. My duty is to them, the running of this country is the King's duty.
My axe is with them
Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:56 am
by mikadou
I agree with what many have said; if we cave into one group's hostage-taking strategy, then others will know they can strongarm the Matis by threats of violence. No other Matis who holds authority will be safe again, if other extremists will then copy what they've seen 'work' to get their way -- the kidnapping and extortion of Matis leaders.
A precident cannot be set.
Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:23 am
by jamela
I can't believe what I am hearing! So many risk the life of Yrkanis' foolhardy young son so willingly? Until we can track down the kidnappers and bring them to justice all Matis must do all we can to prevent them from harming him further. I'm getting my pick and I will do all I can.
You call yourself a Matisian Royal Lancer, Aajolea? Shame on you!
Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:32 pm
by tylarth
So until then we are a kingdom held at the mercy of kidnappers? Or any other rogue who makes similar threats? The only way to prevent this is to nip it in the bud before it can start. Demand the immediate release of the hostage Prince. If there terror is genuine then surely the powers themselves will intervene, much as the karavan did with Wylers assassin.
Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:09 pm
by jamela
There are no other rogues holding our Prince. If we can recover him then I doubt he will be wandering off by himself again in a hurry!
Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:49 pm
by calel
Accepting the payment she nods at the merchant and leaves his establishment, another fine deal concluded. Bright sunrays that managed to penetrate the huge roof of leaves over Yrkanis, bathed the majestic city in a warm and pleasant light as she stepped through the canvas covered doorway. It took her eyesight some time to adjust to the difference in illumination. The once so busy avenue's of the capital were almost barren now. It even seemed like the once so proud city had taken a dent in it's pride, much like it's inhabitants.
Rumors were abound. The Matis seemed divided on the issue of the ransom for the Prince. Their sense of duty and the oath they had sworn to the crown and the King's lineage did not mix well with the inate pride and arrogance of these Homins when confronted with a matter as severe as this one.
They would loose something they'd consider to be sacred eitherway, be it an heir to the throne or their self-respect. Whoever would be behind this misschievious and daring plot surely must be chuckling ... for now at least.
She couldn't believe some rather depend on their Karavan should the worst happen than to take it upon themselves. Not like anyone or anything but determined Homins intervened when poor ol' Still Wyler got assasinated and his killer needed to be caught.
-"Bloody Matis; only fools rely on faith to get them out of a mess like this!"
Then she came to her senses. Perhaps it wasn't such a smart move to have said that first part so loud. Especially not under recent circumstances. And certainly not with guards within hearing distance.
Maybe it was a good time afterall to leave Yrkanis for a while, with these talks of contamination ... it would be worth the lack of profit.
She made ready to run ...
Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:47 pm
by legokid
*sips tea and sighs deeply*
I must say that I can't blame the prince he just wants to be free and left alone for a bit. He is guarded all of the time and every has a chance to be alone without a guard outside his room or not far behind him.
I can't even think of a life where I wasn't free, Tryker I may be. I fear for the Prince but I will not hand over materials to these bandits, like they will just hand him over. I will do my best to rescue him tho; sadly I can't promise anything I'm fight my own battles.
Re: A Queen's Nightmare
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:31 pm
by Tidings
Bravely the Matis solved their first task and provided the negotiator with the Materials which he asked for.
Queen Lea can truly be proud of her people. The negotiator announced last night the second task to the Homins of Matis. It is to kill the named boss called Gibbakin, and Villi Frechini is to bring back proof of death.
Unfortunately the first attempt to kill the mutated monster ended in confusion, perhaps another might be more sucessful....
The Negotiator asks the Homins to meet him again tomorrow at the Palace Steps in Yrkanis at 8pm Bst with the proof.