Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by tand3m »

jamela wrote:Oh but it does :) My problems are all due to old technology that I had to find work arounds for. Sounds as though yours is also not exactly current technology. Next time ask for help earlier and you'll no doubt suffer less frustration ;)

Fare well.
My PC is less than a year old. You suggest that I should revert my PC to SR1 (even though it actually never was SR1, it came as SR2) in order for the connections problems to be resolved. How exactly is SoR working with current technology? SR1 is moving backwards, not upgrading. Also if the current requirements to run SoR do not match the minimum requirements they have posted, should they not at least say something along the lines of , "512 nvidia card and downgrading to Windows SR1 may be required to prevent regular disconnects"? I guess I am spoiled by the other game companies that seem to have no issues making software that at least stays connected to the servers.

I find it amusing that everyone STILL insists that the disconnects are on my end...I need a better router, I need a bigger video card, my ISP is having problems, etc. etc. But explain to me why only SoR has difficulty keeping connectivity? The hardware excuse does not work since my PC exceeds the minimum requirements in every case. The ISP excuse does not work since no other game drops me. If every other Internet application can stay connected without issue, it is not the ISP. My post here was not my first response to the problem, it was my last response. It was made after I tried seeking a resolution by asking for help in game and then following the posts in the forums. Plus, the advice given to me here on the forums has been not only negative but just downright personal attacks (i.e. "tantrums like a two year old"). I have done nothing but speak rationally and clearly.

Now, not only will people be made aware of a problem, they will also see the kind of dismissive to even hostile responses that the forums will produce. Well done.
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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by rushin »

you dont seem to want help, just to rant.

disconnects affect a tiny percentage of the players, and from what i can gather the majority are fixable. why dont you pick your toys up and chat with a CSR in Klients and see if they can help you?
rushin ~ asleep
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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by sx4rlet »

*grins at Rushin*

ouch! don't touch! Hot!
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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by lienem »

tand3m wrote:My PC is less than a year old. [...]

I find it amusing that everyone STILL insists that the disconnects are on my end...I need a better router, I need a bigger video card, my ISP is having problems, etc. etc. But explain to me why only SoR has difficulty keeping connectivity? The hardware excuse does not work since my PC exceeds the minimum requirements in every case. The ISP excuse does not work since no other game drops me. If every other Internet application can stay connected without issue, it is not the ISP.

Well mine is even older :) . So I guess the age factor doesn't count. And yes, I have no problem running Ryzom in a very nice and playable way (unless i get too greedy and put everything on high, but then I know who to blame.
The advantage/disadvantage of Ryzom is that it won't make do with a faulty computer. If your ram is bad, or loose, if you have spyware, or a CPU problem or another ... well you can be sure Ryzom will pick it up, and the performance might be hindered. So players answering "it's at your end" are merely responding from experience: if you check most of the "freezed" posts, you'll see that usually a fix has been found.

As for the minimum specs ... well it's been said somewhere (can't remember where) that Ryzom should really upgrade them, because they're a bit low. So maybe yes, here you are entitled to be disgruntled, since you were led to believe that your computer was more than sufficient when it might not have been.

Finally, running a pingplot (it's one of the stickies i think) could be a great and foolproof way to check your ISP. You're claiming that everyone is wrong accusing it, and you might be right, so using that program (will only take you two minutes from the download to the result) would be a sound argument. Because, I'm sorry, but "every other game can" just doesn't cut it... Every game is different, and this one is particularly exacting on your hardware and software. So just because every other game can doesn't mean it's the game's fault necessarily, it could just mean no other game has picked up on it because no other game needed as much performance.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience, and next time, when you check the stickied threads, be sure to follow the one that suggests you log into klients (the live support chat tool thingie). May your journey with us, if you decide to stay, or somewhere else, be a pleasant one.
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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by jamela »

tand3m wrote:I have done nothing but speak rationally and clearly.
People will make their own minds up about that, and I think you may see it differently yourself if you look back on another day.
tand3m wrote:My post here was not my first response to the problem, it was my last response.
There's the real difficulty.
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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by mikadou »

Most people have never had a problem staying connected. To say that out of the 99% that have no problems, the 1% that does is some kind of defect in the game, is just silly. The game runs for the majority of players, and there are too many software/hardware combos for ANY game to cover everyone. Sorry your system fell into that random category.

The fact you were blaming the game and getting all defensive when it was suggested that it was your problem, just because you couldn't figure out how it could be, is what made people hostile to you. Nobody likes accusations of a game they like as being a faulty product, when its not for 99% of us. :p
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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by mf015 »

Ok I'm posting here because It looks more like fanboys are jumping him for bringing up a serious problem with this game. Yes it is the game because I have never, and I mean never disconnected from a game like this EVER. So to say it is not the game is a joke, just search connection and you get so many threads of people not being able to connect. Also I find it sad that this thread turned into a flame war people need to calm down and if you can't help him don't say anything at all.

If you have a linksys then this fixed the problem for me,

After that I never got disconnected, and also note that I never had to do this for another game or another program for that matter so it must be the game. :)

I know you said you tried everything but just incase there is that and...

But I doubt it is your fire wall since you said you shut it off.
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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by aardnebb »

Mmm, trying to be the voice of reason here:

Ryzom is an exceptional game in many ways. I love testing my machine to the limits, getting that last frame per second out of it.

I have _always_ had the on/off problem apparently at random of losing connection when TPing to Zora Kami or Haven of Purity Kami. But I know most people don't. I've changed computers since I started the game, and the new one is _much_ nicer, but I still get the same problem maybe once a week. Personally I just shrug, relog, apologise to my team and ask for another invite ;) .

Ryzom is a game that leaves other MMOs in the dust for requirements. This _will_ result in some people having problems. But its the price we pay for excellence. Since 99% of all other people have no problems, perhaps you should look at considering if this is worth overcoming the issues with the initial setup. Those of us that remember DOS based games and the "fun" with having enough lower memory to run them with all the right drivers installed will frankly laugh and say you have it easy ;)

So give getting it sorted a try in a constructive manner, try the new free trial offer and enjoy. Or please stop getting stressy and upset at us, because frankly it wont encourage a happy reaction from the people trying to help you.
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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by sehracii »

Saying "This game is broke because every other game works fine" is no different then saying "Your computer must be broke because the game does work for all of us"

Both are the same exact logic but obviously contradict, therefore they are not valid arguments. They should be left out of these threads completely.

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Re: Constant Disconnects = Game Unplayable

Post by andypur1 »

A question that I would an answer to, is how many of those people with continuing disconnects (in other words, after the firewall, router etc. have been investigated) live in America (or other non european places)?

It should be remembered, that unlike most online games, all the servers for Ryzom are in Europe. There are many different network routes across the Atlantic and different ISPs and different areas could suffer intermittent network problems when connecting to Europe.

There was certainly a problem with Telia (one of the backbone transatlantic network providers) a few weeks ago.

It doesn't require much wrong with an ISPs setup for Ryzom to fail, even when general browsing will seem to be fine.

If you are still having problems connecting, it might be worth trying to connect from a friend's house, if they are using a different ISP. If this works, then you can try and discuss your problems with your ISP's technical people and with the Ryzom staff in Klients (especially Zerlin).
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