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Re: Dodge/ParryEvade?

Post by riveit »

thebluer wrote:Parry
1. What is influencing the parrying value?

...Or is it more something like his attack skill minus my parrying skill is his chance to hit me? How would that be calculated then?

Yes, I believe that an attack's chance of success is determined by comparing the pertinent levels of attacker and defender. There was a dev post explaining it greater detail last year, but I can't locate it now.

In addition to the level and armor modifiers that Rushin mentioned, two handed weapons have combat modifiers built into them. Two handed swords can have a 0 to +20 modifier on your ability to parry. Two handed axes can have up to +10 modifier on your parry, etc. They will have a negative up to 0 modifier on your ability to dodge. They also have modifiers on your opponent's scores for dodge and parry.
High Officer of Aeden Artisans
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