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Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:53 pm
by archaeos
ichthys wrote:.

Did anyone else feel this way when they first started? Or, am I a weirdo?
Hey u shouldn't say such things about yourself!!!!
Btw:If there is one weirdo in the game ,that would be me !Even if your name refers to 'fish'

Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:55 pm
by sx4rlet
archaeos wrote:Btw:If there is one weirdo in the game ,that would be me !
Pfff don't pet yourself on the back, you're just the average tryker ;)

Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:00 pm
by lienem
sx4rlet wrote:Pfff don't pet yourself on the back, you're just the average tryker ;)
Take a look at her size again before saying that my dear ;)

Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:09 pm
by archaeos
'Bug-an-Arcana-day' was last week !
U two are just jealous! :p

Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:28 pm
by andypur1
aardnebb wrote:I thought it was -50 for both, but any negative fame = trade penalties. Any fame over +50 equals trade bonus I think. Not sure on that though, cos I'm neutral ;)

(For KoS use -51 to be sure, because sometimes you can be at -49.75 or something and it rounds the display to -50 but you arent actually KoS yet.)
Acutally, I think that there is a sliding scale on the trade. You get more for something with 50 fame, than with 40 and so on. I don't know where this caps out though. I see it when selling things with race fames between 45 and 50, just small changes in the amount of dappers received.

Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:33 am
by ichthys
archaeos wrote:Hey u shouldn't say such things about yourself!!!!
Btw:If there is one weirdo in the game ,that would be me !Even if your name refers to 'fish'
Eh, it's a religious thing. I'm not going to go into the details on this board since that isn't what it's for, but you can google it if you don't know what it's an acronym for.

Anyways, back to SoR...

Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:00 am
by archaeos
Ichthys (Greek: ἰχθύς; also transliterated and latinized as ichthys, icthus, ichthus or ikhthus), is the Greek word for "fish." It refers to a symbol consisting of two intersecting arcs resembling the profile of a fish, used by early Christians as a secret symbol and is now known colloquially as the "Jesus fish."

OR were u referring to the Dolphin of the Ephesus amulet? (Which is indeed a mammal and not a fish )

Hey Let's make a thread :'what does your name mean!'

Lol, Oki ,Sorry ...Back to topic

Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:04 pm
by killgore
Someone order fish?-Kilgoretrout :D

Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:43 pm
by archaeos
Anyway ,My apologies for going off topic earlier
As u have noticed this game is complex.And yet at the same time it isn't.
In my opinion Ryzom is one of these rare games that gives u a lot of freedom how to develop your character.U can choose to RP as a maniac ,or u can just powerlevel,or u can run around and simply enjoy it's beauty.
If u start as a Zorai but u don't like the clothing ,and u have the chance to go on a trek ,u can easily learn the crafting and digging of other races...
U can become Karavan ,Kami or choose to become neutral.
U can go Pvp or u can just explore,...
U can do missions to learn ,yet u can learn from other players wisdom and knowledge.
If u feel like getting 250 on each branch ,nothing stands in your way (except mayb the time and your supplies of coffee)
I think u have the luck being end up in a community where people are really helpfull to each other,and with the big variety of guilds and different people .I am sure U will find a place where all your needs and questions will be fulfilled.. :)
The game isn't that complex,It is the way u look towards it .(grin)
Anyway ,feel welcome and enjoy your own adventure here .

Re: Lord, I've got a headache...

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:25 pm
by sluggo0
ghyselsj wrote:Nope. The only time you will get attacked by NPCs (other than a group of bandits,who will attack anyone) is if you venture too close to a Karavan Temple with positive Kami fame or to a Kami Sanctuary with positive Karavan fame... then the temple guards will kill you. The temples are a reasonable distance away from the capitals, so as long as you stay in town, no NPCs can hurt you.

As for Zorai armor... I love Zorai Light...
Having postive fame with either faction doesn't get you attacked, being negative with that faction does.

If you're ~-50 with either faction their guards will attack you on sight (KOS), note that's approximately -50, the true KOS status is something like -50.5, but you can't see the .5 as it's rounded, so to be safe, -51 is truly KOS, -50 may be KOS.

Zorai players may come to karavan temples all they like until they have negative Karavan fame ;) .

In fact, Zorai players can and have converted to Karavan, it just takes a lot more work, as you're aligned with Kami by 'default'.